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The Viennese Three and Classical Politics A changing world reflected in the lives of three great composers.

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1 The Viennese Three and Classical Politics A changing world reflected in the lives of three great composers.

2 Franz Josef Haydn March 31, 1732 - May 31, 1809 Considered one of the greatest composers in Europe in the Classical Period. In demand for public performances as far away as London. Lived as a SERVANT in the employment of Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy of Austria.

3 Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy II April 22, 1711 - March 18, 1762 Hired Haydn in 1761 Succeeded in 1762 by his brother, Nikolaus Josef Esterhazy

4 Nikolaus Josef Esterhazy December 18, 1714 - September 28, 1790 Succeeded his brother, Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy in 1762. Reprimanded Haydn in 1765 for not writing enough music for his favorite instrument, the “baryton.” Otherwise kind and generous to Haydn, rebuilding his house when it burned and keeping mediocre singers on payroll because of their relationships with Haydn.

5 Prince Anton Esterhazy I April 11, 1738 – January 22, 1794 Succeeded his father, Nikolaus Josef Esterhazy, on his death in 1790. Reduced Esterhazy spending on music, reducing Haydn’s responsibilities. Allowed Haydn to travel to London for performances, even loaning money for travel.

6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 27 January 1756 - 5 December 1791 Aspiring independent entrepreneurial composer/musician. Considered one of the greatest composers of all time. Struggled financially

7 Count Hieronymus von Colloredo Archbishop of Salzburg May 31, 1732 - May 20, 1812 Employed Mozart from 1773 to 1777. Mozart became especially dissatisfied when the Salzburg opera house closed in 1775. After a number of arguments, dismissed Mozart with the words: “Soll er doch gehen, ich brache ihn nicht,” meaning “May he go. I don’t need him.”

8 Ludwig van Beethoven December 16, 1770 – March 26, 1827 Independent entrepreneurial composer musician. Financially and artistically successful, a “rock star” in his day and afterward. Led artistic transition from Classicism to Romanticism.

9 The Viennese Three and Classical Politics

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