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Web NDL Authorities and VIAF 大柴忠彦 OSHIBA Tadahiko National Diet Library, Japan 1 VIAF Council Meeting August 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Web NDL Authorities and VIAF 大柴忠彦 OSHIBA Tadahiko National Diet Library, Japan 1 VIAF Council Meeting August 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web NDL Authorities and VIAF 大柴忠彦 OSHIBA Tadahiko National Diet Library, Japan 1 VIAF Council Meeting August 16, 2013

2 Background > Provision of NDL Authority 1964 NDLSH in book form 1979 Author Name Authority in book form 1997 JAPAN/MARC (A) 2010 Web NDLSH 2012 Web NDL Authorities Participation in VIAF 2

3 Background > JAPAN/MARC (A) 1997 ~ 2011 Personal Name and Corporate Name for author headings Based on UNIMARC format 2012 ~ All of NDL NAME authorities In MARC21 format 3

4 Background > Provision of Linked Data services 2010 ~ 2011 “Web NDLSH” Web version (SKOS data model ) of National Diet Library Subject Headings 2012 ~ “Web NDL Authorities” Expanded Web NDLSH NDLSH + All of NDL NAME authorities RDF/Linked Data version of NDL Authorities 4

5 5 Web NDL Authorities

6 6 * A search for “ 村上春樹 MURAKAMI, Haruki“

7 7 Web NDL Authorities * NDLSH “ ロック音楽 Rock music”

8 Web NDL Authorities > Records 8 Personal Name795,357 Family Name2,199 Corporate Name186,192 Uniform Title4,070 Geographic Name27,654 NDLSH Topical Term (Incl. Topical + Subdivision) 103,117 NDLSH Subdivision324 Total1,118,913 * As of June 2013

9 Web NDL Authorities > Features URI for each of the headings Vocabularies: SKOS, FOAF, Dublin Core, etc. Download of each datum in RDF Search using the SPARQL Links to VIAF, LCSH and Wikipedia 9

10 NDL and VIAF Participation in VIAF: Oct. 1st, 2012 First Contribution from East Asian Countries Links from Web NDL Authorities to VIAF Translation of VIAF interface into Japanese 10

11 Web NDL Authorities to VIAF 11

12 Web NDL Authorities > Linking Data 12 * The Linking Open Data cloud diagram, 2011/09/19 NDL subjects ndlna VIAF

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