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Textbook Reading-Rockwood -Chapter 20 Pathologic Fractures p643-p647

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1 Textbook Reading-Rockwood -Chapter 20 Pathologic Fractures p643-p647

2 Pathologic Fractures Bone weakness with a pre-existing abnormality
Fractures due to low energy injuries. Distored archetecture and distored bone density

3 Pathologic Fractures Correctable diseases : renal osteodystrophy, hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia, and disuse osteoporosis. Uncorrectable diseases : osteogenesis imperfecta, poly-ostotic fibrous dysplasia, postmenopausal osteoporosis, Paget's disease, and osteopetrosis.

4 Pathologic Fractures A primary goal in the management of patients with any systemic skeletal disease is to prevent disuse osteoporosis, which may lead to additional pathologic fractures.

5 Pathologic Fractures 10 million Americans > 50 years  osteoporosis
34 million osteomalacia & risk for osteoporosis 1.5 million people  pathologic fracture related to osteoporosis each year 20% elder who sustain a hip fracture die within 1 year One of every two women > 50 years  osteoporosis-related fracture in lifetime Other skeletal conditions such as Paget's disease  one million people in USA 20,000 to 50,000 Americans  osteogenesis imperfecta

6 Pathologic Fractures The American Cancer Society  1.3 million new cancer cases in 2003 50% skeleton metastasis With improved medical treatment of many cancers  increased prevalence of bone metastasis  increases the chances of pathologic fracture. The majority of bone metastases originate from cancers  breast, lung, and prostate, followed by the thyroid and kidney. The most common sites  spine, pelvis, ribs, skull, and proximal long bones.

Clinical History Physical Examination Laboratory Studies Associated Medical Problems Radiographic Workup Plain X-Rays Nuclear Medicine Studies Three-Dimensional Imaging/Angiography When and How to Biopsy

8 History TABLE 20-1 Evaluation of a Patient with a Lytic Bone Lesion
TABLE Factors Suggesting a Pathologic Fracture

9 TABLE 20-1 Evaluation of a Patient with a Lytic Bone Lesion
History: thyroid, breast, or prostate nodule Review of systems: gastrointestinal symptoms, weight loss, flank pain, hematuria Physical examination: lymph nodes, thyroid, breast, lungs, abdomen, prostate, testicles, and rectum Plain x-rays: chest, affected bone, humerus, pelvis, femur, spine 99mTc bone scan/FDG-PET scan: total body CT scan: chest, abdomen, pelvis Laboratory: complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, calcium, phosphate, urinalysis, prostate-specific antigen, immunoelectrophoresis, and alkaline phosphatase Biopsy: needle vs. open FDG, Fluorine-18 deoxyglucose; PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography.

10 TABLE 20-2 Factors Suggesting a Pathologic Fracture
Spontaneous fracture Fracture after minor trauma Pain at the site before the fracture Multiple recent fractures Unusual fracture pattern (banana fracture) Patient >45 years of age History of primary malignancy

11 Physical Examination Careful evaluation of the affected skeletal region Palpation of a mass or fracture and a detailed neurologic examination All extremities and the entire spine should be evaluated for additional lesions or lymphadenopathy Careful evaluation of all possible primary sites (breast, prostate, thyroid) and a stool guaiac test

12 Laboratory Studies Baseline laboratory  CBC/DC, ESR, BUN, SUGAR, liver function, protein, albumin, CA, P, and ALP. Bone metastases  anemia of chronic disease, hypercalcemia, and increased alkaline phosphatase U/Amicroscopic hematuria renal cell carcinoma (RCC)

13 Laboratory Studies Serum and urine protein electrophoreses  multiple myeloma Thyroid function tests, CEA, CA125, and PSA are serum markers for specific tumors N-telopeptide and C-telopeptide in serum and urine increased destruction caused by bone metastasis

14 Laboratory Studies Prostate-specific antigen is a sensitive measurement of prostate cancer : < 10 ng/mL excludes bone metastasis Remember that serum calcium is a measurement of unbound calcium in the serum, and, therefore, determination of serum protein is necessary to interpret the calcium level. Correct Ca(mg/dl)=Total Ca(mg/dl)-0.8×[4.0-albumin(g/dl)]。

