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CSC505 Tools of the Trade. CSC505 Design Tools Tools for creating 2D and 3D graphics off-line –Model building –Animation –Particle effects Pyrotechnic,

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Presentation on theme: "CSC505 Tools of the Trade. CSC505 Design Tools Tools for creating 2D and 3D graphics off-line –Model building –Animation –Particle effects Pyrotechnic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC505 Tools of the Trade

2 CSC505 Design Tools Tools for creating 2D and 3D graphics off-line –Model building –Animation –Particle effects Pyrotechnic, atmospheric, fluid… –Scene graph management –Shaders –Textures Fur, hair, clothing…

3 CSC505 Design Tools Alias – Maya, now owned by AutoDesk – –$$$ Discreet – 3DS Max (3D Studio Max), now owned by AutoDesk – –$$$ Renderman – –$$$ Chumbalum-soft – MilkShape 3D – –Shareware

4 CSC505 Programming Libraries Libraries for creating 2D and 3D graphics real- time –Provide access to graphics hardware accelerators –Provide software emulation in the absence of hardware accelerators –Describe 3D objects –Describe properties of 3D objects Texture, color, shading, lighting, etc. –Describe 3D viewing geometries

5 CSC505 Programming Libraries OpenGL –Multi-platform – –3D graphical libraries Microsoft DirectX –Windows platform – –User interface libraries

6 CSC505 Programming Libraries Java 3D API –Multi-platform – –User interface libraries Java OpenGL –OpenGL library for Java – –Various others Virtual Reality Mark-up Language (VRML) – –Internet based 3D content creation

7 OpenGL What is OpenGL? –Came out of Silicon Graphics (SGI)in the early 90’s (was IRIS GL specifically for their graphic workstations) A software interface to graphics hardware –Provide a uniform API –Hardware independent –Operating system independent –About 200 core commands CSC505

8 OpenGL What if your graphics hardware doesn’t support OpenGL? –Then OpenGL will run in pure software mode CSC505

9 OpenGL What OpenGL does not do –It does not provide support for user interface devices –It does not provide audio support –It does not provide game play support –It does not provide network interface support It merely provides access to your graphics hardware CSC505

10 OpenGL Basics 3D graphics – nothing more, nothing less There is no user interface definition But…there are available libraries and SDKs –GL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) –Flash Light Toolkit (FLTK – Full Tick) –Jules' Utility Class Extensions (JUCE) CSC505

11 OpenGL Basics All the primitive tools we’ve looked at are included –Line drawing (polygon) –Shading –Lighting –Projections (orthographic, perspective) –Hidden surface removal –Texture mapping –Alpha blending CSC505

12 OpenGL Basics Special effects –Motion-blur –Fog –Depth-of-field (depth-of-focus) CSC505

13 OpenGL Code CSC505 int main(int argc, char** argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize (500, 500); glutInitWindowPosition (100, 100); glutCreateWindow (argv[0]); init (); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }

14 OpenGL Concepts Modeled as a state machine –You set states (modes) that remain in effect until you change them Current color Viewing transformations Line/polygon patterns Lighting characteristics Object material properties –OpenGL State MachineOpenGL State Machine CSC505

15 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline CSC505 Pixel data Vertex data

16 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline Display List –A storage area for holding objects to be displayed at a later time Evaluators –Conversion of parametric objects (e.g. curves) to vertices Per-vertex operations –Conversion of vertex primitives to screen objects (4x4 matrix transformations among others) CSC505

17 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline Primitive assembly –Clipping (so things don’t display off the window), culling (hidden surface removal), depth cues (perspective transformations) Pixel operations –Packing and unpacking of pixel data, scaling (for size) Texture assembly –Texture mapping CSC505

18 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline Rasterization –Conversion of geometric (polygons) and pixel data to fragments (pixels in the frame buffer) Fragment operations –Final modification of frame buffer pixels (texturing, blending, dithering, masking, …) CSC505

19 OpenGL Demonstrations

20 CSC505 Bibliography Books –OpenGL Programming Guide (Red book) Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis Addison Wesley publisher –The OpenGL Reference Manual (Blue book) OpenGL Architecture Review Board, Shreiner Addison Wesley publisher –OpenGL: A Primer Edward Angel Addison Wesley publisher

21 CSC505 Bibliography Books –The Zen of Direct3D Game Programming Peter Walsh Prima Tech publisher –Special Effects Game Programming With DirectX Mason McCuskey Premier Press publisher –Physics for Game Developers David M. Bourg O’Reilly publisher

22 CSC505 Bibliography Periodicals –Game Developer Magazine CMP publisher (free subscriptions available) –Computer Graphics World PennWell publisher (free subscriptions available) –ACM Transactions on Graphics –IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine

23 CSC505 Bibliography Conferences –ACM SIGGRAPH –Game Developer’s Conference –E 3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo)

24 CSC505 Things To Do Tonight –Final project proposal What is your project going to entail? What algorithms will you use? What will be the final deliverable? –Programming help/questions Next week –Demonstrate your deliverable to the class –Write (and turn in) the report describing your project

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