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JICA Activities and Kitakyushu Initiative Global Issues Division Planning and Evaluation Department JICA ANDO TAKAYUKI.

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Presentation on theme: "JICA Activities and Kitakyushu Initiative Global Issues Division Planning and Evaluation Department JICA ANDO TAKAYUKI."— Presentation transcript:


2 JICA Activities and Kitakyushu Initiative Global Issues Division Planning and Evaluation Department JICA ANDO TAKAYUKI

3 Today’s contents  Japanese ODA and JICA  Activity and scheme of JICA  Partnership Programme with NGOs/Local Governments/Institutes  Example of the Project

4 ODA of DAC (1999) US$ million 1Japan 15,302 2USA 9,135 3France 5,494 4Germany 5,478 5UK 3,279 6Netherlands 3,134 27.3 %

5 Categories of Japanese ODA ODA Bilateral International Organization Grants Grant Aid Technical Cooperation Loans JICA JBIC

6 Categories of Japanese ODA ODA Bilateral International Organization Grants Grant Aid Technical Cooperation Loans JICA JBIC \1,752.39 \1,195.69 \556.70 \630.91 \564.78 \266.53 \364.38 (billion) 1999




10 Activities and schemes of JICA

11 Technical Training of Overseas Participants Acceptance of Trainees in Env. 1989: 314 → 1999:1,880 (person) -Environmental Management - Domestic Wastewater Treatment Technique -Soil Diagnosis and Environmental Conservation -etc

12 Dispatch of Experts Dispatch of Experts in Environment 1989: 152 → 1999:435 (person) -Environmental Policy Development - Natural Resource & Env. Mang. -Energy Efficiency Technology -Gender & Forest Conservation -etc

13 Project-type Technical Cooperation Project-type Technical Coop. in Env. 1989: 27 → 1999:73 (person) -Study on Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Malaysia -The Soil Research & Development Center Project in Philippines -Tropical Rain Forest Research Project in Indonesia, etc

14 Development Studies Development Studies in Env. 1989: 57 → 1999:115 -The Study on Environmental Management for Ha Long Bay in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam -The Study on Rural Electrification Project by R.E. in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, etc

15 Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) JOCV in Environment fields 1989: 59 → 1999:110 (person) -Rural Development - Afforestation, Forest Management -Environmental Education -etc

16 Partnership Programme with NGOs/Local Governments/Institutes

17 City of Semarang, Indonesia Aqua-environment Improvement Project for a Model River Basin in the City of Semarang

18 Situation of the City 70 small-scale tofu makers Untreated waster water flows into the River People are dumping garbage Concern of bad smell and hygiene Installation of water treatment facility is difficult due to its cost

19 The River of Bajak

20 Tofu making

21 Outline of the Project Period: 2001 – 2004 (3years) Implementing body: Kitakyushu International Techno- cooperative Association (KITA), JICA Cooperating body: Semarang City, BINTARI Foundation, Tofu Makers Association (Indonesia) Kitakyushu City and related private companies (Japan) Total budget by JICA: 100 million yen

22 Goal of the Project Contamination of Bajak River will decrease Quality of underground water will improve Hygiene of local residents will improve

23 Output of the Project Load in waste water from factory ↓ Productivity of tofu production ↑ Appropriate technology of water treatment will be developed

24 Activity of the Project (1) Improvement of Environmental Administration, monitoring and water analysis - Designation of model river and basin - Establishment of monitoring system - Improvement of Environmental Administration - Training of water analysis * dispatch of experts of advisor * purchase of water analysis equipment

25 Activity of the Project (2) Installation and operation of waste water treatment plant - development of appropriate technology for waste water treatment - construction of waste water treatment plant - training of operation of the plant - operation the plant

26 Activity of the Project (3) Improvement of productivity, quality and hygiene of tofu factory - designation of model factory - introduction of Cleaner Production Technology - training of production - elaboration of texts

27 Activity of the Project (4) Improvement of awareness of environmental conservation - Interview the local residents - Environmental education - Education of sense of community

28 Characteristics of cooperation by JICA) - Capacity building by Hard and Soft components (equipment and technology) - Appropriate technologies suitable to local condition - Sustainability of the Project by human resources and technology - Combination of different modality of cooperation - Involvement of variety of actors

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