15 TABLE 20-3 Disorders Producing Osteopenia
Laboratory Value Serum Calcium Serum Phosphorus Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Urine Osteoporosis Normal Normal Ca Osteomalacia Normal to low Normal to high Low Ca Hyperparathyroidism High Ca Renal osteodystrophy Low High Paget's disease Very high Hydroxyproline Myeloma Protein

16 Associated Medical Problems
Pain unable to ambulate or perform daily activities Spinal fractures  neurologic deficits Prolonged bedrest  predisposing hypercalcemia 40% hypercalcemia related to malignancy lung, breast, kidney, and genitourinary tract

17 Associated Medical Problems
Hypercalcemia  poor prognosis  60% : survive < 3 months, and only 20% 1 year No reliable correlation between the hypercalcemia and skeletal involvement Lung ca  hypercalcemia without obvious bone metastases Multiple myeloma or breast cahypercalcemia with extent of bone metastases

18 TABLE 20-4 Signs and Symptoms of Hypercalcemia
Neurologic: headache, confusion, irritability, blurred vision Gastrointestinal: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss Musculoskeletal: fatigue, weakness, joint and bone pain, unsteady gait Urinary: nocturia, polydypsia, polyuria, urinary tract infections

19 Radiographic Workup -Plain X-Rays
Evaluate a destructive bone lesion or pathologic fracture  plain x-ray in two planes. Diagnostic clues  osteopenia, periosteal reaction, cortical thinning, Looser's lines, and abnormal soft tissue shadows

20 Radiographic Workup -Plain X-Rays
Osteomalacia or hyperparathyroidism  looser's lines (compression-side radiolucent lines), calcification of small vessels, and phalangeal periosteal reaction. Osteoporosis  thin cortices and loss of the normal trabecular pattern.

21 Radiographic Workup -Plain X-Rays
Osteolytic or osteoblastic lesion  tumor  inactive, active, or aggressive. Small osteolytic lesions without endosteal or periosteal reaction  inactive or minimally active (benign) primary bone tumors. Cortex erosion but are contained by periosteum  active benign or low-grade malignant bone tumors

22 Radiographic Workup -Plain X-Rays
Large lesions that destroy the cortex  aggressive, malignant lesions Permeative or moth-eaten pattern of cortical destruction highly suggestive of malignancy > 45 years & destructive bone lesions  metastatic carcinoma , multiple myeloma and lymphoma Solitary bone lesion  primary bone tumor  chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histio-cytoma, or osteosarcoma

23 Radiographic Workup -Plain X-Rays
Osteolytic destruction is most common  lung, thyroid, kidney, and colon Osteoblastic with sclerosis  metastatic prostate cancer Metastatic breast cancer  mixed osteolytic and osteoblastic

24 osteolytic & osteoblastic

25 TABLE 20-5 Evaluation of Plain X-rays
Question Option Interpretation 1. Where is the lesion? Epiphysis vs metaphysis vs diaphysis Cortex vs medullary canal Long bone (femur, humerus) vs flat bone (pelvis, scapula) 2. What is the lesion doing to the bone? Bone destruction (osteolysis)    -Total    -Diffuse    -Minimal 3. What is the bone doing to the lesion? Well-defined reactive rim Benign or slow-growing Intact but abundant periosteal reaction Aggressive Periosteal reaction that cannot keep up with tumor (Codman's triangle) Highly malignant 4. What are the clues to the tissue type within the lesion? Calcification Bone infarct/cartilage tumor Ossification Osteosarcoma/osteoblastoma Ground glass Fibrous dysplasia

26 Thank you for attention.

27 Rockwood Chapter 20 Pathologic fractures P.648~652
Report: R3 范姜治澐

28 Plain X-Rays Generalized osteopenia Periosteal reaction
Cortical thinning Looser's lines (compression-side radiolucent lines) Abnormal soft tissue shadows

