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CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL A New Challenge for Cereal Production and Processing Chains: Development of a Food Quality Management System for.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL A New Challenge for Cereal Production and Processing Chains: Development of a Food Quality Management System for."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL A New Challenge for Cereal Production and Processing Chains: Development of a Food Quality Management System for the Control of Mycotoxins

2 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Public Health Issues  Impact of mycotoxins on human and animal health (carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, immunosuppressive,…)  High level of use of cereals in both food and feed Economic Impact  High Postharvest Losses  Reduced animal productivity  Significant economic losses in both domestic & international trade. Global Socio-Economic Context (1)

3 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Evolution of Safety Regulations  WTO agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary standards  Codex alimentarius: Joint FAO-WHO committee  EU regulations (inside Europe and for Exporting Countries)  Regional regulations (e.g. MERCOSUR) Global Socio-Economic Context (2)

4 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Current Worldwide Importance  Aflatoxins (peanut, nuts, dried foods, soybean,...)  Ochratoxin A (coffee, coca, cereals,...)  Fumonisins (corn, sweet corn,...)  Trichothecenes (cereals, …)  Zearalenone (corn, cereals, …) Most considered mycotoxins

5 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Diagram of whole cereal chain

6 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Global Issues on Food Supply Chain  Food Supply Chain is Very Complex Complex Commodity Flow Diagrams Different Stakeholders  Importance of Socio-Economic, Cultural and Institutional Constraints  Notion of Quality Perception by the Chain Actors  Need for Adequate Social Organisation  Need for Formal Relationships Between Chain Actors

7 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Global Issues on Mycotoxins (1)  Contamination by Molds and Mycotoxin Formation Possible in Any Point of the Supply Chain both in Production and Post Harvest Steps  Mold Growth and Synthesis of Toxins Dependent on Agro climatic, Ecological and Physiological Conditions  Detoxication of Contaminated commodities Difficult and Sometimes Impossible  Need for Proper Pre and Post Harvest Processes, Adequate Equipment and Sound Handling Practices

8 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Global Issues on Mycotoxins (2)  Evaluation of contamination based on the analytical determination of mycotoxins Conventional methods (HPLC, CMC, …) are expensive, need sophisticated equipment and trained analysts  Need for food safety management tools along the whole chain Lack of accurate and inexpensive analytical techniques for in situ routine control Lack of Good Practices (GAP, GMP, GSP, GHP,…)  Need for a HACCP based approach along the food chain

9 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Global Approach Urgent need for a systematic/pro-active, cost effective approach, rather than, relying entirely on expensive, wasteful end-point testing/segregationThrough A Food Quality Management System taking into account the socio-economic context, the organisational and technological capabilities of stakeholders

10 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL … towards innovative food safety management

11 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Issues to be addressed…  The development of novel accurate, simple and cost-effective analytical tools (sampling, sample preparation and analysis) for the determination of mycotoxins, mainly for routine on field assessment  The completion of data generation describing the risks associated with mycotoxins in raw materials and derived products  The mechanisms of mould growth and mycotoxin production under different agro-ecological conditions  The development of novel, validated proactive procedures (control measures, critical limits & monitoring methods) for the control of mycotoxins in a variety of crop production and processing chains.

12 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Development of a Food Quality Management System for the control of Mycotoxins in cereal production and processing chain in Latin America South Cone CountriesPartners  Europe : France, UK, Sweden  Southern Cone : Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile  Complementary Partnership –Universities –National Research Institutes –Regional Body as Interface between Those and All Chain Actors Including Private Sector (PROCISUR) MYCOTOX Project

13 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL PROCISUR (Consortium of Southern Cone INIA’s) Embrap a Brazil INIA Uruguay UBA Argentina UnLu Argentina LATU Uruguay UdeC Chile Southern Cone clients CIRAD France NRI United Kingdom Scientific + technical audiences INIA Chile INTA Argentin a MAA Brazil Monica Olsen, NFA, Sweden, (external advisor) European Mycotoxin Cluster

14 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL General objective To improve the competitiveness of domestically and internationally traded cereals by controlling the occurrence of mycotoxins in maize and wheat products used as human food and animal feed Project Objectives

15 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Specific objectives 1)Development and standardisation of effective analytical tools (sampling, sample preparation & analysis) for mycotoxin determination in cereals and by-products 2)Mycotoxin hazard analysis of the domestic and international maize and wheat production and processing chains 3)Development and validation of effective mycotoxin control measures at specified critical control points 4)Development of a Food Quality Management System for the control of mycotoxins in cereal production and processing chains Project Objectives

16 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL WP1 Development and Standardisation of Effective Analytical Tools for Mycotoxin Determination in Cereals and By-Products WP2 Risk Assessment of Human Exposure to Ochratoxin A WP3 Evaluation of Milling Procedures as Potential CCPs Project Activities (1)

