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The 2012 New Store Look. Size and Location Merchandising Architecture Aim at the Customers ProductCategories CategoryManagementContents.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2012 New Store Look. Size and Location Merchandising Architecture Aim at the Customers ProductCategories CategoryManagementContents."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2012 New Store Look

2 Size and Location Merchandising Architecture Aim at the Customers ProductCategories CategoryManagementContents

3 There are two main types of stores: There are two main types of stores: Small: 70 to150 m².Small: 70 to150 m². Large: 200 to 300 m².Large: 200 to 300 m². Size & Location Store Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

4 Locate stores where there is heavy pedestrian traffic. Locate stores where there is heavy pedestrian traffic. Parking spaces should be available nearby for customer convenience. Parking spaces should be available nearby for customer convenience. Size & Location Store Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

5 EXTERIOR Multi-floor Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

6 EXTERIOR In Shopping Center Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

7 EXTERIOR Below Offices Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

8 Windows should promote the season Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

9 Install transparencies Size & Location  Use perforated vinyl films which produces see trough window graphics. Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

10 Interiors Should Attract All Consumers Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

11 Interiors Should Attract Attention Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

12 Interiors Should Look Retail Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

13 Size & Location Install graphics on walls Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

14 Size & Location Install graphics on walls Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

15 33 cm FloorTiles Walls: White Columns: Yellow/Blue Trim: Yellow/Blue Stone or ceramic Architecture Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

16 Architecture Size & Location Lights: Fluorescent Ceiling: White Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

17 Large store: 200 –350 m 2 Medium store: 100 –150 m 2 Carpet Furniture Small store: 70 –100 m 2 Layout Size & Location Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

18 We use three sizes of fixtures: Low gondolas 150 cm Counters 90 cm High wall fixtures 270 cm FixturesArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

19 High fixtures around High fixtures around walls walls Low gondolas in the Low gondolas in the middle middle Cash registers at Cash registers at entrance entrance Furniture Furniture LayoutArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

20  Install glass doors on multifunction fixtures or use display cases for expensive and fancy products. FixturesArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

21  Wall fixtures dramatize products when they are lit!  Assortment becomes more attractive and is more visible from a distance. Lighted FixturesArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

22  Vendors’ displays complement our stores and assortments. complement our stores and assortments. Customized FixturesArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

23 Use vendor signing and Use vendor signing and light up header panels. Vendor’s display merchandise products. Vendor’s display merchandise products. Lighted header panels are for brand recognition and profit centers. Lighted header panels are for brand recognition and profit centers. (Note: It is not necessary to locate the branded product under the panel.) Architecture Customized Fixtures Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

24 More examples emphasizing branding: Architecture Customized Fixtures Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

25 Examples of “FREE” Vendors’ display racks: Vendors RacksArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

26 More examples of standard vendor displays “free” for the taking Vendors FixturesArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

27 Take advantage of mobile vendor’s display which can be placed anywhere. Architecture Vendors Fixtures Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

28 Consign the expensive and buy the low end special stands! Standard Vendors DisplaysArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

29 Save time Save time in locating in locating merchandise! merchandise! Save space Save space in the in the warehouse! warehouse! Save on rent! Save on rent!  Take advantage of volume and productivity. and productivity. Fixtures – Top StockingArchitecture Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

30 Aisle categoriesAisle categories Statement signsStatement signs Thank you for shopping Customers’ informationCustomers’ information SigningArchitecture Use walls and surfaces to save costs Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

31 Category signs above the sections help customers find the products they want. Architecture Signing Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

32 Writing instrumentsWriting instruments AdhesiveAdhesive Binding supplies/ punchesBinding supplies/ punches Dated goodsDated goods EnvelopesEnvelopes Filing suppliesFiling supplies FormsForms Copy and fax paperCopy and fax paper General office paperGeneral office paper BriefcasesBriefcases Desk accessoriesDesk accessories Office furnitureOffice furniture Visual presentationVisual presentation Ribbons and tonersRibbons and toners ElectronicsElectronics Computer hardwareComputer hardware Computer softwareComputer software Computer suppliesComputer supplies Shipping warehouseShipping warehouse Pantry itemsPantry items Seasonal productsSeasonal products GiftsGifts MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Product and Categories Product Categories Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

33 Writing Instruments: Pens should be blister carded or sold individually.Pens should be blister carded or sold individually. Highlighters in fluorescent colors blister carded.Highlighters in fluorescent colors blister carded. For excitement add following:For excitement add following: Assortment children’s markers, such as Jovi or Crayola. children’s markers, such as Jovi or Crayola. children’s licensed pencils: Disney, Road Runner, etc. children’s licensed pencils: Disney, Road Runner, etc. Crafts, and painting supplies. Crafts, and painting supplies. Pencil sharpeners with children’s licensed products. Pencil sharpeners with children’s licensed products. Product and Categories Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

34 Glues/ Adhesives: Glues/ Adhesives: Carry only blister carded tape.Carry only blister carded tape. Expand line of stick glues, blister cardedExpand line of stick glues, blister carded Add shape stick pads, hearts, and geometric designs.Add shape stick pads, hearts, and geometric designs. Carry full line of 3M flags to include all colors and statements such as “sign here”.Carry full line of 3M flags to include all colors and statements such as “sign here”. Add line of children’s stickers.Add line of children’s stickers. Carry small sizes of school glue.Carry small sizes of school glue. Binding Supplies: Binding Supplies: Carry paper clips and bulldog clips in colors in blister packs.Carry paper clips and bulldog clips in colors in blister packs. Colored map pins.Colored map pins. Colored rubber bands in blister packs.Colored rubber bands in blister packs. Children’s licensed binders, sports themes, and soccer.Children’s licensed binders, sports themes, and soccer. Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

