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Church began in Jerusalem – 33 AD  Plan of Salvation was given  Organization of the church  Work of the church  Doctrines were given  It was not a.

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Presentation on theme: "Church began in Jerusalem – 33 AD  Plan of Salvation was given  Organization of the church  Work of the church  Doctrines were given  It was not a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church began in Jerusalem – 33 AD  Plan of Salvation was given  Organization of the church  Work of the church  Doctrines were given  It was not a denomination

2 Jude 3 Jude 3 NKJV “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”


4 Apostles warned of Apostasy  Organization changed  Doctrines changed  Creeds and Councils

5  Pope – religious and political  Power struggle  Control of people  Ascetics – Monks  Dualism ~ physical / spirit

6 Worldly Popes  Politically ambitious  Immoral  Bribery  Heavy taxes  Indulgences

7 John Wycliffe  England in 14 th cent.  Translated Bible  Catholic church opposed  After his death body and books were burned

8 John Huss  Bohemia in 14 th century  Scripture above tradition  Denounced indulgences  Tried and burned at stake

9 Setting  Papal taxation  Renaissance – rebirth  Printing press - 1455

10 The Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press - 1454 Arguably History’s Greatest Invention First Produced Book: The Bible

11 Selling of Indulgences  Pope Leo X  St. Peter’s Cathedral  Raised money  John Tetzel to Germany

12 Martin Luther  1483 in Germany  Professor-Wittenberg  Offended by the sale of indulgences

13 Martin Luther Luther nails Ninety-Five Theses to Wittenburg Castle, Oct. 31, 1517

14 Jan. 3, 1521 – the Pope issued a Bull of Excommunication Luther continued his reformation ideas... Church vs. Bible

15 Luther’s view of scriptural silence: “What is not expressly prohibited by the scriptures was allowable.” The Bible says: “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.” 1 Pet. 4:11

16 Origin of Lutheran Church (1521) Prominent Doctrines: Salvation by Faith Only Infant Baptism Consubstantiation Direct Operation of Holy Spirit Organization: Local: church council / pastor Synod: pastors & lay General Body

17 Ulrich Zwingli Switzerland Opposed Roman Catholics “We can only do that for which there is distinct authority found in the scriptures.” Reformed Church

18 John Calvin ~ 1509 - 1564 France “The Institutes of The Christian Religion” Calvinism

19 More of a scholar than Luther More of a systematic thinker than Luther Calvin’s Institutes (1536) Early legal training Clear-cut moral directives for living Relied on Scripture and Augustine primarily for his ideas John Calvin

20 Calvinism

21 John Knox Scotland Presbyterian Church Held to teachings of Calvinism

22 This was a protest against the corruption morally among the clergy and an affirmation of the authority of scriptures over that of the church represented by the Popes and Councils.

23 Church separated from the Catholic Church. Kept most of the doctrines. America = Episcopal Church Church of England

24 Origin of the Church of England (1534) Place: England Founder: King Henry VIII Reason: Pope refused his request for a divorce Prominent Doctrines :  King of England is Head of the Church  A Catholic Church under English Rule

25 Fled England - went to Holland Leader = John Smyth Opposed Infant Baptism First Baptist church in 1607 Hold some of doctrines of Calvin Baptists

26 John Wesley – England Church of England – 1728 Reading, prayers, visiting Strict Rules “nickname” America - 1766 Methodist Discipline Methodist

27 33 AD 606 Church of Christ 1054 Catholic Church Greek Catholic 1521 R E F O R M A TI O N Apostasy, Reformation, and Growth of Denominations Lutheran (1521) Church of England (1534)  Episcopal (1609)  Methodist (1739)  Pentecostal Presbyterian Church (1541) Baptist Church (1607) Mormons (1830)

28 Men of Protestant Reformation  Great men  But fallible and made mistakes  Should not worship men  Mistake – manmade creeds

29 Paul said... “Be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ” 1 Cor. 11:1 Did not restore the N.T. Church

30 ONE CHURCH in the BIBLE TimePlaceFounderChurch PentecostJerusalemChristChurch of Christ 606 A.D.Rome, ItalyBoniface IIIRoman Catholic 1520GermanyMartin LutherLutheran 1534EnglandKing Henry VIIIChurch of England 1536SwitzerlandJohn CalvinPresbyterian 1607HollandJohn SmytheBaptist 1739EnglandJohn WesleyMethodist 1830USAJoseph SmithLatter Day Saints 1830USAWilliam Miller7th Day Adventists 1866USAMary Baker EddyChristian Scientist 1872USACharles RussellJehovah Witnesses

31 Next week

32 Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 Sunday Evening July 22, 2007

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