17 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Project Activities (2) WP4 Hazard Analysis of Mycotoxins WP5 Identification and Validation of of Mycotoxin Control Measures WP6 Development of a Food Quality Management System

18 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Relations between the WorkPackages

19 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Project Management Overall project management CIRAD (Nadine Zakhia) Steering Committee Including an external scientific advisor (Monica Olsen) Work Package team Led by the respective work package leader

20 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Project Deliverables (1)  Standardised procedures for wheat and maize sampling during milling processes in the Southern Cone region (D1, WP3, Month 6) (D1, WP3, Month 6) (D2, WP4, Month 6)  A report documenting mycotoxin surveillance data, both from the literature and from surveillance studies conducted by this project (D2, WP4, Month 6) (D3, WP4, Month 8)  A report describing the hazard analyses conducted and justifying the commodity/mycotoxin combination selected for further study (D3, WP4, Month 8)

21 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL (D4, WP1, Month 10)  Standardised and validated analytical chromatographic methods applicable by all partner laboratories for mycotoxin determination in wheat and maize (D4, WP1, Month 10) (D5, WP2, Month 12)  A standardised methodology for OTA determination in blood samples implemented in Latin America South Cone laboratories (D5, WP2, Month 12) (D6, WP4, Month 12)  A report documenting the verified commodity flow diagrams for each commodity/mycotoxin combination in each of the selected countries (D6, WP4, Month 12) Project Deliverables (2)

22 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL (D7, WP2, Month 18)  A risk characterization for OTA in Latin America South Cone countries (D7, WP2, Month 18) (D8, WP3, Month 18)  Identification of the impact of different milling processes on the distribution of mycotoxin contamination in the different cereal fractions (D8, WP3, Month 18) (D9, WP1, Month 20)  A report describing the socio-economic studies conducted and the associated findings. These data will provide a thorough understanding of the stakeholders within the commodity system and will help identify the constraints and opportunities affecting the implementation of proposed mycotoxin control measures (D9, WP1, Month 20) Project Deliverables (3)

23 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Project Deliverables (4) (D10, WP1, Month 20)  Implementation of the BCL technique (if successfully validated) in Latin America South Cone laboratories as a rapid tool for monitoring mycotoxin contamination throughout the whole maize and wheat chains (D10, WP1, Month 20)  Validation of the NIRS technique as a rapid tool for quantitative or semi-quantitative monitoring of mycotoxin contamination throughout the whole maize and wheat chains (D11, WP1, Month 20) (D12, WP1, Month 20)  Setting up of a network among all partner laboratories for operational exchanges in terms of analytical methods and tools (D12, WP1, Month 20)

24 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL  A series of reports documenting studies to develop and evaluate control measures and studies to validate CCPs (D13, WP5, Month 24) (D14, WP4, Month 24)  Data describing at which steps in the CFD the mycotoxin hazard originates, or at which steps concentrations increase to unacceptable levels (D14, WP4, Month 24) (D15, WP6, Month 24)  HACCP plans for mycotoxin control in the specified commodity for each participating country (D15, WP6, Month 24) Project Deliverables (5)

25 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL  A manual describing Good Agricultural Practices for the production of maize and wheat in the Southern Cone (D16, WP5, Month 30) (D17, WP3, Month 30)  Better knowledge of (DON) and fumonisin variability in wheat and maize in LA South Cone (D17, WP3, Month 30) (D18, WP6, Month 30)  Implementation of an efficient Food Quality Management System along the chain stakeholders to ensure high quality maize and wheat production regarding mycotoxin contamination (D18, WP6, Month 30) (D19, WP6, Month 36)  Training and extension materials including posters, pamphlets, videos and radio and TV broadcasts and internet web pages, as appropriate (D19, WP6, Month 36) Project Deliverables (6)

26 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Project Timetable

27 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZEL Dissemination of Project Outputs To the Scientific Community  Peer-Reviewed Papers, Workshops and Seminars To the Chain Actors and Professional Organisations  Large Dissemination Papers (GAP, GMP, …)  Training  Participatory Workshops To the Traders and Regulatory Bodies  Sectorial Papers  Focused Workshops (e.g.Rapid On-Field Analytical Techniques) External Strategy  Participation in European and International Networks and Clusters on Mycotoxins

28 CIRAD Nadine ZAKHIA-ROZIS Gérard CHUZELProspects  Adaptation and Validation of the Developed Methods to Other Contexts to Other Commodity Chains Identification of new partnerships (EU, Mercosur)Identification of new partnerships (EU, Mercosur) Topics, Partners, Elaboration of Project Proposals, etc

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