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Talk For Writing Ferrars Infant and Nursery School.

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Presentation on theme: "Talk For Writing Ferrars Infant and Nursery School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talk For Writing Ferrars Infant and Nursery School

2 Analysis of Results Speaking and Listening 2004/2005 40% of children achieved level 3 24% of children were level 1 compared with 12% national average Some EAL as well as English speaking underprivileged children limited by vocabulary This having a direct impact on writing Needed to provide greater opportunities to develop vocabulary and children’s confidence with the English language

3 Action and Targets SLT and literacy co met to discuss next steps Staff INSET to share and generate more ideas Decided on a whole school approach To increase opportunities for and standards in Speaking and listening To improve children’s communication skills To increase standards in writing

4 Speaking and Listening Looked at KS1 objectives Year groups plan activities each term to meet objectives Objectives to be met throughout the curriculum Looked at national curriculum levels for speaking and listening to ensure high expectations

5 Communication Skills Lack of communication skills can cause  Barriers to learning  Poor self esteem  Feelings of isolation  Create additional problems

6 Next Steps

7 Role Play Role play corners Exploration of everyday language Activities planned Opportunities to write Note pads, lists, menus, memo pads

8 Boarding Pass Name_____________________ Seat number________________ Going to __________________

9 Café Order Name ________________________ Address_______________________ Table number__________ Food _________________________ Drink _________________________

10 Your next appointment is on: ___________________ at: ____________________

11 Sunshine Holidays Name ____________________________ Address __________________________ Where to? ________________________ How long for? _____________________ Mode of transport___________________

12 Drama Acting in character Hot seating Cross curricular opportunities Increased motivation in boys writing Children have been more able to write in role Growing understanding of the importance of characterisation when writing stories

13 Talking Partners Used in literacy and across the curriculum Mixed ability pairs Writing partners Structured activities to: Share experiences Generate ideas

14 Communication Activities Feeling charades Action charades Using puppets Picture box Conversation ball

15 Circle Time and Time Fillers Oral retellings of stories Magic pen Describing pictures Changing the leader (non-verbal communication) Finish the story

16 The Role of Support Staff Working with small groups Story sacks Object bags Word building Cookery Increasing confidence and vocabulary Improving communication skills

17 Purpose and Audience Children having1 st hand experiences and being given the opportunity to talk about them

18 Writing about experiences School trips School visitors Organised entertainers Producing work for assemblies Letters

19 Using ICT Photographs Tape recorders Video DVD’s Sound effects Internet searches

20 Impact on Writing We now have greater opportunities for Children to collect, rehearse and refine ideas before they write A real purpose and audience for their writing Drama and role play Sharing ideas and experiences Developing communication skills

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