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CHAPTER 6: African American Religion & Nationhood.

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1 CHAPTER 6: African American Religion & Nationhood

2 Slavery slave trade, 1600s-1700s o West Africa importation of slaves outlawed, 1808 By the 19 th century, 20% of the national population was African American.

3 West African Religious Worldviews sense of community ancestors continuity with spirit world high God as creator Tricksters (spiders, hares)

4 West African Religious Practices storytelling animal sacrifice divination music & dance possession magic for healing or harm

5 New Land, New Religion new Tricksters o Brer Rabbit conjure & root work o voodoo in New Orleans o elements of Catholicism

6 Black Christianity some became Catholic o use of material elements in ritual o Saints as intermediaries many became Protestant o Methodist & Baptist

7 Invisible Institution slave revolts o unsupervised meetings banned hush harbors spirituals ring shout

8 Sources of African American Religion 1)West African background 2)condition of slavery 3)language of European Christianity

9 The Black Church in Freedom 1)blacks within white denominations o separate seating or churches 2)independent black churches 3)black denominations o A.M.E. o A.M.E. Zion

10 20 th -Century Black Religion migration to North migration to cities o urbanization o growing class divisions Afro-Caribbean immigrants

11 Holiness and Pentecostal Religion presence of the Spirit gospel music healing sanctified life new esteem for blackness Charles Mason & COGIC

12 Religious Combinations Peace Mission Movement o Father Divine o prosperity Spiritual churches of New Orleans Haitian vodou Afro-Cuban Santeria

13 The Religion of Blackness Marcus Garvey Ethiopianism Rastafarianism Moorish Science Temple o Wallace D. Fard

14 Nation of Islam Elijah Poole/Elijah Muhammad Yakub’s History Malcolm X Wallace D. (Warith) Muhammad Louis Farrakhan

15 Blackness and Christianity Martin Luther King, Jr. o civil rights movement James Cone o influence of W.E.B. DuBois o black liberation theology Cornell West

16 OVERVIEW slave trade West African traditions invisible institution growth of the black church religion of blackness

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