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Timing calibration using WR P.Kooijman. Fibre network Had a PRR of the network Comments reasonably positive Complicated system Build a full testbench.

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Presentation on theme: "Timing calibration using WR P.Kooijman. Fibre network Had a PRR of the network Comments reasonably positive Complicated system Build a full testbench."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timing calibration using WR P.Kooijman

2 Fibre network Had a PRR of the network Comments reasonably positive Complicated system Build a full testbench Will work as a fibre network  This is what the network will look like

3 Two systems DU control  bidirectional DOM control/DATA  different returnpath

4 DU control path goes form ABRDC To BDU From CDU To DDU

5 Several contributions to the path ABRDC  Circulator Circulator  cable termination Cable termination  cable termination (MEOC) Cable termination  Junction Box in (IL cable) JB in  JB out (Amplification, splitting) Jbout  DUBASEin (IL cable) DUBASEin  BDU Circulator  DDU cable termination  Circulator Cable termination  cable termination (MEOC) Junction Box in (IL cable)  Cable termination JB out  JB in(Amplification, splitting) DUBASEin  Jbout (IL cable) BDU  DUBASEin Different paths up and down  need to be calibrated MEOC and Interlink cables have different fibre type

6 CPToulon L 100 km45 km 15761575 B0.5741.075 C-52-30 0.999995(8  2) (-2.13 ns)0.999993(2  4) (-1.48 ns) 0.999989(8  2) (-5.16 ns)0.999978(2  3) (-4.82 ns) Effect of dispersion in MEOC (have been measured)

7 SMF-28Bend-BriteNZDSF (It)NZDSF (Fr) Different characteristics for different fibres

8 Dispersion relatively small effect. Corrections maximally of the order of 5 ns We know the correction to 2-4% Systematic shifts of 100-200 ps are possible Amplifiers are doped lengths of fiber (30-100m long) Lengths are not very critical for the amplification But Very high amplification is also longer length Can expect differences of a few metres up versus down  ~10 ns This has to be measured.

9 Device for measuring time delay  TCD (time calibration device) Was used to measure the MEOCs

10 Asymmetry on shore Measure somewhere beyond the circulator A BRDC  CT1 And CT1  D DU Is not critical where. Can use the TCD

11 Effect of not knowing exactly how long the interlinks are Dispersion is quite large in interlink cables Signal l (nm) t for 2x500 m interlink (ns) Dt (ns) t for 100 km (ns) Dt (ns) T total Asym. (ns) Asymmetry SC Downlink1530.33 4904.080.00490012.550.00494916.62-- Uplink DU 11535.82 4904.280.21490010.42-2.13494914.70-1.930.9999961149 Uplink DU 21536.61 4904.310.24490010.12-2.42494914.44-2.190.9999955848 Uplink DU 31537.40 4904.340.27490009.84-2.71494914.18-2.450.9999950621 Uplink DU 41538.19 4904.370.30490009.55-3.00494913.92-2.700.9999945467 Uplink DU 51538.98 4904.400.33490009.27-3.28494913.67-2.960.9999940386 Uplink DU 61539.77 4904.430.36490008.99-3.56494913.43-3.210.9999935378 Uplink DU 71540.56 4904.470.39490008.72-3.83494913.18-3.450.9999930443 Uplink DU 81541.35 4904.500.42490008.44-4.10494912.94-3.690.9999925581 Uplink DU 91542.14 4904.530.45490008.18-4.37494912.70-3.930.9999920792 Uplink DU 101542.94 4904.560.48490007.91-4.64494912.47-4.170.9999916017 Uplink DU 111543.73 4904.590.51490007.65-4.90494912.24-4.400.9999911375 Uplink DU 121544.53 4904.620.54490007.39-5.16494912.01-4.630.9999906749

12 Ignoring dispersion difference of Interlinks gives a maximum error of 500 ps. Giving an approximate ratio of 1% (1 km of interlink  100 km MEOC) Which is about what we have corrects timing. If we now vary the MEOC length from 80 to 120 km the variation in timing is -60 ps to 60 ps. (ie we don’t know the real length to 20 %) If we vary the Interlink length by 10% the variation is 30 ps. Roughly knowing the lengths of the cables is sufficient

