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Introduction to Data mining. Evolution of Database Technology 1960s: –Data collection, database creation, IMS and network DBMS 1970s: –Relational data.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Data mining. Evolution of Database Technology 1960s: –Data collection, database creation, IMS and network DBMS 1970s: –Relational data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Data mining

2 Evolution of Database Technology 1960s: –Data collection, database creation, IMS and network DBMS 1970s: –Relational data model, relational DBMS implementation 1980s: –RDBMS, advanced data models (extended-relational, OO, deductive, etc.) and application-oriented DBMS (spatial, scientific, engineering, etc.) 1990s—2000s: –Data mining and data warehousing, multimedia databases, and Web databases

3 A definition “Data Mining is the process of extracting previously unknown, valid and actionable information from large databases and then using the information to make crucial business decisions”


5 Data mining is supported by three sufficiently mature technologies: Massive data collections Commercial databases (using high performance engines) are growing at exceptional rates Powerful multiprocessor computers cost-effective parallel multiprocessor computer technology Data mining algorithms under development for decades, in research areas such as statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, but now implemented as mature, reliable, understandable tools that consistently outperform older statistical methods

6 Why Mine Data? Scientific Viewpoint... Data collected and stored at enormous speeds (Gbyte/hour) –remote sensor on a satellite –telescope scanning the skies –microarrays generating gene expression data –scientific simulations generating terabytes of data Traditional techniques are infeasible for raw data Data mining for data reduction.. –cataloging, classifying, segmenting data –Helps scientists in Hypothesis Formation

7 Motivation: The Sizes Databases today are huge: – More than 1,000,000 entities/records/rows – From 10 to 10,000 fields/attributes/variables – Giga-bytes and tera-bytes Databases a growing at an unprecedented rate The corporate world is a cut-throat world – Decisions must be made rapidly – Decisions must be made with maximum knowledge

8 Motivation for doing Data Mining Investment in Data Collection/Data Warehouse – Add value to the data holding – Competitive advantage – More effective decision making OLTP =) Data Warehouse =) Decision Support – Work to add value to the data holding – Support high level and long term decision making – Fundamental move in use of Databases

9 Data Mining vs. Database DB’s user knows what is looking for. DM’s user might/might not know what is looking for. DB’s answer to query is 100% accurate, if data correct. DM’s effort is to get the answer as accurate as possible. DB’s data are retrieved as stored. DM’s data need to be cleaned (some what) before producing results. DB’s results are subset of data. DM’s results are the analysis of the data. The meaningfulness of the results is not the concern of Database as it is the main issue in Data Mining.

10 Data Mining vs. KDD Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the process of finding useful information and patterns in the data. Data Mining is the use of algorithms to find the useful information in the KDD process. KDD process is: » Data cleaning & integration (Data Pre-processing) » Creating a common data repository for all sources, such as data warehouse. Data mining » Visualization for the generated results

11 Need for Data mining Corporations have huge databases containing a wealth of information Business databases potentially constitute a goldmine of valuable business information Very little functionality in database systems to support data mining applications Data mining: The efficient discovery of previously unknown patterns in large databases

12 Data mining is not Brute-force crunching of bulk data “Blind” application of algorithms Going to find relationships where none exist Presenting data in different ways A database intensive task A difficult to understand technology requiring an advanced degree in computer science

13 Data Mining: On What Kind of Data? Relational databases Data warehouses Transactional databases Advanced DB and information repositories –Object-oriented and object-relational databases –Spatial databases –Time-series data and temporal data –Text databases and multimedia databases –Heterogeneous and legacy databases –WWW




17 Data Mining Tasks... Classification [Predictive] Clustering [Descriptive] Association Rule Discovery [Descriptive] Sequential Pattern Discovery [Descriptive] Regression [Predictive] Deviation Detection [Predictive]

18 Association Rules Given: –A database of customer transactions –Each transaction is a set of items Find all rules X => Y that correlate the presence of one set of items X with another set of items Y –Example: 98% of people who purchase diapers and baby food also buy beer. –Any number of items in the consequent/antecedent of a rule –Possible to specify constraints on rules (e.g., find only rules involving expensive imported products)

19 Confidence and Support A rule must have some minimum user-specified confidence 1 & 2 => 3 has 90% confidence if when a customer bought 1 and 2, in 90% of cases, the customer also bought 3. A rule must have some minimum user-specified support 1 & 2 => 3 should hold in some minimum percentage of transactions to have business value

20 Example Example: For minimum support = 50%, minimum confidence = 50%, we have the following rules 1 => 3 with 50% support and 66% confidence 3 => 1 with 50% support and 100% confidence

21 Problem Decomposition - Example For minimum support = 50% = 2 transactions and minimum confidence = 50% For the rule 1 => 3: Support = Support({1, 3}) = 50% Confidence = Support({1,3})/Support({1}) = 66%

22 The Apriori Algorithm F k : Set of frequent itemsets of size k C k : Set of candidate itemsets of size k F 1 = {large items} for ( k=1; F k != 0; k++) do { C k+1 = New candidates generated from F k foreach transaction t in the database do Increment the count of all candidates in C k+1 that are contained in t F k+1 = Candidates in C k+1 with minimum support } Answer = U k F k

23 Key Observation Every subset of a frequent itemset is also frequent => a candidate itemset in C k+1 can be pruned if even one of its subsets is not contained in F k

24 Apriori - Example Database D C1C1 F1F1 C2C2 C2C2 F2F2 Scan D

25 Partitioning Divide database into partitions D 1,D 2,…,D p Apply Apriori to each partition Any large itemset must be large in at least one partition.

