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Satellite event of IDWG on Biological Diversity 8-10 November 2004 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Satellite event of IDWG on Biological Diversity 8-10 November 2004 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satellite event of IDWG on Biological Diversity 8-10 November 2004 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS Presentation by Dr. Yianna Lambrou Gender and Development Service Sustainable Development Department 9 November 2004

2 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS Women hold up half the sky Agrobiodiversity can mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS

3 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS How does HIV/AIDS impact on PGR? Less labour Less labour intensive crops Reduction in land cultivated Reduction in crop range and variety Loss of knowledge Loss of genetic diversity

4 Rural Men and Women: Managers of Agro-biodiversity Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS

5 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS Women produce up to 80% of staple food HIV/AIDS affects household food security

6 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS An Agrobiodiversity strategy to mitigate impacts of HIV/AIDS Neglected & underutilized crops Agricultural diversification Home gardens Wild food & medicinal plants Community seed systems Nutrition/health Labour management Economic security Agricultural management Strategic components Outcomes Adapted from Garí (2004)

7 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS Importance of neglected crops and wild plants managed by women, important for food security

8 Gender issues in Agrobiodiversity management and the impact of HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV/AIDS Sustainable Agro-biodiversity: a joint effort Promotion of gender equality Participation in decision-making Integrate different needs in planning

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