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Diffusion of Pop Culture Domination of the West?.

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Presentation on theme: "Diffusion of Pop Culture Domination of the West?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diffusion of Pop Culture Domination of the West?

2 Threat to Folk Culture Increase in income leads to increase in desire for possessions Increase in income leads to increase in desire for possessions Diffusion of popular culture can lead to dominance of Western perspectives; people may turn away from their society’s traditional values Diffusion of popular culture can lead to dominance of Western perspectives; people may turn away from their society’s traditional values

3 Loss of Traditional Values Clothing—rural vs. urban, western clothing a symbol Clothing—rural vs. urban, western clothing a symbol Western clothing is controversial in many Middle Eastern Countries Western clothing is controversial in many Middle Eastern Countries 1997 presidential election in Iran between Nateq-Nouri and Khatami 1997 presidential election in Iran between Nateq-Nouri and Khatami



6 Changing role of women—good and bad Diffusion of popular culture threatens subservience of women that is prevalent in many folk societies Diffusion of popular culture threatens subservience of women that is prevalent in many folk societies Women are seen as the homemakers Women are seen as the homemakers The negative side is the increase of prostitution in many LDCs, the vast majority of customers are men from MDCs who may even purchase “sex” tours. The principle destinations are: Thailand, the Philippines and South Korea. The negative side is the increase of prostitution in many LDCs, the vast majority of customers are men from MDCs who may even purchase “sex” tours. The principle destinations are: Thailand, the Philippines and South Korea. The irony? The irony?

7 Foreign Media Imperialism US, UK and Japan dominate TV US, UK and Japan dominate TV Japan—South and East Asia--equipment Japan—South and East Asia--equipment UK—Africa—broadcasting UK—Africa—broadcasting US—Latin America US—Latin America And programs, US import 2/3 of European programming And programs, US import 2/3 of European programming

8 Western Control of News Media Because news gathering and reporting is so expensive, the world’s largest new organizations AP and Reuters supply the world with news video and photographs. Because news gathering and reporting is so expensive, the world’s largest new organizations AP and Reuters supply the world with news video and photographs. In LDCs, news programs are controlled by the government. In LDCs, news programs are controlled by the government. American “freedom of the press” is criticized in many countries who say it focuses on “sensational stories” American “freedom of the press” is criticized in many countries who say it focuses on “sensational stories” In many parts of the world, the only unbiased and accurate news available is BBC news on a shortwave radio. In many parts of the world, the only unbiased and accurate news available is BBC news on a shortwave radio.

9 Environmental Impact of Popular Culture Popular culture imposes itself on the environment rather than springing forth from it Popular culture imposes itself on the environment rather than springing forth from it For many pop customs the built environment, though it may look natural is something a deliberate creation For many pop customs the built environment, though it may look natural is something a deliberate creation

10 Golf Courses Pop culture can modify or control the environment Nearly 200 courses have been built in the US in the last 20 years—geography John Rooney attributes this to more money and leisure time.





15 Distribution of pop culture around the world tends to produce uniform landscapes promoters of pop culture want a uniform appearance to generate product recognition promoters of pop culture want a uniform appearance to generate product recognition Fast food restaurants are a good example of this. Franchises: corporations or multinational corporations sell their brand, architecture, supplies for a fee. Fast food restaurants are a good example of this. Franchises: corporations or multinational corporations sell their brand, architecture, supplies for a fee. What other places? What other places? Global diffusion of uniform landscapes has increased as space-time compression has allowed for the faster and easier diffusion of products and ideas Global diffusion of uniform landscapes has increased as space-time compression has allowed for the faster and easier diffusion of products and ideas



18 Negative environmental impact Diffusion of popular culture increases demand for natural resources Diffusion of popular culture increases demand for natural resources Increased consumption of meat has detrimental environmental effects and strains the carrying capacity of the environment. (2.2 pounds of beef require 22 pounds of grain!) Increased consumption of meat has detrimental environmental effects and strains the carrying capacity of the environment. (2.2 pounds of beef require 22 pounds of grain!) Pollution is also a part of pop culture. Pop culture generates a high volume of gas, liquid and solid waste. Solid waste is the most obvious although the others are just as bad. Pollution is also a part of pop culture. Pop culture generates a high volume of gas, liquid and solid waste. Solid waste is the most obvious although the others are just as bad.

19 Bostan—gardens in Istanbul, Turkey

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