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Thematic Roles Sara sang the song. Agent Kim drank a coffee. Patient Sally gave Tom her pullover. Theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Thematic Roles Sara sang the song. Agent Kim drank a coffee. Patient Sally gave Tom her pullover. Theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thematic Roles Sara sang the song. Agent Kim drank a coffee. Patient Sally gave Tom her pullover. Theme

2 Thematic Roles Susi gave her the bag. She likes candles. Experiencer They protected their heads with helmets. Instrument Megan prepared lunch for her grandmother. Beneficiary

3 Thematic Roles He donated $2000 to the orphanage. Recipient The computer is on the table. Location They went to the cinema. She handed the paper to her professor. Goal

4 She received a letter from her boyfriend. Source Thematic Roles

5 Linking Definition:The term linking refers to the relationship between thematic roles and grammatical relations. AgentRecipientTheme John gaveTomthe bottle. Subjectindirect objectdirect object

6 The theta hierachy In an unmarked declarative sentence, the highest ranked thematic role will be subject. Agent > instrument / experiencer > patient / theme > source / goal / location

7 Agens-Gefälle Intransitive verbs: -unergative verbs: take an agent subject -unaccusative verbs: take a patient subject A sentence can only be passivised if there is a difference between subject and object on the theta-hierachy. Peter schreibt Kurzgeschichten. Kurzgeschichten werden von Peter geschrieben.

8 Linking Grammatical relation Thematic roleCase SubjectAgentNominative Direct objectPatient / Theme Accusative Indirect objectBeneficiary / Recipient Dative (in ditransives)


10 Passive transformation 1) Demotion of the subject to an adjunct introduced by by / von 2) Promotion of the object (and adverbial NP) to subject status 3) Introduction of an auxiliary verb: English be or get / German (mostly) werden. (German also knows more marginal auxiliaries: bekommen, sein, bleiben, gehören.) e.g. The car ran over a dog.> A dog was/got run over by the car. Man verlieh dem Soldaten einen Orden. > Dem Soldaten wurde ein Orden verliehen. (alternatively: > Der Soldat bekam einen Orden verliehen.)

11 Semantic prerequisite for the passive: a patient! That means, the subject must have been affected by the relevant event, or in other terms subject and object must have different levels on the theta-hierarchy (Agensgefälle).

12 In German, a formal difference is made between VorgangspassivEr wurde (vom Blitz) getroffen. and ZustandspassivEr war (wie vom Blitz) getroffen.

13 Only English allows for passivization of imperatives: e.g. Dont get bitten by snakes! (German: *Werde nicht von Schlangen gebissen! > Lass dich nicht von Schlangen beißen!)

14 Only German allows for passivization of intransitives: e.g. In den Fluren wird nicht gerannt!(subjectless) (English: Running is not allowed in the corridors.)

15 German allows for dative case in subject position: e.g. Ihm wurde gedankt. (No oblique case in English: *Him was thanked. > He was thanked.)

16 This is due to the fact that in German, dative case is not restricted to the indirect object in ditransitives, but also occurs with certain verbs: e.g. Ihm wird vertraut. Ihr wird gratuliert. Ihnen wird geglaubt.


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