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History of the Christian Church Week 5 Modern & Post-modern Faith.

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1 History of the Christian Church Week 5 Modern & Post-modern Faith

2 Review Church History In 5 minutes

3 American Revolution Many colonists supported Revolution Many Christians did not The Brethren & Christopher Sauer II A fhort and fincere DECLARATION

4 Owned 10% of the land in France French Revolution Catholic church closely aligned with the king Church had violently suppressed the Huguenots Revolution attempted to displace the church with the Cult of Reason

5 West to Lancaster County Brethren in New World 1719 Germantown Followed the black walnut trees west and south (MD, VA, western PA) Before the Civil War, Brethren had also migrated to OH, IN, & IL

6 Divisions of the Conestoga Church 1724-1974

7 Restoration Movement – Barton Stone & Alexander Campbell Revival on the Frontier Cane Ridge Revival - 1801 Lives on in Disciples of Christ & Christian Churches

8 Moved to Kirkland OH and Jackson County, MO Mormons Joseph Smith – 1820's in western NY Moved to Kirkland OH and Jackson County, MO. Expelled in 1838 Moved to Nauvoo IL. Joseph Smith killed there in 1844 Most followed Brigham Young to Utah

9 Believe that the American Indians descend from the lost tribes of Israel. Mormons Beliefs Describe themselves as Christian Baptize on behalf of the dead The Book of Mormon adds to the NT Polygamy (mostly in 19 th century)

10 Northern & Southern Baptists Churches American Civil War Abolition of Slavery Brethren during Civil War

11 The Great Brethren Divide Issues? Sunday Schools, Foreign missions, salaried pastors, etc. Old German Baptist Brethren separated in 1881. Henry Holsinger disfellowshiped in 1882. Progressives formed the Brethren Church in 1883. The remaining largest group retained the name the German Baptist Brethren (changed to Church of the Brethren in 1908)

12 Modern Christian Missionary Movement Moravians - 1732 William Carey "An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of Heathen."(1792) pamphlet, Hudson Taylor - China Inland Mission (1850s) Student Volunteer Movement (SVM), (1850 to about 1950) sent nearly 10,000 missionaries to inland areas Church of the Brethren began sending missionaries to India, Nigeria & China in early 20 th century. Cameron Townsend started Wycliffe Bible Translators (1946)


14 Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements Charles Parham - Bethel Bible School (1901) Welsh Revival (1904-1905) William J. Seymour - Azusa Street, Los Angeles Revival (1906) Numerous denominations trace their roots to the Azusa Street revival (Assemblies of God, Church of God (Cleveland), Church of God in Christ, and the Pentecostal Holiness Church, etc.) Charismatic movement (late 1960's & early 70's) Vineyard Movement

15 Modern vs Post-modern thought Modern – very optimistic, very rational & logical Post-modern – far more circumspect Modern – make a plan and do it. “The evangelism of the world in this generation” Post-modern – more relational (belong and then believe) Modern – truth is propositional (ie – the Four Spiritual Laws) Post-modern – truth is relational

16 The Changing Face of the Church Geographical center of the Christian church is shifting south The US is now one of the largest mission fields in the world.

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