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From Teleoperation to Autonomy
Define Intelligent Robot Be able to describe at least two differences between AI and engineering approaches to robotics Be able to describe the difference between telepresence and semi-autonomous control Have some feel for the history and societal impact of robotics History -AI -Engineering Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Intelligent Robot Mechanical creature which can function autonomously
Mechanical= built, constructed Creature= think of it as an entity with its own motivation, decision making processes Function autonomously= can sense, act, maybe even reason; doesn’t just do the same thing over and over like automation History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
What are Robots? Autonomous mechanical creatures
Capek 1921: R.U.R. Intelligent because teleoperation doesn’t work, doesn’t scale Physically situated, but now software agents or softbots Principles from robotics influenced AI community, esp. planning Combines programming, networks, operating systems, algorithms, … everything about CS into a system (the ultimate software engineering project) History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Robots Constantly in the Press
History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review courtesy of MIT AI Lab courtesy of Honda Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Less Famous Cousins at WTC
Inuktun microTracks ½ iRobot PackBot Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Why Robots? Dirty, Dangerous, Dull Tasks
JV2010, TRADOC, JFCOM, all branches even down to the organic level Reconnaissance, MOUT, denial of area, consequence management, logistics, demining History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Replace Humans with Robots Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Why Robots? Better Than Bio
Robots at WTC… voids smaller than person could enter voids on fire or oxygen depleted NBC Response Lose ½ cognitive attention with each level of protection Level A=12.5% of normal ability Void:1’x2.5’x60’ History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Void on fire Do Things that Living Things Can’t Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Major Robot Modalities: UAV, UGV, UUV
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles drones since Vietnam: Global Hawk, UCAV easy: nothing to hit hard: mission sensing, human-in-the-loop control Unmanned Ground Vehicles since 1967 easy: can always stop and think, a priori maps hard: perceiving, e.g., light vegetation vs. wall Unmanned Underwater Vehicles ROVs since 1960s easy: run tethers hard: platform operation in unfriendly environment History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Mobility (platform), Perception, Communications +HRI, Control (Intelligence), Power Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
A Brief History… Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
There’s some nice segments on industrial automation on “Robots” the History Channel 1999 video. Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Industrial Manipulators
History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review “Tommy” type of robots: deaf, dumb, and blind High precision, fast repetition Usually no sensing of the environment Welding can be off by an inch… From The Who rock opera… Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
3 Ways of Controlling a Robot
“RC-ing” you control the robot you can view the robot and it’s relationship to the environment ex. radio controlled cars, bomb robots operator isn’t removed from scene, not very safe History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
3 Ways of Controlling a Robot
teleoperation you control the robot you can only view the environment through the robot’s eyes don’t have to figure out AI History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
3 Ways of Controlling a Robot
semi- or full autonomy you might control the robot sometimes you can only view the environment through the robot’s eyes ex. Sojouner with different modes human doesn’t have to do everything History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Components of a Telesystem (after Uttal 89)
Local display Local control device Communication Remote sensor mobility effector power Display Control Sensor Mobility Effector Power Communi- cation Local Remote Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Example Remote Local History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems
-Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review This is a picture of Dr. Robin Murphy operating Cowboy, one of the first iRobot Urbans developed for the DARPA Tactical Mobile Robot program. The scene is the SRDR training site in Miami, Florida, and the task is to explore a collapsed building for survivors (urban search and rescue). Remote Local Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Typical Run History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems
-Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Problems That You Saw no feedback, couldn’t really tell that the robot was stuck but finally got free robot doesn’t have “proprioception” or internal sensing to tell you what the flippers were doing. No crunching noises, no pose widget to show the flippers no localization, mapping-> no idea how far traveled partial solution: better instrumentation (but can’t do dead reckoning well) operator doesn’t have an external viewpoint to show itself relative to the environment solution: two robots, one to spot the other communications dropout, even though ~3 meters away lighting conditions went from dark to very bright hard for computer vision or human to adjust History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
But good for unmodeled events
History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Communications is Important: DarkStar+7 seconds=DarkSpot
History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review 7 second lag time also, though this didn’t play a role in this case, there’s a lot of cognitive literature on how people react when having to change tasks– when they’re doing one thing and then get interrupted to do something else. Usually takes a while to context-switch (page in) 7 second communications lag (satellite relay) “interruption” lag on part of operator Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Predator: ~7:1 human to robot ratio
History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Leo’s unofficial Predator page 4 people to control it (52-56 weeks of training) one for flying two for instruments one for landing/takeoff plus maintenance, sensor processing and routing lack of self-awareness– in Kosovo, come along side in helicopter and shoot down Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Summary of Teleop Problems
cognitive fatigue communications dropout communications bandwidth communications lag too many people to run one robot (hidden cost) History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Telesystems Best Suited For:
