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Armaflex Solutions For Heating and Plumbing. Heating and Plumbing 2 Insulation main target: Limit heat losses (energy savings) Noise control Condensation.

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Presentation on theme: "Armaflex Solutions For Heating and Plumbing. Heating and Plumbing 2 Insulation main target: Limit heat losses (energy savings) Noise control Condensation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Armaflex Solutions For Heating and Plumbing

2 Heating and Plumbing 2 Insulation main target: Limit heat losses (energy savings) Noise control Condensation control (sanitary cold water, waste water pipes) Reduce risk of freezing

3 In heating and plumbing both PEF and FEF materials (eg. Tubolit or SH/Armaflex) can be used as insulation 3 The main target is to limit heat losses. Insulation with low λ-heat conductivity factor, are required. Easy installation is a benefit. Why ?

4 What is heat? 4 Heat is the form of energy which is transferred from a body with higher temperature to a body with lower temperature. This process is called heat transfer. The bodies can transfer heat because they „contain” it in form of internal kinetic energy which is the energy of motions of all the body's particles, such as e.g. atoms or molecules. If a body gets a portion of heat which is then for some time fully or partially retained within the body, the immediate recation is increase of the temperature of the body which means that its internal energy has been increased too.

5 Heat transfer is driven by temperature difference 5 Temperature is one of the so called basic physical values, i.e. it has no definition. We can say that temperature is a measuring scale of the internal kinetic energy of a body. The higher temperature the bigger internal kinetic energy of a body. A fundamental condition for heat transfer is temperature difference between the bodies. The higher this difference the bigger is the rate of heat transfer, i.e. how much energy is transferred per unit of time. Knowing the temperature profile is an important part of the overall heat transfer calculation. hot pipeinsulationambient air heat transfer temperature profile

6 Heat Losses 6

7 Thermal conductivity λ 7 Thermal conductivity is a material property representing the ability of the material to conduct heat. The thermal conductivity is the heat in joules which, per unit of time, flows through 1 m² of a 1 m thick flat layer of a substance (heat flow density) when the temperature difference is 1 K. λ [W/mK]

8 Some examples of thermal conductivity values 8 [W/(m  K)] 0,024air 0,036Armaflex 0,20wood 0,40plastic 0,55water 0,84concrete [W/(m  K)] 0,036 Armaflex 50steel 200aluminium 380copper Thermal conductivity is a material parameter, it does not depend on thickness or volume.

9 Why Armaflex has so low thermal conductivity? 9 Armaflex has a closed cell structure of small air cells. Air is „trapped” in the cells, it can not flow and due to very small size of cells there is no convection in the cells. Heat is transfered on the way of: conduction in the structure of synthetic rubber (Flexible Elastomeric Foam), conduction in air, radiation through air between cell walls. [W/m  K] 0,024air 0,036Armaflex

10 Temperature profile (gradient) in insulation 10

11 Heat loss from a pipe k l [W/mK] 11 The lower λ the lower heat losses The bigger outersurface of insulation the higher heat losses λ

12 Heat loss from a pipe 12 The bigger insulation thickness The lower heat losses

13 13 Heating and Plumbing Products for Heating and Plumbing TUBES SHEETS TAPES 1. Standard PEF Products: Tubolit DG Tubolit S Tubolit S Plus 2. Special PEF Products Tubolit AR Tubolit AR Fonowave 3. FEF Products: SH/Armaflex

14 14 Thank you

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