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Integration of HIV/AIDS into APRM Bunmi Makinwa UNAIDS Country Coordinator/Ethiopia and Representative for African Regional Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of HIV/AIDS into APRM Bunmi Makinwa UNAIDS Country Coordinator/Ethiopia and Representative for African Regional Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of HIV/AIDS into APRM Bunmi Makinwa UNAIDS Country Coordinator/Ethiopia and Representative for African Regional Organizations

2 2 APRM: Strategic Framework NEPAD - Strategic Policy Framework and Socio-economic Development Programme of the African Union Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance African Peer Review Mechanism

3 3 APRM: Definition African self-monitoring mechanism Voluntarily acceded to by Member States of the African Union Open to all member states of the AU

4 4 APRM: Purpose Foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated sub-regional and continental economic integration

5 5 APRM: Principles National ownership and leadership by the participating countries Participation of all key stakeholders Transparency Accountability Technical competence Credibility Freedom from political manipulation

6 6 APRM: Key Components Democracy and Good Political Governance Economic Governance and Management Corporate Governance Socio-economic Development

7 7 APRM: Assessment Framework Key objectives as per Component Respective international and regional codes and standards Criteria for assessment of performance Indicators (qualitative and quantitative)

8 8 APRM: Stages Stage 1: Preparation (national level, APR Secretariat) Stage 2: Self-assessment and preparation of a Preliminary Programme of Action Stage 3: APR Team mission Stage 4: Preparation and submission of the APR Team’s report; review by APR Panel and APR Forum Stage 5: Making report public, implementation of the Programme of Action

9 9 APRM: Progress 16 countries have acceded: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Republic of South Africa, Uganda Ghana, Rwanda – Review Reports submitted to APR Forum Mauritius – review in progress Kenya – review in progress Nigeria – Support Mission carried out

10 10 HIV/AIDS in NEPAD HIV/AIDS largely missing MDG 6 missing among long-term goals HIV/AIDS – one of communicable diseases No targets set for HIV/AIDS Action described in general terms: bring epidemics under control lead campaign for increased international financial support

11 11 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now HIV/AIDS reflected insufficiently: Key international and regional instruments on HIV/AIDS missing Commitments on HIV/AIDS made internationally and regionally reflected insufficiently HIV/AIDS addressed within subsets of development issues, not as a development issue in its own right

12 12 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now Democracy and Good Political Governance No explicit objectives, Criteria, or Indicators on HIV/AIDS

13 13 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now Economic Governance and Management: Promotion of policies that support sustainable development: Sectoral or micro-economic policies Socio-economic indicators including but not limited to health, education, HIV/AIDS and housing

14 14 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now Corporate Governance: Corporations as good corporate citizens with regards to human rights, social responsibility Responsiveness to concerns of communities: Engagement in social and community development programmes Examples of corporate social responsibility projects

15 15 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now Socio-economic Development : Accelerating socio-economic development for sustainable development and poverty eradication Outcomes of policies and mechanisms MDGs indicators

16 16 HIV/AIDS in APRM Now Socio-economic Development : Strengthening policies, delivery mechanisms and outcomes in key social areas including HIV/AIDS Measures taken by government Legal, policy, institutional steps Volume, criteria for resource allocation Participation of all stakeholders Outcomes on social indicators HIV prevalence disaggregated

17 17 HIV/AIDS in APRM: why emphasis? HIV/AIDS: Threatens political stability Undermines social and economic development Imposes an enormous economic burden Affects all levels of society Will determine Africa’s progress in achieving the goals of economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated regional and global integration

18 18 HIV/AIDS in APRM: why emphasis? International and regional commitments: Abuja Declaration and Framework for Action for the Fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and Other Related Infectious Diseases UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

19 19 HIV/AIDS in APRM: what to emphasize? Codes and Standards: inclusion of Abuja Declaration and Framework, UNGASS Declaration Objectives and criteria : introducing HIV/AIDS objectives and criteria into all components Indicators: selecting HIV/AIDS indicators for existing objectives (including Abuja / UNGASS indicators) selecting indicators for new objectives (including Abuja / UNGASS indicators)

20 20 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Democracy and Good Political Governance: HIV/AIDS and human rights Non-discrimination, elimination of stigma Rights of people living with HIV/AIDS Women’s rights Rights of children orphaned and affected by HIV/AIDS Rights of vulnerable populations Development, endorsement, enforcement of legislation

21 21 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Democracy and Good Political Governance HIV/AIDS in conflict areas: Protection of vulnerable populations Care and support to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS Development, implementation of policies HIV/AIDS and uniformed services: HIV/AIDS programmes for uniformed professionals Development, implementation of policies and programmes

22 22 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Economic Governance and Management: Supportive macro-economic policy: Supportive policy framework: Share of budget allocated to HIV/AIDS Resource mobilization Macroeconomic projections: Economic impact of HIV/AIDS: Assessment Development, implementation of strategies to mitigate the impact

23 23 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Economic Governance and Management: Sound, transparent, predictable government economic policies: Coordination of efforts of various departments Timeliness and reliability of HIV/AIDS resource transfers to implementers at central and decentralized levels Absorptive capacity of implementers

24 24 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Corporate Governance: Enabling environment: Factors that impact on business activity Assessment of HIV/AIDS impact Efforts to mitigate the impact Corporations as good corporate citizens: Observing human rights and labour laws HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programmes

25 25 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Socio-economic Development : Accelerating socio-economic development Integration of HIV/AIDS into sustainable development strategy and planning Leadership Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS into sectors Capacity building Participation Community mobilization

26 26 Expanding HIV/AIDS in APRM: Objectives, Criteria, Indicators Socio-economic Development : Policy, delivery mechanisms, outcomes: Measures by Government: HIV/AIDS policy development and implementation status HIV/AIDS protection, prevention, treatment, care and support (availability; uptake; outcomes) Gender focus Reaching most vulnerable and marginalized

27 27 HIV/AIDS in APRM: Next Steps Acceptance at political level of emphasis and expanded integration of HIV/AIDS into APRM Internalization of the approach by countries Guidance to countries on the implementation

28 28 Support by UNAIDS Political acceptance: Dialogue with the NEPAD Secretariat Internalization by countries Advocacy and engagement at the country level Guidance to countries on implementation: Support at the country level – Ghana

29 Opportunities  Self assessment and bench marking  Recognition and Championship  Learning and Strengthening

30 Thank you Amasegnalu

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