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Mission Twelve, 5K fed, Peter’s confes’n, Txfiguration, Lunatic Boy Viewing Luke Chapter Nine Prepared by: Soon Siak. May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Twelve, 5K fed, Peter’s confes’n, Txfiguration, Lunatic Boy Viewing Luke Chapter Nine Prepared by: Soon Siak. May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Twelve, 5K fed, Peter’s confes’n, Txfiguration, Lunatic Boy Viewing Luke Chapter Nine Prepared by: Soon Siak. May 2009

2 Topics covered... Mission Mission of the Twelve Movie time Why parables? 5,000 Fed Peter’s Confession The Transfiguration The Lunatic Boy Who is the greatest? The Progress thru’ Peraea The Three Followers John Sung

3 Mission What is the most important thing that a teacher must do?

4 Mission of the Twelve (9:1-9) Mission/Objective To preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Reason “The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few” (10:2) Note the differences between that of the seventies (10:1-20)

5 Movie time (9 minutes) The Man (41:05-50:11) 5,000 Fed (9:10-17) Challenge of Following (9:62) Peter’s Confession (9:18-27) The Transfiguration (9:28-36) The Lunatic Boy (9:37-45)

6 Why parables? (8:4-21) Test whether people genuinely wanted to find out the truth about the kingdom of God. The sincere seekers will persist in asking for the meaning of the parables while those who were shallow listeners will not bother to pursue their meaning. To make spiritual truths clearer to hearers; to put truth in a form easily remembered; to avoid offense with hostile people who would not receive the truth; and to declare judgment upon those who were willfully blind.

7 5,000 Fed (9:10-17) Note the account. Time of an important festival, the Passover, hence the great crowd. Only miracle (besides the Resurrection) recorded by the four gospels. Another miracle over nature (see notes on 8:22-25; 5:5-7)) This event shows that His ministry as One who can satisfy more than man’s physical need. That who believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life!

8 Peter’s Confession (9:18-27) After his confession, Jesus mentioned that He was a “suffering” not a “conquering” Christ of God (ie Messiah/Anointed One/Deliverer). 9:23 1st mention of the death He was to die. 9:27 Kingdom of God – either 1. The Transfiguration or 2. Pentecost or 3. Destruction of Jerusalem. Note the disciples’ reply to Jesus (v18-20).

9 The Transfiguration (9:28-36) Note the incident well. Another instance of God’s approval of Jesus was during His baptism (3:22). Purpose 1. Moses representing the Law 2. Elijah representing the Prophets 3. They are handing over their office to the Lord ie the old covenant replaced by the new.

10 The Lunatic Boy (9:37-45) A miracle attempted by the disciples without success. Reason being the lack of faith 9:44 2 nd prediction of His Sufferings (Passion) (see pg 95) Disciples could not understand. They were expecting a “conquering” and not a “suffering” Messiah!

11 Who is the greatest? (9:46-50) Maybe b’cos of special treatment on the three. They were expecting an earthly one in their view of the Messianic Kingdom. The Lord used a child to emphasise on humility.

12 A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus (9:51-56) because on way to observe religious festivals in Jerusalem. Why? Pg 46 b’

13 A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus (9:51-56) Samaritans was hostile b’cos of their jealousy that Jesus, the Messiah was going to Jerusalem and not Gerizim.

14 The Three Followers (9:57-62) Note Jesus’ reply to them. What does it say about following Him? Discipleship is giving of yourselves totally to God (unconditionally) and counting the cost (costly).

15 John Sung (1901 - 1944) "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Those words kept bouncing around inside John Sung's head. The brilliant son of a Chinese Methodist minister, John was in the United States to learn all he could about the sciences. In just five years, even while working to support himself, he completed his Bachelor of Science Degree, his Master of Science and his Ph.D.

16 John Sung (1901 - 1944) "Dr. Sung usually had one meeting in every campaign at which he would give an address on healing and the necessity for sincere repentance before inviting the sick to come forward." Hundreds were instantly healed of every kind of ailment and disease. The blind received their sight; the lame walked, and the deaf and mute were all wonderfully healed as John Sung cried out to Jesus in prayer.”

17 Reminder Test on chapters 1-10 after your May/June holidays on 17/06/07!

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