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Achievement Standard 1.4 Creative writing. This achievement standard involves drafting, reworking and presenting at least one piece of creative writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Standard 1.4 Creative writing. This achievement standard involves drafting, reworking and presenting at least one piece of creative writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Standard 1.4 Creative writing. This achievement standard involves drafting, reworking and presenting at least one piece of creative writing. This means that you will produce a piece of writing over 2 periods, put it in a folder in the English room, and rework it later in the year.

2 1.4 Creative writing. You need to be able to develop and structure your ideas. Ideas may include thoughts, feelings, experiences or sensory qualities. This also means giving extra details, examples, and description. This is developing your ideas.

3 1.4 Creative writing. You also need to use language features appropriate to audience and purpose. Your audience is your teacher and other students. Your purpose is to tell a story (write a narrative). A narrative is a story, or account of events.

4 1.4 Creative writing. Language features means word choice, syntax (different sentence structures), and written text conventions (including spelling, punctuation, grammar) are appropriate to audience and purpose for a selected text type. Watch spelling, use of tenses (I.e all present tense or all past tense), and grammar.

5 1.4 creative writing. Tough Choices. For this piece of creative writing, you will need to write about 300 words. You will need a clear beginning, middle, and end. You will need to clearly brainstorm your ideas (like you do for formal writing).

6 1.4 Especially for Merit and Excellence, you will need to be original, with purposeful and interesting word choices, and a variety of language devices. You could consider adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors, personification, or onomatopoeia. Your writing should be memorable. You may want to consider how you link the beginning and end of your piece of writing.

7 1.4 creative writing Make sure that you use different lengths of sentences so that your writing isn’t boring. You might want to consider the effect of different types of sentences: short, sharp sentences tend to add action or speed to a story, whereas long and complex sentences are good for description. You could even use minor sentences (often one word and without a verb).

8 Show and don’t tell. Make sure that you show and don’t tell. You can show a lot about a character or an event through description, dialogue and action. Use your own strengths in writing. Are you good at humour, description, dialogue, creating believable characters?

9 Word choice. Words often have positive or negative connotations. These mean the emotional associations of words. For example, instead of child you could say little one or brat. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to find words with the connotations that you want to really give your writing impact.

10 Tough Choices. For this piece of writing, you need: a character and situation an object of desire (what someone wants) a conflict (either internal or external, a problem that makes the object of desire hard to get), a crisis (tension, ways that the character tries to get what he wants) and a resolution (maybe with a moral).

11 The Greatest Gift of All. Fill out: Character and situation: Object of desire: Conflict: Crisis: Resolution:

12 The Greatest Gift of All Character and situation: guy in the jewellery store. Object of desire: necklace for 3 month anniversary Conflict: inner- he’s spending too much money and he can’t afford the necklace. Crisis: He gives his girlfriend flowers and a cake instead of the necklace he can’t afford. She says ‘so what did you get me?’ Resolution: She leaves him for another guy.

13 Tough Choices Develop a piece of writing where a character has to make a tough decision. As we know from Romeo and Juliet, every decision has consequences! You should use the structure character, object of desire (what the character wants), conflict, crisis, and resolution to plan your first draft. You will have two lessons to write this in. Consider description, character, and dialogue.

14 Example: Characters/situation: Jack, 2am, drinking with friends. Object of desire: to get home Conflict: inner, should he drive home? It’s late and cold. Crisis: Friends say to drive home. A taxi is too expensive. Resolution: Rings taxi. On the way home, Jack witnesses a drink driving accident (surprise ending).

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