29 Question Option Interpretation Where is the lesion?
Epiphysis vs metaphysis vs diaphysis Cortex vs medullary canal Long bone (femur, humerus) vs flat bone (pelvis, scapula) Codman's triangle What is the lesion doing to the bone? Bone destruction (osteolysis)    -Total    -Diffuse    -Minimal What is the bone doing to the lesion? Well-defined reactive rim Intact but abundant periosteal reaction Periosteal reaction that cannot keep up with tumor (Codman's triangle) What are the clues to the tissue type within the lesion? Calcification Ossification Ground glass Bone infarct/cartilage tumor Osteosarcoma/osteoblastoma Fibrous dysplasia

30 Osteomalacia or hyperparathyroidism
Looser’s line Calcification of small vessels Phalangeal periosteal reaction Osteoporosis Thin cortices loss of the normal trabecular pattern without other abnormalities

31 Osteolytic or osteoblastic lesion
Inactive Small osteolytic lesions surrounded by a rim of reactive bone Without endosteal or periosteal reaction Active Lesions that erode the cortex but are contained by periosteum Aggressive Large lesions that destroy the cortex “moth-eaten”

32 Multiple myeloma and lymphoma
Most destructive bone lesions in patients more than 45 years of age of metastatic carcinoma followed by them A solitary bone lesion should be fully evaluated to rule out a primary bone tumor chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma osteosarcoma

33 Bone metastasis Osteolytic lung, thyroid, kidney, and colon
Osteoblastic with sclerosis Prostate Mixed Breast

34 Tumor cells secrete factors that interact with host cells in the bone microenvironment and affect the cycle of normal bone turnover An isolated avulsion of the lesser trochanter is almost always pathologic A cortical lesion in adults is usually a metastasis

35 Nuclear Medicine Studies
Technetium bone scintigraphy detects osteoblastic activity Multiple myeloma, occasional metastatic RCC are falsely negative on bone scan Fluorine-18 deoxyglucose Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning Gold stadard recently in metabolic imaging PET/computed tomography (CT) scanning had higher sensitivity and specificity

36 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not generally used
Useful in the evaluation of patients with spinal metastasis Standard angiogram is still useful when embolizing feeding tumor vessels in vascular lesions Metastatic RCC Multiple myeloma

37 Search for a primary lesion
examination of the breast, thyroid, and prostate chest x-ray and CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis mammogram skeletal survey including skull films (MM) PET

38 A solitary bone lesion in a patient with or without a history of cancer should be biopsied
Needle biopsy differentiating a carcinoma from a sarcoma Immunohistochemical staining Fracture should be stabilized initially with traction or a cast

39 Cultures should always be sent
Incisional biopsy site unaffected by the fracture as small as possible longitudinal fashion hemostasis Cultures should always be sent

40 Intraoperative frozen section
surgical treatment of the pathologic fracture best to wait for the permanent sections before definitively treating the tumor and fracture

X-ray appearance of the lesion Patient's symptoms 50% to 75% cortical involvement Significant pain relief after prophylactic fixation Painful, larger than 2.5 cm, and involves more than 50% of the cortex

42 Classification Mirels developed a scoring system
presence or absence of pain, and the size, location radiographic appearance Lesions scoring 8 or higher require prophylactic internal fixation before irradiation

43 Prophylactic stabilization
shorter hospitalization (average 2 days) discharge more likely (40%) immediate pain relief faster and less complicated surgery less blood loss quicker return to premorbid function improved survival fewer hardware complications

44 Goals of surgical treatment
alleviate pain reduce narcotic use restore skeletal stability regain functional independence

45 Decision-making for operation
life expectancy of the patient patient comorbidities extent of the disease tumor histology anticipated future oncologic treatments degree of pain

Local bone lesion can be treated with nonsurgical management (radiation, functional bracing, and bisphosphonates) surgical stabilization with or without resection large lytic lesions at risk for fracture existing pathologic fractures Pathologic long bone fractures overall rate of fracture healing: 34% 74% survived > 6 months Fractures due to MM were most likely to heal

47 Load-bearing fixation device are prefered
Ideal reconstruction Allow immediate weight-bearing Not require revision Load-bearing fixation device are prefered Poor healing rate, 30~40% IM device, modular prosthesis PMMA increase the strength of the fixation improves the bending strength of a fixation

48 Autogenous bone graft Segmental allografts Not generally used
Rarely indicated Require a prolonged healing time

49 Cemented prosthesis IM nailing
Prophylactically stabilization of entire bone Femur, humerus, or tibia Reconstruction nail for stabilize the femoral neck