13 Conclusion for DU control We need to measure the delays in the Amplifiers  100 ps (up and down) We need to measure the delays on shore  100 ps (100 ps up and down) We need to know the ratio of Interlink length to MEOC to 10%  50 ps The time offset uses difference between up and down The round trip time uses the sum So both have identical errors Error on the timing will be of the order of 200 ps

14 The DOM control We have a different fibre back from DU than to DU for this system. Fibre lengths through the MEOC are variable although DOMs of 4 DUs have the same return fibre Clock at the bottom of the DU is synchronized so if the delay time from DU clock to DOM clock can be determined then the offset of the DOM clock can be determined Need the delay from here To here

15 RTT measurement from entrance to DUBASE Delay time from same point to BOB exit RTT measurement from entrance to DOM


17 When the string goes into the sea the pressure on and the temperature of the fibres will change  timing will change Dispersion variation due to temperature has been measured as  t = 40 ps/km/K Dispersion variation due to pressure  t = 3.8 ps/km/bar Plab = 1 bar Tlab = 20 (C) First DOM: P = 315 bar T=14 (C)  (314*3.8 -6*40)* 0.1 = 95 ps Last DOM: P=285 bar T= 14 (C)  (285*3.8 -6*40)* 0.8 = 675 ps

18 Putting together the RTT to the DU and the  t to the DOM  Can derive clock offset Putting together the RTT to the DU and the  t to the DOM and RTT to DOM -  derive clock offset within WR  determine asymmetry

19 Time error to DU Base 200ps Time error in string (100 ps)RTTDU +(100 ps)DelayVEOC +(100 ps)RTTDOMcalib + (10-60 ps) pressure and temperature correction = 180 ps Total error 270 ps This is also true for RTT DOM measurement as asymmetry and return delay Are chosen to reproduce this downward delay. Only errors that can occur are temperature variations on shore. If fibres have same temperature  coherent variation  RTT for DU will change by the same amount as RTT to DOM  The RTT variation will be split between both up and down going  Offset will not change Only if temperatures vary wildly over long distances will an error occur. 25 deg difference between DU control fibre and DOM fibre over 2 km gives 1 ns shift of timing. This would mean Cable is bare in sunlight over 2 km  we should do something about it !!

20 Systematics: Measuring the DOM RTT gives 18 measurements of the return delay that pass through the same fibre.  After correction for Dispersion and delay in the VEOC these should give consistent delay due to length of fibre.  Gives extra check on all corrections and delays in the system. The signals of 4 DUs go through the same fibre  Gives any differences in the seafloor lengths as the MEOC length is the same Other DUs go through different fibres  Measurement of the day night variation due to possibly different fibre temperatures  Gives an overall measurement of the stability and possible error on the timing measurements

21 TT measurement at same time as RTT measurement in “Green” Box. No need for full string dark room calibration

22 Conclusion  WR is useable in the DOM control system by measuring the RTT and down going time  Coherent variations of delays in different fibres leave the Offset of clocks unchanged  RTT measurement allows for a stringent consistency check of the timing system  Typical accuracy of the system is about 270 ps for the DOM synchronisation  TT measurement as part of DOM acceptance test  RTT DOM as part of DOM acceptance test  All calibration based on WR switch or CLB  The system is needed NOW if Line 1 is to be calibrated

23 All of this requires a process running in DOM that can on request give the RTT back to a shore process, that calculates the relevant asymmetries and can perform the regular systematic checks WR switches can only have one WR slave. WR switches can have more than one Ethernet uplink (already shown by CTA) Configuration 18 to 2 or 15 to 3 seem reasonable (highest rate in PPMDOM  run of 10 mins average = 1.2MHz = 60 Mbit*1.2(overhead) = 75 Mbit. For 18:2 multiplexing  675 Mbit  factor 2 below maximum  reasonable  start with 9:1 if problems can always buy a few more switches to go to 5:1 Conclusions II

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