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Approach to European Wind Power markets
by Henrik Balle Senior Project Manager Markets & Acquisitions – Wind power DONG – Danish Oil and Natural Gas
Longer-term production
DONG well situated between Scandinavia and Northern Europe Oil and gas prod. Production today Longer-term production Near-term production DONG market DONG distribution Natural gas pipeline – owned by DONG Transmission net – owned by the Danish state Natural gas pipelines partly owned by DONG Gasled natural gas transmission system Natural gas storage owned by DONG Ormen Lange Trondheim Kollsnes Oslo Kårstø Stavanger Sleipner Göteborg St. Fergus Harald Syd Arne Nybro Tyra Currently 100% state-owned IPO scheduled for 2007 State ownership to stay above 50% København Lübeck Dublin Easington Emden Bacton Den Helder ProArc London Zeebrugge Dunkerque 250 km
Integrated energy company with revenue of EUR 3.6 billion*
E&P Generation Renewables Infrastructure Sales INTERGAS SUPPLY Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Hydropower Electr. & gas customers Gas customers Electr. distribution Gas distribution Reserve base of more than 350 million boe Hereof 40 bcm gas Three focus areas The Danish part of the North Sea Mid-Norway West of the Shetland Isles Effective and diversified conventional electricity production 6,200 MW capacity (coal, gas, and bio mass) Large wind capacity in Denmark and abroad (600 MW) Significant wind power projects in Denmark and abroad Hydropower in Norway and Sweden (500 MW) Two natural gas storages (760 million m3) Gas distribution 100,000 customers Electricity distribution 900,000 customers International gas infrastructure (Sweden, Holland and Germany) Sale of approx. 8 bn m3 natural gas and significant volume of power 1,000,000 customers in Denmark Market leader in Denmark and Sweden Niche player in Germany and Holland ProArc * DISCLAIMER: Based on arithmetic calculations. Figures include unaudited figures and DONG’s own estimates and serve for illustration purpose only. Figures assume all agreed DONG acquisitions are successfully completed
Wind assets following merger with Energi E2/Elsam
As part of the purchase of Elsam shares from Vattenfall DONG will swap assets, including wind farms ProArc Vattenfall will take over a number of wind energy assets, but the new wind business will remain a major player
Portfolio of development projects in European growth markets
Off-shore pipeline for – around 2,300 MW (est.) Offshore projects under development: DE: Borkum Riffgrund MW UK: Scarweather Sands MW Walney MW London Array MW Shell flats MW West of Duddon Sands 167 MW Burbo Bank MW DK: Nysted II MW Horns Reef II MW Existing pipeline is focused on European growth markets On-shore pipeline for 2006 only – around 200 MW (est.) Onshore projects under development: Pipeline consists of several medium to large scale projects (>20 MW) ProArc
Strategic Market Approach / Risks
Basis will be a perception of markets in North West Europe: A Central Nordic Footprint ProArc Home market 1. priority 2. priority
Relevant market overview ~ Risk perspective
Factor Market Offtake Onshore/Offshore Wind Permitting process Denmark + Market based – terms not attractive at the moment ++ Only option is offshore Good and well known regime Known procedure – understanding authorities UK +++ Market based – terms attractive at the moment Onshore and offshore potential Good wind conditions in general Many interests involved Germany Feed-in tariff by law – Fixed price for 20 year Expensive developments Onshore short term and offshore long term. Potential for both +/++ Onshore/-Offshore Known procedure, but depending of local influence Norway Only potential for limited nos. of onshore Good wind conditions Known procedure for concessions Sweden Few large onshore-projects and only few single offshore-projects Offshore wind will be more attractive Very cumbersome procedure – more than 12 MW to high level decision Total rating Risk rating 7 + 9-10 + 9 + 4 + Medium /high Medium/low Low High ProArc
Other markets ~ Risk perspective
Factor Market Offtake Onshore/Offshore Wind Permitting process France ++ Feed-in tariff - with correction factor Only real option is onshore – so far Regionally good, but new regime + New procedures for authorities – bureaucracy? Spain +++ Feed-in tariff by law – Choice of regime High entry costs Only onshore – but large potential Regionally good Recognised, but regional proces Greece Feed-in tariff by law Only onshore Regional differences Known procedure, but locally influenced Total rating Risk rating 7 + 9 + Medium /low Low ProArc
WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital / Hurdle rates
Risk assessment Systematic/generic risks (external risks) Non-systematic / Project specific risks (internal risks) Define WACC for each market Build into cash-flow projections To what extent does project survive relevant hurdle rate – if at all?? IRR ProArc No Yes
Definition of WACC/Hurdle rate
The definition of WACC for each market includes : Impact of generic wind risk Impact of Offtake/market risk (income) General/average O&M risk (costs) Relation/sensitivity between fixed and variable costs General construction/completion risk Average lending to investments (50-80%) Long term interest risk impact Credit risk margin ProArc
Stages of Project and relevance of risks
Off-take Technology Grid interconnection Construction offshore O & M Construction onshore Grid interconnection Counterpart/-Credit O & M Wind Technology Technology Wind Political Political Off-take Counterpart/-Credit Phase 1 Early Development Phase 2 Late Development Phase 3 Construction Phase 4 Operation ProArc Photo by Gunnar Britse: Nysted Offshore Wind farm, Denmark
Examples of WACC/Hurdle rates
IRR/Return on relevant markets - Risk assessment/WACC = CREATION OF VALUE on investment !! Country Project Phase IRR (Total investment) WACC Creation of Value (IRR-WACC) UK Onshore II/III pre-construction 8.5-9% % +++ Offshore % 8-9% Germany % ++ IV in operation 7-8% 6-7% 8-10% Norway 9-9.5% + Sweden ProArc
Thank you for listening! ?
Henrik Balle Senior Project Manager DONG Renewables Tel Mob Fax ProArc
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