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CCCU Critical Concerns Conference Tampa 2003 CCCU Market Research 101 January 16, 2003.

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1 CCCU Critical Concerns Conference Tampa 2003 CCCU Market Research 101 January 16, 2003

2 Formal Research “Attitudinal Study of Prospects, Inquirers, Parents of Inquirers, Non- matriculants, and Matriculants” Conducted in 1986 and again in 2000 for the CCCU

3 Goals of the Workshop Explain the goals of the research Brief description of methodology Summarize highlights of findings Recommendations from Maguire Associates

4 Goals of the Research Gain longitudinal perspective of the college search process Monitor shifts since 1986 in family priorities in making college choices Track changes in the overall image of Christian colleges and universities since 1986 Assess market perceptions of the quality of Christ- centered colleges in 1986 and today Determine how families define value in education Provide “big picture” themes and identify the most powerful messages to portray what is distinctive about Christian colleges and universities

5 Research Audiences 5

6 “We know these things for sure.” The college search is starting earlier for families. The use and influence of the Web represents a major change in market behavior. Public universities are major competitors of Christian colleges and universities. The phrase “liberal arts” is not helpful in clarifying image or communicating value. The Christian mission plays a major role in the college decision-making process.

7 “We know these things for sure.” Because of its perceived fragmentation, a Christian campus experience is an underdeveloped building block of the Christian identity. Prospective students have concerns about the relationship between the Christian influence and intellectual life. Academic excellence is intertwined with preparation for the future. Parents are more involved in the college search in the CCCU market. Perceptions of value are shaped by impressions of an institution’s ability to offer tangible outcomes and cultivate character development.

8 Research Highlights: Timing for Admissions Marketing Prospective students are beginning the search process earlier, many before the junior year in high school. Parents are starting even earlier.

9 Timing of College Search (2000)

10 Research Highlights: Use of Information Sources Personal contacts and printed materials are the most popular sources of information. The campus visit is the most powerful recruitment tool at all stages of the search. Parents are more influential in the college search than typically seen in the college- bound student marketplace.

11 (Very Influential) (Not at All Influential) Parents’ Influence in Choice of College/University (2000)

12 Research Highlights: Use of Information Sources Most prospective students are using the Web at all levels of the college search. Students think of email and chat rooms as “personal” communications.

13 Use of Source

14 Research Highlights: 2000 and 1986 Comparisons The CCCU colleges and universities are somewhat more visible in 2000 than they were in 1986. The overall image of the CCCU colleges and universities has improved slightly in academic quality. Quality-of-life issues emerged as the most positive feature of the CCCU schools in 1986 and in 2000.

15 (Totally Familiar) (Not at All Familiar) Familiarity with Christian Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities (1986 vs. 2000)

16 Research Highlights: “Big Picture” Image Issues Students have a narrower and less positive view than their parents of a Christian educational experience. Christian-related issues affect prospective students’ decisions throughout the admissions funnel.

17 Research Highlights: “Big Picture” Image Issues The concept of the liberal arts is not well- understood by the CCCU market. Top negatives focus on concerns about small size and a sheltered, protected environment.

18 Research Highlights: Academic Quality Image Issues Prospective students and their parents think about specific majors and future outcomes when they measure academic quality. Prospective students tend to assume the CCCU colleges and universities lack academic rigor and intellectual freedom. An all-Christian faculty is less appealing to prospective students than to their parents.

19 Research Highlights: Student Life Image Issues Prospective students have a “siloed” image of student life on Christian campuses. Prospective students are becoming increasingly interested in:  Personal growth  Development of moral character  Community service

20 Research Highlights: Student Life Image Issues Impressions of social life become more influential at the enrollment decision stage. Understanding of the integration of faith and living as well as faith and learning evolves; it is not immediately grasped by prospective students.

21 Research Highlights: Financial Issues Prospective students tend to think about “sticker price;” parents about net cost. Perceptions of value are closely linked to academic quality, preparation for the future, and character development. Parents want evidence of the marketability of the degree and personal growth.

22 Research Highlights: Competitive Positioning Issues Among prospects, top competitors tend to be public universities. Among inquirers, there is a shift toward private universities. Among accepted students, they hone in on Christian colleges and universities.

23 Research Highlights: Competitive Positioning Issues Comparative CCCU assets are:  Spiritual growth and spiritual character of fellow students  Academic quality of students  Overall quality of education  Academic reputation  Preparation for careers

24 Research Highlights: Competitive Positioning Issues Comparative CCCU liabilities are:  Cost  Recreational opportunities

25 Research Highlights: Competitive Positioning Issues Prospect to inquirer conversions are stimulated by positive impressions of:  Opportunities for spiritual growth  Spiritual characteristics of fellow students

26 Research Highlights: Competitive Positioning Issues Inquirer to accepted student conversions are stimulated by positive impressions of:  Overall quality of education  Social life Cost was the only feature of Christian colleges and universities that was not perceived more positively by matriculants.