35 Dated Goods: Inspirational wall calendars with business sayings.Inspirational wall calendars with business sayings. Calendars with seasons’ themes and licensed products such as soccer themes. Calendars with seasons’ themes and licensed products such as soccer themes. Envelopes: Small pack sizes 10 or 25 count of personal envelopes.Small pack sizes 10 or 25 count of personal envelopes. Colored envelopes matching colored copy paper.Colored envelopes matching colored copy paper. Matching boxed stationery with envelope.Matching boxed stationery with envelope. Resume papers and fancy stationery with envelopes.Resume papers and fancy stationery with envelopes. Forms: Add popular magazines, newspapers.Add popular magazines, newspapers. Add business and reference books.Add business and reference books. Add line of pocket booksAdd line of pocket books Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

36 Furniture: Add children design and size chairs.Add children design and size chairs. Add student/traditional desks.Add student/traditional desks. WorkstationsWorkstations Leather/ Canvas: Add backpacks.Add backpacks. School lunch kits.School lunch kits. Sports theme bags.Sports theme bags. Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

37 Copy/CPO/Fax Paper Include photo paper for digital cameras.Include photo paper for digital cameras. Add pattern paper such as nature scenes, for personal printing on ink jet or laser printers.Add pattern paper such as nature scenes, for personal printing on ink jet or laser printers. General Office Paper: Carry licensed pads and notebooks for children.Carry licensed pads and notebooks for children. Add colored construction paper and craft paper.Add colored construction paper and craft paper. Add gift wrap, bows, ribbons.Add gift wrap, bows, ribbons. Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

38 Desk Accessories: C’Art assortment of clocks and matching desk accessories.C’Art assortment of clocks and matching desk accessories. Novelty lamps and clocks with licensed theme.Novelty lamps and clocks with licensed theme. Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

39 Electronics: Add PDAsAdd PDAs DVD players, with DVDsDVD players, with DVDs MP3 Players for downloading music.MP3 Players for downloading music. Add line of digital cameras.Add line of digital cameras. Cell phone accessories, and batteries.Cell phone accessories, and batteries. Computer Software:Computer Software: Add computer games, joysticks. Computer Supplies:Computer Supplies: Add licensed products, mouse pads, disc Add licensed products, mouse pads, disc holders. holders. Product and Categories Assortment Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

40 CATEGORY MANAGEMENT: Increase sales by focusing on the right products. Assortment-Stick to basics, top 100, fast moving goods. Our statistics show that annual turnover contribution for the main categories are: Office Furniture: 25%; Electronics 30%; Copy Paper 20%; Stationery 25% Visibility:-Shelf space – Impact; Easy to find the brand, Availability-“one to go, one to show”. Layout -Maximize profit/sales per meter. Hot Spots-Exit, entrance, front-end caps, aisle displays, and cashier line: create sales. Training-Learn to sell up, know the right sales techniques. Merchandising -Enhance the purchasing experience, mechanical sales, and proper adjacencies. Category Management Product and Categories Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

41  You must have a business gift section in every store. These products should be located in lighted show cases.  Add colored backgrounds and materials to create an attractive presentation for these products. Gifts Product and Categories Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

42 What would you do to make these displays more attractive? Aim at the Customers Gifts Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

43 CUSTOMER FLOW AA A A A A A CCC C CC B B B BBBB BB BBB Aim at the flow of customers!  Always ”aim” the product towards the customers. Show broad assortment rather than broad quantities.  Always face the products towards the customers. Plan assortment placement ”A”, place ”B” and place ”C”.  Always ”aim” the product towards the customers. Show broad assortment rather than broad quantities.  Always face the products towards the customers. Plan assortment placement ”A”, place ”B” and place ”C”. Aim at the Customers Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

44 150 cm 210 cm A A A A A Shelves Shelves Hooks Hooks C C B B B B B Aim at the Customers Use A, B, C locations to control and boost the sales of certain items Aim at the Customers Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

45 In middle high gondolas and In middle high gondolas and wall fixtures plan 7 merchandising levels: It’s so simple, isn’t it?  3 rows of hooks  4 rows of shelves MerchandisingMerchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

46 In low gondolas plan 6 In low gondolas plan 6 merchandising levels: merchandising levels: The best-looking presentations are when all shelf and scan hook rows are at one level.  2 rows of hooks  4 rows of shelves Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

47 How is this section presented? Is it blocked? Is it ribboned? Is it both? Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

48 Another example of presenting products: Another example of presenting products: - Where is the generic or Private label? - Where should it be? Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

49 Angle shelves wherever possible and use the right accessory. Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

50 End cap displays End cap displays should not be used as should not be used as permanent home for permanent home for products but as products but as secondary location. secondary location. End caps should be End caps should be used for promotional, used for promotional, clearance, overstock, clearance, overstock, and seasonal items, and seasonal items, as well as vendor’s as well as vendor’s displays. displays.Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

51 The store should maximize Color and Assortments! Assortments!Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

52 Lack of ColorandAssortment is not inviting:Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

53  All stores no matter how small should offer a variety of services to their varied customer groups Business Services complete the assortment. Merchandising Merchandising Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE

54 Dress Code Employee Apparel The clothing of Office 1 Superstore employees, completes the overall view of the store and company. Simple but functional. Contents COPYRIGHT ® 2012 OFFICE 1 SUPERSTORE


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