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Pan-STARRS PS1 Published Science Products Subsystem Preliminary Design Review May 9-10, 2006 IPAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Pan-STARRS PS1 Published Science Products Subsystem Preliminary Design Review May 9-10, 2006 IPAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pan-STARRS PS1 Published Science Products Subsystem Preliminary Design Review May 9-10, 2006 IPAC

2 slide 2 Welcome Welcome to this Preliminary Design Review for the Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) Published Science Products Subsystem. I would like to begin by thanking Dr. Roc Cutri and IPAC for graciously letting us use their facility for the meeting. To those who have agreed to serve on the review committee, we want to thank you for making your valuable time available to assess the progress of the IfA/SAIC team in developing the PSPS component of the PS1 prototype.

3 slide 3 Introductions IfA/SAIC PSPS Team* Dr. Jim Heasley, IfA/Pan-STARRS, PSPS section head Dr. Julie Rosen, SAIC, Program Manager Mr. Wayne Smith, SAIC, Lead Engineer Dr. Robert Eek, SAIC, Data Architect Mr. Matt Jones, SAIC, Database Engineer Mr. Chris Argauer, SAIC, Storage Architect * - In attendance today

4 slide 4 Introductions (cont) PDR Review Panel Dr. Will Burgett, Pan-STARRS Project Manager Dr. Roc Cutri, IPAC Dr. Jacek Becla, SLAC Dr. Bruce Berriman, IPAC Other Interested Parties Attending Dr. Nick Kaiser, IfA, Pan-STARRS PI Dr. Ken Chambers, IfA, PS1 Project Scientist Dr. Dave Monet, USNO, Pan-STARRS team Mr. Mike Maberry, IfA, Asst Director External Relations

5 slide 5 What is the PSPS? The Published Science Products Subsystem of Pan-STARRS, which will:  Provide access to the data products generated by the Pan-STARRS telescopes and data reduction pipelines  Provide a data archive for the Pan-STARRS data products  Provide adequate security to protect the integrity of the Pan-STARRS data products

6 slide 6 What is PS1 PSPS?  The PS1 telescope is being developed as a prototype for the full four-telescope (PS4) system.  Given that the PS1 is a prototype, the PS1 PSPS will not meet all the requirements for the full Pan- STARRS system.*  Part of the PS1 PSPS mission is to better understand how the full set of requirements might be achieved in the future. We understand these requirements to include the entire process, from hardware design to responding to user queries. * - See PSPS SRS for specifics on PS4 requirements/ desirements that are not addressed by PS1

7 slide 7 Goal For This PDR The purpose of this PDR is to assess that the preliminary design has a reasonable chance of meeting the requirements and for reasonable costs.  SRS requirements have been addressed by the design  Integration and testing plans for PSPS components have been developed  The preliminary design of external interfaces has been addressed  Significant risks are identified and mitigation plans are appropriate  The development plan (schedules and budgets) is reasonable

8 slide 8 Meeting Focus  The presentations over today and tomorrow will focus on the principal requirements driving the high-level design of the PSPS, and how we have designed a system to address them.  This material is intended to provide an overview of the entirety of the documentation provided to the review panel prior to the PDR.  The viewgraph material prepared for this meeting is intended to stimulate real-time discussion of the preliminary design materials provided to reviewers for their reading/correspondence prior to PDR.

9 slide 9 Topics: May 9/Day 1 Preliminary Engineering Design  WelcomeJim  How we got hereJulie  PSPS: A recap of the requirementsWayne  SRS changes: Impact on designWayne  IPP/MOPS-PSPS interface definitionsWayne  Conceptual design/overviewWayne  Preliminary design details: design driversWayne  Plan for PSPS testingWayne

10 slide 10 Topics: May 10/Day 2 Risk Analysis and Management Review  Welcome/recap of day 1Jim  Technical riskWayne  Risk mitigation engineering estimatesJulie  Management review/strategyJim  Recap/next stepsWill et al

11 Mahalo!

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