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God Is Not Mocked Galatians 6:7.

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1 God Is Not Mocked Galatians 6:7

2 Be Not Deceived Many are self-deceived into thinking that they can live anyway they want and not be held accountable by God … they “mock” God Pharoah (Ex. 5:2) and the fool (Psa. 14:1) mocked God in OT times Mockers are found in NT times as well (Lk. 16:14; 23:35; Jude 14-15,18)

3 Be Not Deceived In 1912, an employee of the White Star Line was asked how safe the Titanic would be; his response, “Not even God can sink it…” In 1966, John Lennon of the Beatles said, “Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was okay, but his subjects were too simple. Today, we are more famous than him…”

4 What Does It Mean to Mock God?
Gr. mukterizo = to turn up the nose at; sneer at; treat with contempt It means you live as if there is no God, or in a way that you believe God will not hold you in account It means you do not believe the law of sowing and reaping applies to you (Gal. 6:7-8)

5 How Can One Mock God? By desiring to hear but not obey (Ezek. 33:30-33) By vain and empty worship (Mic. 6:6-8; Mt. 15:8-9) By hypocritical service (Acts 5:1ff) By not discerning the Lord’s supper (1 Cor. 11:20ff) By confessing sin but not truly repenting (2 Cor. 7:9-11)

6 How Can One Mock God? By attempting to reap what you did not sow (Gal. 6:7-8) By professing godliness but not living it (Tit. 1:16)

7 What Results in Mocking God?
Self-deception (Gal. 6:7; Eph. 4:18) A rude awakening at harvest time (Gal. 6:7-8) Hardened conscience (1 Tim. 4:2; Heb. 3:13) Apparent lack of presence or escape is mistaken for tolerance (2 Pet. 3:3ff) Certain punishment from God (2 Pet. 3:8-10)

8 Why God is Not Mocked God makes all the laws, not man (Psa. 103:19)
God is all-present, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-holy … you cannot escape him, deceive him, or outsmart him (Psa. 139; Heb. 4:12-13) God’s law cannot be broken or ignored with impunity (Rom. 2:6-9; Heb. 2:2-3; 10:36-38) God is not mocked … so don’t even try it!

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