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Eliza the Chatterbox Year 9 Computing HLA

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1 Eliza the Chatterbox Year 9 Computing HLA

2  Could a computer trick a human into thinking it was alive? Would you be able to tell if you were texting your friend or a computer?  This is a question posed by one of the world's most famous computer scientists — Alan Turing.  In this assignment we're going to build a "chatterbot", a robot that can reply to your messages in a seemingly intelligent way. Can a computer fool a human?

3  We will use Python to build our “chatterbot”. We will learn the following techniques in Python.  Printing (All)  User input (All)  Variables (Most)  If statements (Most)  While loops (Some)  Let’s use the link below to start programming  Introduction

4 Instructions Use the arrows to navigate through tasks Tasks Read the instructions for each task Type your program here Click Run or Terminal to play your program When you click the link you will be presented with an online interface for Python. There are a number of tasks to teach us a range of programming techniques. Once you complete a task add it to your evidence presentation. Click the arrows to go to the next

5  There will be several programming tasks of varying levels of difficulty. Your teacher will advise you which tasks you should complete to reach or even exceed your target gateway.  You must take screenshots of the programming tasks you have completed with a brief analysis and add them to the evidence presentation provided. Evidence

6  If the program is not working in Internet Explorer try:  Google Chrome  Firefox  If you have technical issues at home:  Make use of the computers in the school library.  Arrange a session with your teacher to use one of the computer rooms in school.  If the link is asking for a username/password, use the link below and click Start Eliza now!  Troubleshooting

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