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1 Rate Card 2014














15 SUNDAY SUN AT A GLANCE 176,692 (Circulation) 1,033mil Households 2,646mil (Readership) R197billion Value p/a 95% Black (81%) OR 2,141mil LSM 6-10 80% Own Homes R12,727 Average Household Income 34 Average Age 55% Male 76% Urban 1.177mil Working Source: ABC Q3 2013; AMPS 2013 BA

16 Primedia Unlimited “Testing the efficacy of advertising in the Daily Sun’s Vusi Vuzela comic” Consumer research results January 2010

17 Contents Brief Methodology Sample demographics Research results Key learnings

18 Brief BACKGROUND – Primedia Unlimited’s comic Vusi Vuzela appears in the Daily Sun every Tuesday. – Primedia Unlimited has approached FGI to conduct an independent study that will measure the efficacy of advertising in the Vusi Vuzela comic. OBJECTIVES – Measure advertising recall of brands advertised in the Vusi Vuzela comic; – Gauge how Vusi Vuzela is perceived as a South African sports hero; – Establish what would make Vusi Vuzela more exciting for readers.

19 Methodology A random sample of 357 was drawn during the period 19-28 January 2010; Face-to-face (intercept) interviews were conducted at selected convergence points Johannesburg; Interviews were conducted in English with vernacular explanations by interviewers, when required; The sample comprised 100% black respondents.

20 Research results

21 Sample demographics Gender n: 357 Age group n: 357

22 Employment status n: 357

23 Stories/supplements read in the Daily Sun Which of these regular stories/supplements in the Daily Sun do you usually read? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] n: 357

24 Vusi Vuzela – Reading behaviour Thinking about the Vusi Vuzela comic in the Daily Sun now, which of these statements best describes you in terms of reading the comic? [SELECT BEST 1] n: 357 Vusi Vuzela reader Non-Vusi Vuzela reader

25 Reasons for reading Vusi Vuzela You said that you read Vusi Vuzela in the Daily Sun, why do you read this comic? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] n: 242 Added logic: Only answered by Vusi Vuzela readers

26 Unprompted advertising recall in the Vusi Vuzela comic Still thinking about the Vusi Vuzela comics, what brands do you remember being advertised in this comic? [NAME TOP 3 - UNPROMPTED] n: 242

27 Unprompted advertising recall in specific product categories Thinking about specific product categories now, I am going to call out a product category to you and I’d like you to tell me whether you remember seeing a brand being advertised in this category in a newspaper. For example, if I call out “Motor Vehicles” you must call out the motor vehicle brands that you clearly remember seeing advertised in a newspaper. If you do not remember seeing an advertisement in a newspaper for a brand in a category, just say “I have not seen a brand advertised in this category”. We’ll then move to the next category. Added logic: Only answered by Vusi Vuzela readers

28 Canned food n: 242

29 Confectionary (chips, sweets, biscuits) n: 242

30 Fast-food outlets n: 242

31 Personal hygiene/Toiletries n: 242

32 Prompted advertising recall in the Vusi Vuzela comic Combination of recall in the Vusi Vuzela comic

33 Vusi Vuzela advertisements’ influence on purchase behaviour Thinking about the brands that they advertise in Vusi Vuzela, are you more likely to buy a brand that is advertised in this comic? n: 357

34 Reasons for strong purchase influence Why do you say this? n: 311 Cross-tabbed against those who said that they’re likely to buy products advertised in the Vusi Vuzela comic (87%)

35 What would make Vusi better? [SHOW CARD: Vusi comic] I am now going to show you a Vusi Vuzela comic - do you have any cool ideas on how the Vuzi Vuzela story can be improved? [UNPROMPTED] n: 242 Answered by Vusi Vuzela readers

36 Key learnings There is a high readership of the Vusi Vuzela comic amongst Daily Sun readers – 68%; There is a high loyalty amongst Daily Sun readers, 65% of the respondents to the research study indicated that they read Vusi Vuzela regularly; There is a high prompted (avg 20%) and unprompted (avg 17%) recall of adverts flighting in the Vusi Vuzela comic. There is extremely high brand purchase propensity – 87% of comic readers would buy the products advertised in the series.

37 Specs & DatesENTERTAINMENT PLATFORM: PRESS Full page material deadline: 7 th of each month SOCCER WARRIOR Monthly 16 -24 page Comic Book Insert Sunday Sun ADVERTISING PACKAGE INVESTMENT RATE PER MONTH12 MONTHS Full Page Advert: 198mm (w) x 265mm (h) with 5mm bleed. Max 6 - 8 Sponsors Full Page Adverts Product Placement Branding R 108 900R 1 306 800 Please Note: Above rates exclude VAT and agency commission. Trade exchange value: either R60 000 cash or specified value in products for the annual period (amortized over sponsorship period) On Street dates – Monthly: last Sunday of the month, Weekly: every Tuesday Weekly Comic Strip 260mm (w) x 100mm (h) Daily Sun Includes: Soccer Warrior Comic Strip RATE PER WEEK52 WEEKS N/A TRADE EXCHANGE 2014

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