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Connecting Faith and Life: Theological Reflection The Effective DRE A Skills Development Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Faith and Life: Theological Reflection The Effective DRE A Skills Development Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Faith and Life: Theological Reflection The Effective DRE A Skills Development Series

2 Theological Reflection Part 1 What and Why Model Method

3 What and Why Natural Activity Transformation

4 Small Group Discussion Think back to your growing up years. What did it mean “to be holy”? Who was or could be “holy”? How did you know if you were “holy” or “good”? What does holiness “look like” for you at this point in your life? What created the changes?

5 Did anyone try the exercise from page 6 of the text? What was your experience?

6 The Model Experience Tradition Culture

7 Experience Simple Complex Whole person

8 Tradition Scripture History Teachings of the Church

9 Culture Environment (society) –symbols, values, mores, philosophies comfort vs. discomfort

10 Small Group Experience CultureTradition Experience - Recall an event that has some meaning for you. Tell it is as much detail as you can. Tradition – What Scripture story or religious teaching would shed light on that experience? Culture – What would today’s society say about the experience? Intersection – Putting the 3 in dialogue, where do they intersect?

11 The Method Attending Asserting Decision making

12 Attending Be alert to mind and heart Be open to experience of others Listen deeply Be open to transformation

13 Critical attending requires that we be open to receive new information and insights that challenge the way we see things, our worldview. A change in our worldview clarifies or changes our actions.

14 Asserting Engage info from the 3 poles to expand and deepen religious insight Search for a deeper truth Claim a truth Let go of “old truth” Be open to interpretation

15 Theological reflection asks us to be willing to suspend, for a while, what we hold to be certain. Give up the need to be right. Explore the truth and wisdom of each pole Sustain different and possibly conflicting testimonies, and realize this is a valuable and necessary part of theological reflection.

16 Decision Making The goal of theological reflection Choose to respond Find insight to move faith into action

17 Discussion Recall an attitude, a belief, or a way of thinking that has changed for you. How did this change come about? What influenced this change? How has this change made you different?

18 Let’s Use It Theological Reflection Part 2 Form two groups Choose a facilitator Do a group reflection based on the “For Reflection” exercise found on pages 33 and 34.

19 Positive Sharing Recall an experience of positive faith sharing –What made it so? Recall an experience of negative sharing –What made it so?

20 Skills “I” messages Use silence Keep focused Avoid generalizations Keep the discussion open Summarize (clarify) “So what I hear you saying is…”

21 Listening Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry – James 1:19


23 Do’s Concentrate on listening Let speakers own their statements Affirm – restate if necessary Invite completion Allow silence Stick with “I” statements

24 Do Not’s Jump in with your experience Try to problem solve Make everything better Explain away feelings Add your interpretation Pry Forget silence Allow generalizations

25 Sharing Guidelines Create them Use dialogue (see chart) Frame questions Prepare for challenges Be informed


27 Discussion In what areas of theological understanding are you strong? How do you grow in theological understanding?

28 Reflection Paper 2-3 typed pages Answer: What have I learned about theological reflection? What does it mean for me? How will I use it personally and in groups? Give specific examples.

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