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Serious Game Design of Heerlen Roman Bathhouse Wen Qi, Wim Westera.

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Presentation on theme: "Serious Game Design of Heerlen Roman Bathhouse Wen Qi, Wim Westera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serious Game Design of Heerlen Roman Bathhouse Wen Qi, Wim Westera

2 Background

3 Benefits of Learning Game Experiential. Games are inherently experiential. Players engage multiple senses during the play. Recall. Whenever a new player enters a game, he or she must recall prior learning, decide what new information is needed, and apply it to the new situation. Transfer. Games require transfer of learning from other venues ― life, school, and other games. Decision making and Problem solving. Games embedded with challenges constantly ask the players to make important decisions. Objective. Any games have clear goals and ask for the game player to set up strategies to reach their objective.

4 Motivation  A bridge between its remains and the original building.  Create learning opportunities for visitors/players, the visitors/players can get more insight on life in and around Heerlen in Roman times.  Actively engaged in exploring and navigating within the game, makes players aware of the history and culture in which we live.

5 The 3D Experiences of Bathhouse


7 Palaestra- that is for exercising the body Thermae- that is for cleaning the body –changing room (apodyterium); –cold bath (frigidarium); –sauna (sudatorium); e:warm bath (tepidarium); –hot bath (caldarium); –furnace room (praefurnium); The 3D Experiences of Bathhouse

8 Architectural Restoration of the Heerlen Bathhouse


10 Knowledge Points of the Bathhouse The layout the Bathhouse The reason of having such layout The location of such bathhouse (Heerlen?)

11 Research Questions about Gaming Time (with and without limitation) Score/Bonus

12 Questions? Thank you !

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