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Sharing Open Content Through iTunes U Seattle Pacific University was inspired by MERLOT to explore ways to freely share content. During the spring of 2006,

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Open Content Through iTunes U Seattle Pacific University was inspired by MERLOT to explore ways to freely share content. During the spring of 2006,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Open Content Through iTunes U Seattle Pacific University was inspired by MERLOT to explore ways to freely share content. During the spring of 2006, Apple expanded its iTunes U project. SPU joined, and now has one of the most popular sites. We will examine all the steps necessary to become an iTunes U campus. This session will benefit those interested in using a/v content for teaching and learning. David Wicks | Assistant Professor | Director of Instructional Technology Services | Seattle Pacific University |

2 Overview Definitions- Podcasting Open Content iTunes U How we got involved How your institution can get involved Benefits and Concerns Questions

3 Podcasting Short for “iPod broadcasting” Audio/video files are posted on the internet Students can subscribe to feed so files are automatically downloaded as they become available

4 True or False? A podcast must be played back on an iPod. False, It can be played back on an iPod or another MP3 player. Any computer with audio capabilities can play a podcast

5 Open Content and iTunes U

6 Our Path Spring 2002 – Began digitizing archived media as “filler” project. Also began search for easy way to make content publicly available. Fall 2005 – Apple piloted iTunes U with 5 institutions including Duke, Stanford & Michigan Spring 2006 – SPU became first Northwest institution approved as iTunes U affiliate Sept 2006 – SPU on iTunes U launched Jan 2007 – Linked to institution’s homepage March 2007 – Apple upgraded iTunes U providing new features which forced a site redesign May 2007 – iTunes U link included on iTunes. SPU one of sixteen institutions linked on iTunes U site July 2007 – SPU institutional and course bricks featured on iTunes U site. ?

7 Web 2.0 Technologies Web 2.0 Technology DefinitionExamples Uses in Blackboard BenefitsChallenges Wiki Hawaiian word for “quick”, a website where users can add and/or edit content collaboratively using only a web browser Collaborative projects  Equal voice for all  Slackers can’t hide  History can be replayed  Contextual organization, not chronological  Training  Appropriate project  Wikipedia fallout Blog Short for “web log”, a website designed to be an online journal or diary. May allow others to comment on postings Reflections, journals  Metacognition  Ongoing course feedback  Need prompts to discourage rambling  May need to be private to encourage self- reflection PodcastShort for “iPod broadcast”, audio/video files are posted on the internet. Users can subscribe to feed so files are automatically downloaded as they become available Lectures, feedback, student projects  Unlimited replays  Instant guest lecturer  May be a way to increase in-class discussion  Increases skipping?  Digital divide?  Intellectual property concerns

8 How to get involved Assess your project project Once approved, build your site build your sitebuild your site Contact your Apple rep Review Apple’s site and iTunes U Apple’s site Apple’s site

9 Is podcasting easy? Producing podcast may be easy if satisfied with “first take” – Tools VendorCostURL ProfCast$60 SnapKast$60 Adobe Premiere Elements $40 QuickTime Pro$30 AudacityFree

10 Creating a Podcast Record audio in the ITS studio Have ITS record a/v in the field Use headset microphone with PC Use Web 2.0 recording device to capture a/v in the field GIGO – Bad recordings = bad podcast Think carefully about what should be included in a Podcast recording

11 How to link to an existing iTunes U file To create a URL to a specific file on iTunes U: 1.Right-click on the tab that contains the file in iTunes U 2.Click "Copy iTunes Store URL" 3.Paste the URL into the address bar of Internet Explorer or other browser 4.Change the word "Browse" in the URL to "Feed" and press enter to go to the feed page 5. Find the link to the file you want, right-click on it, and click "copy shortcut“ You now have a URL to the actual file independent of iTunes. 6.Paste the shortcut anywhere that you would paste a URL as a link to a file.

12 Benefits  Freely share content with the world  Learning  Unlimited replays  Instant guest lecturer  May be a way to increase in-class discussion  Creates a “theatre of the mind”  “Explaining Voice” Campbell, G. (2005). There's something in the air: Podcasting in Education. EDUCAUSE Review, 33-46.

13 Concerns Intellectual Property Open Content Digital divide? Increases skipping?

14 Evaluation of Current Use at UW Strengths – Help prepare for homework and exams – Clarify material covered in lectures – Enhance comprehension of complex concepts – Fill in gaps in notes – Help catch up when missed class Weaknesses – Difficult to hear questions and discussions – Challenging to search for specific content – Does not relay visual content Podcasting at the UW: An Evaluation of Current Use. Lane, Cara (2006)

15 By the numbers SPU’s iTunes site is 48 weeks old 1263 audio and video files on site Files take up 54.48 GB of space on Apple’s server 15,823 users accessed SPU content during the week of July 22 57,988 files have been downloaded since Sept 2006 22,310 files were downloaded in July 2007

16 Top 10 on June 3, 2007 RankTitleDownloadsSpeaker 1In a Global World, Who Is My Neighbor?29 Neuhouser, Kevin 1 The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilization (Part 1 of 4)29 West, John G. 1A 'Free' Methodism: The Importance of SPU's Religious Legacy29 Wall, Rob 4 Left Behind? or Right Ahead! A Wesleyan Perspective On Eschatology and the Difference it Makes27 Maddox, Randy 5 The People of Promise and the People of Hope: A Response to the American Dream25 Woodward, Bill 6 Formation and Reflection: The Dynamics of Theology In Christian Life22 Maddox, Randy 6 Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: Ancient Rome and the Middle East22 Ewald, Owen 8 C. S. Lewis On Hope for the Whole Creation: Do Dogs, Cats, and Even Iguanas Go to Heaven?21 Maddox, Randy 9Literary Background of the Lord of the Rings (Part 2 of 4)20 Blumberg, Janet 10Tolkien, Man and Myth (Part 4 of 4)18 Pearce, Joseph

17 Top 10 on July 29, 2007 RankTitleDownloadsSpeaker 1 The Butterfly Effect 28Lindroth, Rick 2 The Action of Mercy 25Rendleman, Todd 3 Global Education from a Venezuelan Perspective: Is Global Education Possible in the Context of the Bolivian Revolution 24Serrano, Arturo 3 The Historical Context of Gospel Music 24Newby, Stephen 5 Dean's Speaker Series: Ron Sims, King County Executive 23Sims, Ron 6 Religion and Worldwide Values: Global or Universal Ethics? 22Arthur, Gordon 6 Trends in Global Education: Welcome Address 22Rowley, William 8 Acid and Base Laboratory 21Phelan, Greg 8 Wartime Wisdom: Ten Uncommon Insights from The Lord of the Rings About Evil (Part 3 of 4) 21Kreeft, Peter 10 Education in a Global Society: From a Japanese Moral Perspective 20Buckley, Setsuko 10 Motivating Students in a Global Society: Etic and Emic Considerations 20Richardson, Marianna 10 Undergraduate Curricula in China and Japan: Styles, Changes and Choices 20Huang, Futato

18 Review Definitions- Podcasting Open Content iTunes U How we got involved How your institution can get involved Benefits and Concerns Questions

19 Questions? David Wicks Director, Instructional Technology Seattle Pacific University 206.281.2290

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