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Nathan Tumwesigye Chief of Party – SUSTAIN Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Nathan Tumwesigye Chief of Party – SUSTAIN Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nathan Tumwesigye Chief of Party – SUSTAIN Project

2 Introduction 5 year cooperative agreement awarded to URC beginning June 11, 2010 Follow on to the former TREAT program implemented by JCRC (2004-2010) Supports delivery of HIV services at 34 health care facilities The facilities are:

3 RRHsOther HospitalsOther facilities  Mbale  Gulu  Kabale  F/Portal  Mubende  Lira  Hoima  Jinja  Soroti  (Mbarara) Lab support only:  Arua  Masaka  Nsambya hospital  Masindi hospital  Moyo hospital  Kawolo hospital  Nebbi hospital  Ngora hospital  Kiboga hospital  Kagando hospital  Gombe hospital  Kaabong hospital  (Kakira JCRC CE)  Kalangala HC IV  Kawempe Home Care Initiative  MUJHU  Hope Clinic - Makindye  Mukuju HC IV (Tororo)  MRC-Entebbe  Namugongo Children’s Clinic  St Paul HC IV Kasese  Katakwi HC IV  Luwero HC IV  Mpigi HC IV

4 Goal Support quality HIV/AIDS, prevention, care and treatment and lab services at RR and other health care facilities, and support strengthening of capacity for the facilities to continue providing these services: – Build on coverage levels achieved during the USAID- supported TREAT program (2004 – 2010) – Strengthen capacity of respective public health care facilities to build sustainable systems for achieving and maintaining success

5 Objectives: 1.Support continued delivery of HIV care and treatment, laboratory, PMTCT, and TB/HIV services within 34 public RR and other health care facilities 2.Enhance quality of HIV services within the 34 public RR and other health care facilities 3.Support increased stewardship by the Uganda MoH and individual facility leadership to provide sustainable, quality HIV services within the public health system

6 Objective 1: Ensure the provision of HIV care and treatment, laboratory, PMTCT, and TB/HIV services within public RR and other health care facilities

7 Objective 1 ……… Key activities : Maintain coverage of clinical services at facilities: Seamless transition of service delivery from TREAT Support to SUSTAIN-support: -Care, treatment & support; HCT; PMTCT&EID; TB/HIV Strengthen laboratory services: -HR; space; equipment; specimen/results referral systems Ensure a reliable, cost-effective supply chain: -ARVs and other HIV commodities -Storage and inventory management -HR

8 Objective 2 Enhance quality of HIV care and treatment, laboratory, PMTCT, and TB/HIV services within public RR and other health care facilities

9 Objective 2 ……. Key Activities: Improve quality of clinical services -Appropriate training, coaching/mentorin g Improve quality of lab. services -Appropriate training, coaching/mentoring -QA strategy/plan & activities Improve models of care for HIV patients -Chronic Care Model, appropriate for local settings -Linkages with networks of PHAs, CBOs and VHTs (CHWs) -Patient and program monitoring systems

10 Objective 3 Support increased GoU MoH stewardship to provide sustainable, quality HIV within the public health system

11 Objective 3 ………. Key Activities: Joint planning & implementation with MOH and other govt structures -Central MOH (ACP, QoC Initiative, Dept Clinical Services, QAD, CPHL, VHTCCU); DHTs, facility teams HR strengthening approaches – agreed with and managed by facility management and MOH Job task analysis and rationalization of personnel needs Support “employee engagement” innovations – to facilitate motivation and productivity.

12 Key Activities – 2 Building technical and leadership capacity at all levels of health care system: HIV clinical care service delivery (technical & QI skills) - training, coaching and mentoring Leadership and management: Facility & service delivery team managers; DHOs; Central MOH (ACP, CSD, CPHL, etc) staff Technical functionality level of RRHs to backstop lower level facilities (as regional training/knowledge hubs): -Capacity as regional training centres -Respond to district and private sector driven technical support needs Objective 3 ……..

