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Published byJonas Bradford Modified over 9 years ago
Pre-meeting to form "Council for China-Japan Research Collaboration on Nuclear Physics" at Conference Hall in RIBF building on 6-7th Feb. From China Prof. Shen (NSFC/SINAP), Prof. Ye (PKU), Prof. Zhan(IMP), Prof. Liu (CIAE), Prof. Ma (SINAP), Prof. Meng(PKU) From Japan RIKEN Ishihara, Yano, Motobayashi, Morita, Morimoto, Ueno, Nishimura, Sakurai CNS Otsuka, Kubono, Shimoura, Ideguchi Tsukuba Ozawa Chairmen of nuclear experiment and theory forum Sakai and Oka
China-Japan Council for Promotion of Research Collaboration on Nuclear Physics Objectives: To promote research collaboration on nuclear physics between China and Japan as much creatively, versatilely, consistently, productively, accumulatively as possible. To identify demands and resources for possible productive collaboration programs. To find out and/or generate schemes for productive collaboration programs. To ensure solid bases for conducting research programs in steady, effective, productive, continuous and accumulative ways. To establish the spirit of mutual respects and jointly commit to the cause of cooperative developments
Pre-meeting to form "Council for China-Japan Research Collaboration on Nuclear Physics" at Conference Hall in RIBF building on 6-7th Feb. Agenda Major facilities and projects in ChinaZhan, Liu, Ma RIKEN facilitiesYano, Morimoto, Ueno, Sakurai CNS facilitiesOtsuka, Kubono, Shimoura, Ideguchi China-Japan Joint programsYe, Ozawa Nuclear Physics CommunityShen, Meng Sakai, Oka Discussions collaboration programs and fellowship programs by governments, institutes, and universitiesSakurai organization of the council and etc.
JSPS programs for research General programs Postdoctoral fellowships for foreign researchers 1-2years Invitation fellowship programs for research in Japan cooperated with MoST in China International scientific meetings in Japan Programs dedicated to China China-Japan joint research project cooperated with NSFC, CASS, MOE Programs dedicated to Asian countries China-Korea-Japan: A3 foresight program Asian CORE program (for Japanese univ./inst.) Asian Science Seminar (for Japanese Univ. /inst.)
MEXT program 原子力研究交流制度 Scientist Exchange Program in Atomic Energy operated by atomic-energy institutes
Questionnaire on China-Japan collaboration to Japanese researchers in low energy nuclear physics Q1 Research collaboration with Chinese researchers for last 5 years? Q2 Accept Chinese post-doctoral fellows for last 5 years? Q3 Accept Chinese students as grad-students of your university for last 5 years? Q4 Any agreement with Chinese universities or institutes ? Q5 Your university has a quota of government expense fellowship for foreign students ? Q6 Any comments/suggestions/requests for future collaboration with China ?
Hokkaido, Tohoku, Aizu, Tsukuba, Tokyo, TITech, Saitama, Rikkyo, Niigata, Fukui, Kyoto, Osaka, Kyushu, Konan CYRIC(Tohoku), CNS(Tokyo), RCNP(Osaka), Yukawa(Kyoto) KEK, JAEA universities institutes in universities research institutes 12 replies out of 20
Q1 Research collaboration with Chinese researchers for last 5 years? proton resonance scatteringCIAE – CNSChina total reaction cross section IMP-NiigataRIKEN nuclear theoryPKU-RCNP Jpn.Gov. (students) 南海大 -RCNP Jpn. Grad-in-Aid PKU-RCNP JSPS nuclear data groupHokkaido through IAEA AMSCIAE-Tsukuba Tsukuba-Univ. science on short lived isotopesCIAE-OsakaJSPS-NSFC CIAE-OsakaMEXT Atomic E. RIB physicsIMP-RIKENRIKEN PKU-RIKENRIKEN subjectcollaborationbudget
Q2 Accept Chinese post-doctoral fellows for last 5 years? Univ./Inst.number of fellowsbudget CNS3JSPS 1CNS JAEA1JSPS 3MEXT Atomic-E. KEK1JSPSRIKEN
Q3 Accept Chinese students as grad-students of your university for last 5 years? Univ./Inst.number of studentsbudget RCNP2Jpn. Gov. foreign students RIKEN2RIKEN
Q4 Any agreement with Chinese universities or institutes ? AEARU (Association of East Asian Research Universities) 中国:北京大学、南京大学、復旦大学、清華大学(北京)、中国科学技術大学、香港科技大学 韓国: Seoul 大学、韓国科学技術院、浦項工科大学校、 台湾:清華大学(新竹)、台湾大学 日本:東京大学、京都大学、東北大学、筑波大学、大阪大学、東京工業大学 新潟大学:北京大学、清華大学、黒龍江大学、中国地質大学 福井大学: 西安外国語学院、西安理工大学、浙江大学、北京機械工業学院、 浙江工程学院、天津工業大学、南昌航空工業学院、電子科技大学プラズマ研究所 江南大学、北京化工大学、蘇州大学、東南大学動力工程系 北海道大学: 北大との大学間交流協定 北京科技大学 ( 北京)、北京大学 ( 北京)、浙江大学 ( 杭州)、復旦大学(上海)、吉林大学(長春) 部局観光流協定 中南財経政法大学(武漢)、協和医科大学 ( 北京)、ハルビン医科大学(哈爾濱)、 中国医科大学(瀋陽)、瀋陽工業大学(瀋陽)、上海交通大学(上海)、東北農業大学 ( 哈爾濱 ) 、 瀋陽農業大学(瀋陽)、東北林業大学 ( 哈爾濱 ) 、大連水産学院(大連)、上海水産大学(上海)、 蘭州大学(蘭州)、清華大学(北京)、石油大学 ( 北京 ) 、華東師範大学(上海)、 中国社会科学院 ( 北京 ) 大阪大学:研究協力協定 理学部ー CIAE 甲南大学:西北大学
Q5 Your university has a quota of government-expense fellowship for foreign students ? RCNP 3 students Niigata 2 students for natural science
Q6 Any comments/suggestions/requests for future collaboration with China ? Welcome to accept Chinese students and postdoctoral fellows To create new system where students belonging to university can perform research outside, e.g., RIKEN or JAEA Importance of affirmative actions for the China-Japan collaboration
RIKEN Research Cooperation (Nuclear Physics) CAS IMP (CIAE, SINAP) PKU 上海交通大学 China Japan Saitama Univ. TITech Tohoku Univ. Tsukuba Univ. Niigata Univ. Osaka Univ. Kyoto Univ. KEK Tokyo Univ. Kyushu Univ. Rikkyo Univ. Hokkaido Univ. Aizu Univ.
Collaborative graduate studies program in RIKEN International; just for Asian countries China, Korea, Vietnam, Thai, Taiwan, Malaysia support of living expenses for students Domestic nuclear physics China: PKU Saitama, Tokyo Science, Rikkyo, Niigata, Tokyo universityRIKEN guest (associate)professor researcher student
To form collaborations based on his/her own specialty/interest in a systematic way beyond personal relationships To enhance opportunities for forming collaborations by exchanging information more How to establish a base and mechanism for exchange information Mailing list in ChinaNuclear Physics Society The office is located at CIAE Mailing list in Japanbased on “community”, not on Japanese Physical Society Information to whom? How to exchange researchers not only from China to Japan but also from Japan to China NSFC is planning to increase salary for visiting scientists International workshops in China CPS meeting to invite some Japanese vise versa -> trigger to form a contract between CPS and JPS What was discussed at the pre-meeting
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