the tasks are unstructured and not repetitive the task workspace cannot be engineered to permit the use of industrial manipulators key portions of the task require dexterous manipulation, especially hand-eye coordination, but not continuously key portions of the task require object recognition or situational awareness the needs of the display technology do not exceed the limitations of the communication link (bandwidth, time delays) the availability of trained personnel is not an issue History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Teleop Improvements: Telepresence
improves human control, reduces simulator sickness and cognitive fatigue by providing sensory feedback to the point that teleoperator feels they are “present” in robot’s environment increases demands on bandwidth History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Teleop Improvements: Supervisory Control
Semi-autonomous Supervisory Control human is involved, but routine or “safe” portions of the task are handled autonomously by the robot is really a type of mixed-initiative Shared Control/ Guarded Control human initiates action, interacts with remote by adding perceptual inputs or feedback, and interrupts execution as needed robot may “protect” itself by not bumping into things Traded Control human initiates action, does not interact History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Teleop Improvements: Mixed-Initiative
Levels of Initiative do only what told to do (teleoperation) recommend or augment (cognitive augmentation) act and report act on own and supervise itself (autonomy) History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
“No Hands Across America”
1994 CMU NavLab Pittsburgh to San Diego 2897 miles total 2849 autonomously Autonomous or Mixed-Initiative? History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Mixed-Initiative Matching Game
Level of Initiative teleoperation cognitive augmentation act and report act on own Application janitorial robot medical robot (telemedicine) high flying surveillance drone combat aerial vehicle resupply system for bringing water to fire fighters guard dog robot “nurse” robot History Teleop -Motivation -Components -Problems -Alternatives Case Studies Programming Summary Review Break into teams and have them spend 10 minutes discussing which goes where Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Collaborative Teleoperation
1 3 mpg: June 2, 2000 SRDR Miami Beach: view from Inuktun as it falls mpg: June 2, 2000 SRDR Miami Beach: view from Inuktun from hoisted position 2 Urban is stuck, Inuktun can’t help from current perspective Driven off 3rd floor Hoisted to 2nd floor by tether Has better view, changing configuration & rocking extend view still: June 2, 2000 SRDR Miami Beach Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
2000 AAAI Mobile Robot History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review 2 robots helping each other reduced collision errors, sped up time navigating confined space, righting Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Example: Mixed-Initiative & Collab. Teleop
9/2000 DARPA Tactical Mobile Robots demonstration Robot used an intelligent assistant agent to look for signs of snipers hiding in urban rubble motion skin color difference in color thermal (IR camera) Human navigated mother robot using viewpoint of 2nd robot (not in picture) Once deposited the human moved the daughter robot, and either saw a sniper or was alerted by the agent History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review This is USF’s marsupial team– a customized RWI ATRV robot that can carry three Urban robots. The mother is being teleoperated using a second daughter off to the side (collaborative teleoperation) that isn’t in the picture. Note: the idea of the robot doing the perception and the human doing the navigation is pretty much the opposite of conventional semi-autonomy thinking where people do the perception and the robot tries to figure out where to go next. USF’s work in USAR with fire rescue workers suggested that they felt comfortable joysticking the robot around but joysticking and looking through a regular camera and an IR camera simultaneously was too much. They voted for having the robot do the vision part, trying to detect people. Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
AI provides the “other stuff”
knowledge representation understanding natural langugage learning planning and problem solving inference search vision History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Example User Expectation of AI
Proposed Goal: 1:1 soldier:any robot, where 1 soldier is responsible for 1 or more active robots but does not have to pay continuous attention to them. Young Frankenstein 4 specialists: 1 vehicle 1 specialist: 1 modality 1 specialist 1 soldier n vehicles UAVs as theater assets MAVs as organic assets Field recon- figurable UUVs MAV-UGV cooperative monitoring Flocks of MAVs Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
More Reasonable Expections
Consolidation agents with “tactical” autonomy, toolkits Vehicle success is still based on human, but robot is “in front” History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Dedicated Autonomy Systems Human intermittent attention as team coordinator, not with individuals Mass-produced dedicated agents Cooperating “pack” or “herd” agents Reconfigurable AutonomySystems Human primary responsibility as a tool builder, expert advisor. Peer-level communication Field- reconfigurable agents Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Programming Notes You always need telesystem or human intervention as a backup at some point a human will need to take control embed in your design “Roboticists automate what is easy and leave the rest to the human”- Don Norman The user interface is absolutely critical User interface make up 60% of commercial code Useful= is the program purpose useful? usually given to designer via specifications and requirements Usable= can a human use it efficiently? designer must conduct usability studies avoid “if I can use it, some one else will” History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Example of How an “Internal” Display Can Hurt
History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review iRobot PackBot video, FLIR, 2 way audio gamer joystick plus laptop with video & audio robot state: battery, comms, orientation, camera, encoders was not used on rubble pile at WTC because it scared off rescuers: too complicated, too long to boot, too toy now integrated with Land Warrior– used in Afghanistan Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Summary Teleoperation arose a partial solution to autonomy
cognitive fatigue, high comms bandwidth, long delays, and many:one human to robot ratios Telepresence tries to reduce cognitive fatigue through enhanced immersive environments Semi-autonomy tries to reduce fatigue, bandwidth by delegating portions of the task to robot mixed-initiative Teleop isn’t simple and improvements aren’t just “better user interfaces” History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
Review Questions What is an intelligent robot?
What is the difference between engineering and AI robotics? What are 3 types of control? What are the parts of a telesystem? What are problems with teleoperation? What’s the difference between telepresence and semi-autonomous control? What are the levels of initiative (mixed-initiative)? What are alternatives to traditional teleoperation? History Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review Introduction to AI Robotics (MIT Press) Chapter 1
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