13 Key Elements of the Approach Building strong & functional partnerships – Individual facility management and service delivery teams – MOH structures, including GFTAM support structures – District Health system structures – JCRC/TREAT/THALAS – Other USAID and CDC, including URC-Ug projects – Between provider service facilities and communities Integrating into MOH activities and structures : – GoU/MOH/individual facility stewardship – Jointly identify, implement and support institutionalization of long-term sustainability approaches Focus on improving quality of services and measuring results at all levels

14 Grants Management Orientation

15 Objectives of this orientation To understand the overall background & requirements of SUSTAIN grants to facilities To enable planning for and utilization of the grants in line with the SOW budget and all other relevant guidelines inherent in the grant To provide and understand guidelines & tools that will facilitate timely financial accountability and ensure that funds are available to facilities, and accounted for, in time To share useful experience and challenges in utilizing the grants so far Build consensus on cross-cutting issues and provide guidance on way forward To agree on the responsibilities for SUSTAIN and facilities in managing the grants

16 Areas of support and budgeting Support to facility sites through several mechanisms: – On-going technical assistance – Training, mentoring & support supervision – Seconding critically needed clinical services personnel, – Operational grants to facilities: Administrative/coordination and Actual HIV clinical service delivery

17 Administrative /Coordination (~30% of Total Budget) Utilities: – Water, Electricity, Back-up Power Supply (part contribution to generator fuel) Stationary/Filing: – Routine Stationary Requirements (paper, pens, etc.), – Filing cabinets and filing folders for patient data management Internet Communication: – Monthly subscription fee for modems/wireless hardware provided by SUSTAIN Telephone/Airtime Communication: – Patient follow-up and – communication with SUSTAIN office team Maintenance and Cleaning: – Allowances for cleaners, consumables Vehicle Maintenance: Routine maintenance for one vehicle (servicing once per quarter)

18 HIV Service Activity Costs (~70% of Total Budget) Mentorship/support supervision: Support to lower level health facilities to improve their skills in HIV/AIDS clinical service delivery. – Per diem/safari day allowances – Facilitation Allowance – Transport – Refreshments for mentees/supervisees. Community Outreaches: Outreaches for HIV/AIDS activities, community mobilization, patient follow-up, and meetings with Village Health Teams (VHT) and other community stakeholders. – Per diem/safari day allowances – Transport – Refreshments for VHTs and community meetings

19 HIV Service Activity Costs (~70% of Total Budget) - 2 Clinical Outreaches: – Provision of clinical services at selected sites lacking capacity for comprehensive HIV/AIDS Care. – Aimed at building local capacity toward site accreditation; once sites are accredited outreaches can be stopped. – Costs include: Per diem/safari day allowances Transport Refreshments for mentees/supervisees

20 HIV Service Activity Costs (~70% of Total Budget) - 2 Facility-Based Volunteer Allowances: Data entry/filing, other volunteers, People Living with HIV (expert clients/peer educators). – Facilitation for these volunteers includes: – Lunch & tea – transport allowances. Transportation of Laboratory Samples: – Fuel and allowance for transporting lab samples to JCRC lab where it is far from facility Staff Welfare: – Tea/coffee and snacks Patient Welfare: – Porridge/snacks for children

21 Responsibilities of SUSTAIN project Utilization of grants: – With facility clinical teams, develop SOW – Assist with budgeting as per guidelines – Assist with management of the grant given: grant agreement signed by both parties – Support accountability and financial reporting – grants officers, technical officers – Provide tools for disbursing funds to users at facility, documentation and reporting – Train facility staff in grant management and reporting – Reporting grant utilization to H/Q and USAID – Ensure grant supports intended activities as per SOW

22 Responsibilities of facilities – Work with SUSTAIN to develop SOW – Lead budgeting process as per guidelines provided – Open bank account for the project funds Signatories: Director/MS, Accounts, Head of HIV service (non- JCRC) All requisitions generated/endorsed by HIV clinic head: ensure within grant SOW – Management of the grant given, on day-to-day basis – Ensure correct procedures for requisitioning, paying out and retiring advances by staff – Accountability and financial reporting as per guidelines provided (grants officers, technical officers available to assist) – Ensure grant supports intended activities as per SOW

23 Key updates Ushs 291m out of 388m obligated to 27 facilities To-date we should have liquidated the first (Sep’10-Dec’10) advances to zero – Only 8 out of the 27 facility accountabilities have been approved for December’10 disbursements: check sent to bank on 02.02.11 – The remaining 19 facilities accountabilities still have some queries

24 Updates cont. Review of accountabilities indicate that there is insufficient documentation for most payments made by facilities Most sites visited intimated that they lacked guidance on how to administer the grant

25 Key Challenges Delayed submission of accountabilities and supporting documents Differing facility accounting and financial mx systems Non-compliance with reporting guidelines & guidelines for supporting documentation under the grant by most facilities Delayed budget submission and subsequently signing final agreement

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