27 Hallmark Themes for the CCCU Academic Quality: A high-quality education in a secular world. Christian-centered Community: A close-knit, Christian community that emphasizes character development and spiritual growth. Future Orientation: Preparation for life as well as a living. Financial Investment: The value proposition.

28 Academic Quality Theme: A high-quality education in a secular world.  Introduces the Christian focus  Positions against public and private secular competitors  Acknowledges concerns about invasion of voiceless/faceless world  Can convey freedom of intellectual inquiry  Sets foundation for integration of faith and learning

29 Christian-centered Community Theme: A close-knit, Christian community that emphasizes character development and spiritual growth.  Highlights character development  Distinguishes spiritual growth opportunities  Enhances appreciation for value  Develops understanding of integration of faith and living

30 Future Orientation Theme: Preparation for life as well as a living.  Addresses interest in careers  Advances concept of development of whole person  Provides foundation for moral and spiritual lifestyle  Raises the bar for definition of success

31 Financial Investment Theme: The value proposition.  Create a succinct statement  Fold in essential elements of first three hallmark statements  Write to parent audience  Connect to cost discussions at all times

32 Short-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Begin direct marketing efforts to prospective students early. Build communications flows based on the first point of contact, not the calendar. Develop a parent communications plan. Offer a service orientation to early inquirers. Anticipate the composition of the competition set at each stage of the admissions funnel in developing strategic communications.

33 Short-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Be bold in defining the uniqueness of the Christian experience, but use “cascading” language. Monitor the effectiveness of on-campus visits at all stages of the recruitment cycle. Increase emphasis on all dimensions of the social experience, especially at the acceptance stage.

34 Short-term Strategies: Communications/PR Use the hallmark themes from the research to develop a distinctive institutional identity. Prepare a signature statement that both captures the institutional identity and supports the CCCU organization. Develop a definition of academic quality that best describes the institution.

35 Short-term Strategies: Communications/PR Create a distinctive, multi-dimensional description of student life at the institution. Write a value proposition that augments the signature statement.

36 Mid-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Collect tangible examples of academic quality from the community:  Challenge  Student, faculty, and alumni achievements  Positive changes in student profiles Emphasize faculty commitment to the development of the whole person. Present evidence of quality and faculty commitment at all stages of the recruitment cycle.

37 Mid-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Demonstrate how students get “real world” experiences while still enrolled. Illustrate ways that students work together in Christian and community service activities.

38 Mid-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Collect tangible evidence of outcomes. Talk about value in terms of investment in preparation for future careers, character development, and preparation for leading responsible and fulfilling lives. Advance families’ understanding of net cost. Bring new technological systems to the financial aid process.

39 Mid-term Strategies: Communications/PR Adapt the CCCU hallmark themes to develop institutional communications that apply to all key stakeholder audiences. Choose a consistent institutional “look” to be used for all constituencies. Use the CCCU logo to add visibility to the organization.

40 Mid-term Strategies: Communications/PR Develop messages describing Christian fellowship on campus and its impact on all aspects of student life. Align personal growth with spiritual development to distinguish the Christian environment.

41 Long-term Strategies: Admissions Marketing Develop awareness among prospective students and their parents of the larger community of Christian colleges and universities. Continue to develop electronic recruitment vehicles and strategies. Seek compatible organizations for hyperlinking opportunities.

42 Long-term Strategies: Communications/PR Strengthen the bond between the CCCU and the institution for coordinated promotion of a Christian education. Increase the public’s perception of the overall value of a Christian education.  List long-term, value-added benefits  Link social life and social responsibility

43 Short-term Strategies: Campus Team Activities Develop student and faculty profiles to be used for various outreach activities.  Advantages of Christian faculty  Portrayal of whole person (students and faculty) Develop a unique description of the intimacy and the atmosphere of the campus community.

44 Mid-term Strategies: Campus Team Activities Begin re-allocating resources toward the Web and other electronic communications. Make careful decisions about which print media should be continued. Build a depth-and-breadth Web site for admissions marketing and for key audiences.

45 Long-term Strategies: Campus Team Activities Create a distinctive set of messages for campus-wide communication of the institution’s approach to the liberal arts. Develop an ongoing institutional strategy for communicating the concepts of:  Faith and learning  Faith and living

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