50 Hypervascular metastatic cancers
RCC Thyroid ca MM Tourniquet Preoperative angiographic embolization within 36 hours

51 Nonoperative treatment
limited life expectancies severe comorbidities small lesions radiosensitive tumors Patients should limit weightbearing on the affected extremity

52 Upper Extremity Fractures
20% bone metastasis 50% in the humerus Benefits to quality of life – operation prefered

53 Scapula/Clavicle Nonoperative treatment immobilization radiation
medical management

54 Proximal Humerus humeral head or neck proximal humeral replacement
pain relief and local control of the tumor range of motion and stability are often limited intramedullary fixation cement may be required

55 Humeral Diaphysis locked intramedullary fixation
Intercalary metal spacer After complete resection of a metastatic lesion minimizing blood loss alleviating the need for postoperative radiation Plate fixation of the humerus is at risk of failure

56 Distal Humerus flexible intramedullary nails bicondylar plate fixation
resection with modular distal humeral reconstruction

57 Forearm/Hand Unusual Often from the lung, breast, and kidney
Radius and ulna Flexible rods or rigid plate fixation Radial head Resection Hand curettage, internal fixation, and cementation Amputation

58 Rockwood and Green’s fractures in adults
Chapter 20 Pathologic Fractures P Kristy L. Weber Presented by R3 Meng-huang Wu

59 Humeral Diaphysis IM nailing Intercalary Metal spacer
Mechanical and rotational stability PMMA augment Intercalary Metal spacer Modular reconstruction in segmental defects or large bone loss Minimize blood loss Alleviate post op RT Plate fixation with cement Extensive exposure Inability to protect the entire bone Risk of failure

60 Distal Humerus Flexible intramedullary nails
Bicondylar plate fixation with cement Resection with modular distal humeral reconstruction massive bone loss involving the condyles Curettage of the distal humeral lesion open reduction in fracture use PMMA

61 Flexible intramedullary nails
Ease of insertion: retrograde via bilat. entry point span the entire humerus excellent functional recovery preservation of the elbow joint

62 Forearm/Hand Radius and ulna Radial head Hand Distal or extensive
Metastases distal to the elbow are unusual lung, breast, and kidney Radius and ulna flexible rods or rigid plate fixation Radial head resection Hand Intralesional curettage, internal fixation, and cementation Distal or extensive amputation

63 Pelvic/Acetabular Fractures
Bony pelvis Many bone metastases or pathologic fractures do not affect weight-bearing; not require surgical intervention. Lesions of the iliac wing, superior/inferior pubic rami, or sacroiliac region. Insufficiency fractures caused by osteoporosis: protected weight-bearing until the pain diminishes

64 Periacetabular lesions
Affect ambulatory status and often present a difficult surgical problem CT scans with 3D reconstructions

65 Harrington classification
the location and extent of the defect Class I Minor acetabular defects Intact lateral cortices and superior and medial walls Conventional cemented acetabular component

66 Class II Major acetabular defects with a deficient medial wall and superior dome. Antiprotrusio device or medial mesh

67 Class III massive defects with deficient lateral cortices and superior dome. Acetabular cage The massive bony defect is filled with PMMA A cemented PE cup

68 Class IV pelvic discontinuity
resection and reconstruction using a saddle prosthesis satisfactory pain relief and function: 70% to 75% Complications: 20% to 30% of cases trabecular metal, tantalum

69 Lower Extremity Fractures
Femur: most common The proximal 1/3 is involved in 50% of cases with the intertrochanteric region accounting for 20% of cases. Most painful of all bone metastases Alter the quality of a patient's life and threaten an individual's level of independence. Painful lesion: Prophylactically stabilized whenever possible high incidence of subsequent fracture and the comparative ease of the operation.

70 Femoral Neck Rarely heal and tends to progress
High incidence of failure if traditional fracture fixation devices

71 Cemented replacement prosthesis
Treatment of choice THR?: acetabular involvement All tumor tissue should be curetted from the femoral canal Adjacent lesions in the subtrochanteric region or proximal diaphysis long-stemmed cemented femoral component Cement side effect vs stability

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