26 Partitioning Algorithm 1.Divide D into partitions D 1,D 2,…,D p; 2.For I = 1 to p do 3. L i = Apriori(D i ); 4.C = L 1  …  L p ; 5.Count C on D to generate L;

27 Partitioning Example D1D1 D2D2 S=10% {Bread}, {Jelly}, {PeanutButter}, {Bread,Jelly}, {Bread,PeanutButter}, {Jelly, PeanutButter}, {Bread,Jelly,PeanutButter}} L 1 ={{Bread}, {Jelly}, {PeanutButter}, {Bread,Jelly}, {Bread,PeanutButter}, {Jelly, PeanutButter}, {Bread,Jelly,PeanutButter}} {Bread}, {Milk}, {PeanutButter}, {Bread,Milk}, {Bread,PeanutButter}, {Milk, PeanutButter}, {Bread,Milk,PeanutButter}, {Beer}, {Beer,Bread}, {Beer,Milk}} L 2 ={{Bread}, {Milk}, {PeanutButter}, {Bread,Milk}, {Bread,PeanutButter}, {Milk, PeanutButter}, {Bread,Milk,PeanutButter}, {Beer}, {Beer,Bread}, {Beer,Milk}}

28 Partitioning Adv/Disadv Advantages: –Adapts to available main memory –Easily parallelized –Maximum number of database scans is two. Disadvantages: –May have many candidates during second scan.

29 Classification Given: –Database of tuples, each assigned a class label Develop a model/profile for each class –Example profile (good credit): –(25 40k) or (married = YES) Sample applications: –Credit card approval (good, bad) –Bank locations (good, fair, poor) –Treatment effectiveness (good, fair, poor)

30 Decision Tree Flow-chart like tree structure Each node denotes a test on an attribute value Each branch denotes outcome of the test Tree leaves represent classes or class distribution Decision tree can be easily converted into set of classification rules

31 Classification Example Class C (>50K)(<=50K) c Sample Decision Tree ClassSalary Age Job Tid Industry 0 1 2 3 4 5 Univ. Self Univ. Industry 60K35 30 45 50 35 30 70K 60K 70K 40K 30K B A B C C C Training Data Set Sal Age (>40) (<=40) Job Class BClass A Class C (Univ., Industry) (Self) Self660K35A Self770K30A

32 Example Decision Tree categorical continuous class Refund MarSt TaxInc YES NO YesNo Married Single, Divorced < 80K> 80K Splitting Attributes The splitting attribute at a node is determined based on the Gini index.

33 Decision Trees Pros –Fast execution time –Generated rules are easy to interpret by humans –Scale well for large data sets –Can handle high dimensional data Cons –Cannot capture correlations among attributes –Consider only axis-parallel cuts

34 Regression Mapping a data item to a real-value E.g., linear regression Risk score=0.01*(Balance)- 0.3*(Age)+4*(HouseOwned)

35 What is Cluster Analysis? Cluster: a collection of data objects –Similar to one another within the same cluster –Dissimilar to the objects in other clusters Cluster analysis –Grouping a set of data objects into clusters Clustering is unsupervised classification: no predefined classes Typical applications –As a stand-alone tool to get insight into data distribution –As a preprocessing step for other algorithms

36 Clustering –Identifies natural groups or clusters of instances. Example: customer segmentation –Unsupervised learning: Different from classification – clusters are not predefined but are formed based on the data –Objects in each cluster are very similar to each other and are different from those in other clusters.

37 Specific Data Mining Applications:

38 What data mining has done for... Scheduled its workforce to provide faster, more accurate answers to questions. The US Internal Revenue Service needed to improve customer service and...

39 What data mining has done for... analyzed suspects’ cell phone usage to focus investigations. The US Drug Enforcement Agency needed to be more effective in their drug “busts” and

40 What data mining has done for... Reduced direct mail costs by 30% while garnering 95% of the campaign’s revenue. HSBC need to cross-sell more effectively by identifying profiles that would be interested in higher yielding investments and...

41 Privacy Issues DM applications derive demographics about customers via – Credit card use – Store card – Subscription – Book, video, etc rental – and via more sources… As the DM results are deemed to be a good estimate or prediction, one has to be sensitive to the results not to violate privacy.

42 Final Comments Data Mining can be used in any organization that needs to find patterns or relationships in their data. DM analysts can have a reasonable level of assurance that their Data Mining efforts will render useful, repeatable, and valid results.

43 Questions?

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