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1 How Active Shooter Events Impact Continuity of Operations Presented by Andrew Cleaves Regional Continuity Manager DHS FEMA Region X.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How Active Shooter Events Impact Continuity of Operations Presented by Andrew Cleaves Regional Continuity Manager DHS FEMA Region X."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How Active Shooter Events Impact Continuity of Operations Presented by Andrew Cleaves Regional Continuity Manager DHS FEMA Region X

2 2  The purpose of this webinar is to identify the possible implications of an Active Shooter Event on Continuity of Operations.  There are a multitude of sources for information on emergency response to Active Shooters available through various Federal, State, and local agencies.  The scope of this webinar is to address some of the continuity impacts and considerations such as: essential function sustainment facility issues human resources challenges integrated planning considerations Scope and Purpose

3 3 In Perspective *Figures courtesy of DHS/NPPD Average number of deaths: 3 While the average number of wounded is 3.6 Number of Active Shooter incidents from 1966 to 2010 ( 237 in the U.S. ) Since the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, in December of 2012, there have been more than 12 major mass shootings. …of work- places do not have a formal program or policy to address workplace violence * *According to a survey of U.S. business by the Bureau of Labor

4 Current Spectrum of Active Shooter Concerns 4 *Image Courtesy of FEMA Full-Spectrum Risk Knowledgebase

5 What’s Missing 5 *Image Courtesy of FEMA Full-Spectrum Risk Knowledgebase =Continuity Areas of Interest

6 6 Common Discussion

7 Continuity Challenges  Facility Issues: May not have access to building for days, if not weeks.  Telework Issues: If personnel are required to use their laptops to VPN in, what happens if they don’t have them?  Personnel Issues: Even with minimal loss of life, the psychological impacts can cause significant absenteeism. Consider addressing Mental Health needs of staff and providing a list available short and long term support resources in nearby communities. 7

8 Continuity Challenges (cont.)  Devolution Issues: In the case of functions that cannot be interrupted (such as operations centers), does your devolution counterpart know when to assume their support role in an Active Shooter event?  Recovery Time Objectives: Twelve hours may seem like long enough, but what happens if a lockdown last for 8-10 hours?  Relocation Issues: Do continuity relocation plans conflict with emergency management/public safety plans or needs to keep everyone on-site? 8

9 9  Life Safety is the number one objective when planning for Active Shooter events.  As continuity professionals, it is in the interest of the organization for us to also look past the lights and sirens and focus on the mission.  Active Shooter events are high stress situations…considering continuity options afterwards can be extremely challenging.  Proper planning, and coordination of those plans with emergency management and public safety groups within the organization can greatly improve your organization’s overall resiliency. Closing Thoughts

10 10 QUESTIONS? Andrew Cleaves Regional Continuity Manager U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Region X Email:

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