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“Change Management” A Workshop for SDFs Facilitated by Theresa Oakley-Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "“Change Management” A Workshop for SDFs Facilitated by Theresa Oakley-Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Change Management” A Workshop for SDFs Facilitated by Theresa Oakley-Smith

2 “ T hings D o N ot C hange W e D o!”. T horeau

3 “ T he rate of change is not going to slow down anytime soon. I f anything, competition in most industries will probably speed up even more in the next few decades ”. John Kotter “Leading Change”

4 Drivers for change in South Africa G lobal Economy B EE E mployment Equity S kills Development I ncreased competition

5 “Most Change initiatives fail. Two independent studies carried out in the 1990s, one published by Arthur D Little, and one by McKinsey and co found that out of the hundreds of corporate Total Quality Management (TQM) programmes studied, about two thirds grind to a halt because of their failure to produce the hoped for results. Reengineering has fared no better… and even without knowing the statistics most of us know firsthand that change programmes fail… This failure to sustain significant change recurs again and again despite substantial resources committed to the change effort”. Peter Senge “The Dance of Change”

6 STAGES OF COPING WITH CHANGE D enial STAGE 1 A nger STAGE 2 B argaining STAGE 3 D epression STAGE 4 A cceptance STAGE 5 (source: Elizabeth Kubler Ross)

7 Common Mistakes in Change Management A llowing too much complacency. F ailing to establish a guiding coalition U nderestimating the power of vision P oor communication of the change process A llowing obstacles to block the new vision F ailing to create short term wins D eclaring victory too soon N eglecting to anchor change firmly in the organisational culture.

8 Consequences of Mistakes in Process N ew strategies are not implemented well. A cquisitions don’t achieve expected synergies. R eengineering takes too long and costs too much. D ownsizing doesn’t control costs. Q uality programmes don’t deliver the hoped for results.

9 Role of the SDF in managing change Commitment Education Monitoring Assessment Integration

10 SELF-ESTEEM CHANGES DURING TRANSITIONS SELF-ESTEEM LEVELS Beginning of change transition (source: Liz Clarke “The Essence of Change”) 2. Disbelief 1.Immobilization (shock/frozen) 3. Depression 4. Acceptance of reality ( letting go) 5. Testing (new behaviours, new lifestyle) 7. Internalization 6. Search for meaning (rational) TIME

11 THE PRODUCTIVITY CURVE (source: Liz Clarke “The Essence of Change”) Productivity Increases Productivity returns to previous levels Change Previous Situation PRODUCTIVITY TIME

12 Dealing with Resistance to Change Communicate Something to lose Incentivise All play a part

13 Anchoring Change in our Organisations Culture Change in culture comes last not first It depends on results It requires a lot of explanation It may involve turnover of staff It makes decisions on succession crucial

14 THE LONG DARK NIGHT OF THE INNOVATOR Optimism Attitude to the development activity Pessimism Weeks or Months Up to 2 years Time (source: Liz Clarke “The Essence of Change”) Massed Bands& Fireworks This is Taking Time Enthusiasm Sceptical Existing Business is Suffering Results Aren’t Visible Maybe Not A Bad Idea It Works! Start To See Pay-Offs Is It Worth It? The long dark night of the innovator

15 Thank You!

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