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 How a poem is divided  The “paragraphs” of a poem.

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Presentation on theme: " How a poem is divided  The “paragraphs” of a poem."— Presentation transcript:

1  How a poem is divided  The “paragraphs” of a poem

2  The organization of rhyming words at the ends of lines in a poem

3  The person or character talking in a poem  NOT the poet, but can be

4  Language that creates a vivid image for the reader  Language that appeals to the senses

5  The basic rhythm of a poem  Measured by stressed and unstressed syllables called metrical feet

6  A type of figurative language  A direct comparison of two things

7  A type of figurative language and a type of metaphor  A direct comparison using like or as

8  The repetition of beginning consonant sounds of words

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