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DO NOW 9-18  After silently reading part of the conversation between the Colombian president and another state representative what are your initial thoughts?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW 9-18  After silently reading part of the conversation between the Colombian president and another state representative what are your initial thoughts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW 9-18  After silently reading part of the conversation between the Colombian president and another state representative what are your initial thoughts? Do you think that legalizing marijuana would benefit the world globally? How do you think it will directly effect the US?

2 Pedestrians No Zone Principle Bicycles, Skateboards and Inline Skates/Trains Vehicle Title and Registration Potpourri Insurance /License Plates 100 200 300 400 500 Chapter 8/9 Jeopardy

3 Pedestrians100  In 2011 this many pedestrians were killed in these.  Answer Answer

4  What are 143 pedestrians in traffic related accidents.  Back to Game Board Back to Game Board

5 Pedestrians 200  Vehicle-pedestrians collisions have a 5% fatality rate at 20mph, but the rate jumps to this at 40mph.  Answer Answer

6  What is 85%  Back to Game Board Back to Game Board

7 Pedestrians 300  When stopping for a crosswalk on a multi lane road, a motorist should stop about how far from a cross walk to avoid blocking visibility of a motorist in the second lane  Answer Answer

8  What is 30 feet  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

9 Pedestrians 400  Pedestrians and joggers should ALWAYS face what direction when on the street.  Answer Answer

10  What is oncoming traffic.  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

11 Pedestrians 500  Motorist who fail to yield to pedestrians or who overtake and pass vehicles that are stopped for pedestrians are subject to a _________fine and up to _______days in jail  Answer Answer

12  What are $200.00 and 15 days?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

13 No Zone Principle 100  Rear No Zone  Answer Answer

14  What is stay 200 feet behind them and increase following distance.  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

15 No Zone Principle 200  Do not pull in front of a truck when passing until the whole truck can be seen in your rearview mirror  Never pass a truck on the right  Answer Answer

16  What is the front No Zone?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

17 No Zone Principle 300  Drive away from long blind spots on the side of trucks  Do not linger along side of trucks when passing  Answer Answer

18  What is the Side No Zone?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

19 No Zone Principle 400  A motorist should bear right when a large vehicle is traveling toward his/her vehicle from opposite direction  This prevents sideswipes  Answer Answer

20  What are Head On No Zones?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

21 No Zone Principle 500  Use caution when passing trucks because…  Answer Answer

22  What are they make wide turns?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

23 Bicycles, Skateboard, and Inline Skates/Trains 100  Responsibilities  Answer Answer

24  What are Under NJ law each of these individuals have the same rights and responsibilities as a moving motor vehicle?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

25 Bicycles, Skateboard, and Inline Skates/Trains 200  Bicycles ridden after dark must have these.  Answer Answer

26  What are they must have front and rear lights and a rear reflector, these illumination devices may be hard for a motorist to see  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

27 Bicycles, Skateboard, and Inline Skates/Trains 300  Under NJ law, motorists signaling a right turn must do this to bicyclists, skateboarders, or inline skaters moving through an intersection  Answer Answer

28  What is yield?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

29 Bicycles, Skateboard, and Inline Skates/Trains 400  Never do this on railroad tracks  Answer Answer

30  What is stop?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

31 Bicycles, Skateboard, and Inline Skates/Trians 500  Trains moving at 55mph  Answer Answer

32  What is can take over a mile to stop?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

33 Vehicle Title and Registration 100  Law requires you to register and title your vehicle in a certain amount of days when you move into the state  Answer Answer

34  What is 60 days or sooner?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

35 Vehicle Title and Registration 200  An initial registration for a brand new vehicle will be valid for this amount of time.  Answer Answer

36  What is four years?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

37 Vehicle Title and Registration 300  Before driving your vehicle on the road you must do this.  Answer Answer

38  What are NJ residents who buy a new or used vehicle must title, register and insure it before driving on public roads?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

39 Vehicle Title and Registration 400  A normal registration is valid for this amount of time.  Answer Answer

40  What is one year?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

41 Vehicle Title and Registration 500  A buyer must show this when titling a vehicle.  Answer Answer

42  What is pay sales tax on the purchase price?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

43 Potpourri100  These people are often victims in pedestrian accidents  Answer Answer

44  What are children and older people?  Back to Game Board Back to Game Board

45 Potpourri 200  In bad weather trucks can take this much longer to stop  Answer Answer

46  What is 25% longer?  Back to Game Board Back to Game Board

47 Potpourri 300  You must do this with motorized scooters.  Answer Answer

48  What is register it and get it insured?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

49 Potpourri 400  Maximum speed you should pass a horse.  Answer Answer

50  What is 25 mph?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

51 Potpourri 500  Civil fines for insurance fraud.  Answer Answer

52  What are $15,000 for each count of fraud  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

53 Insurance/License Plates 100  In NJ you need this many license plates.  Answer Answer

54  What is two?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

55 Insurance/License Plates 200  License plate needs to be at least this high off the ground.  Answer Answer

56  What is 12 inches?  Back To The Game Board Back To The Game Board

57 Insurance/License Plates 300  You will receive a $100 fine for doing this to your license plate.  Answer Answer

58  What is obscuring or concealing any lettering on the license plate?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

59 Insurance/License Plates 400  Every vehicle registered must have this type of insurance.  Answer Answer

60  What is liability insurance?  Back To The Game Board Back To The Game Board

61 Insurance/License Plates 500  If you fail your inspection you have this amount of time to make repairs on your vehicle.  Answer Answer

62  You have 60 days to make the repairs?  Back To Game Board Back To Game Board

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