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Macromolecules Review Science Department Biology YM, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Macromolecules Review Science Department Biology YM, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macromolecules Review Science Department Biology YM, 2010

2 1. Define Organic.

3 1. Define Organic Molecules that have the element CARBON Molecules that have the element CARBON

4 2. Define Monomer

5 2. Define Monomer. Small, simple units

6 3. What are polymers? 3. What are polymers?

7 Larger units made of monomers 3. What are polymers? 3. What are polymers?

8 4. Define polymerization.

9 Process of creating large, macromolecules 4. Define polymerization. 4. Define polymerization.

10 5. What are the four groups of macromolecules?

11 1. Lipids 2. Carbohydrates 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic acids 5. What are the four groups of macromolecules?

12 6. What elements make up a LIPID?

13 carbon and hydrogen 6. What elements make up a LIPID?

14 7. What is the monomer of a LIPID?

15 1 glycerol head and 3 fatty-acids tails 7. What is the monomer of a LIPID? 1-Glycerol Head 3-Fatty Acid Tails

16 8. What are four common examples of a LIPID?

17 Fats, oils, waxes and steroids 8. What are four common examples of a LIPID?

18 9. What are the elements in carbohydrates?

19 Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

20 10. What is the function of carbohydrates?

21 Main source of energy in living things.

22 11. What are the monomers of a carbohydrate?

23 Monosaccharide

24 12. What is the polymer of a carbohydrate?

25 Polysaccharide

26 13. Give two examples of a monosaccharide.

27 Glucose, Fructose 13. Give two examples of a monosaccharide.

28 14. Give two examples of a polysaccharide.

29 Starch (plants) Glycogen (animals) 14. Give two examples of a polysaccharide.

30 15. Benedict’s solution. Which group of carbohydrates will produce a POSITIVE test?

31 Monosaccharides

32 15. Benedict’s solution. How does it worK

33 In the presence of a MONOSACCHARIDE and HEAT, it changes from BLUE to RED/ORANGE. 15. Benedict’s solution. How does it work?

34 16. Lugol’s Iodine solution. Which group of carbohydrates will produce a POSITIVE test?

35 Starches

36 In the presence of a starch, it changes from BROWN to BLUISH/BLACK. 16. Lugol’s Iodine solution. How does it work?

37 17. What is the function of a Nucleic Acid?

38 Store and transmit genetic information

39 18. What is the monomer of a nucleic acid?

40 Nucleotide

41 19. Two types of nucleic acids are _____ and _____.

42 DNA and RNA 19. Two types of nucleic acids are _____ and _____.

43 20. What are the elements that make up a protein?

44 C H O N Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen 20. What are the elements that make up a protein?

45 21. What is the monomer of a protein?

46 Amino Acid 21. What is the monomer of a protein?

47 22. What is the function of a protein?

48 Form muscles and bones, transport substances, and control the rate of reactions in the body. 22. What is the function of a protein?

49 23. Define Activation Energy.

50 The energy needed to start a chemical reaction. 23. Define Activation Energy. Ex: Match starts a campfire

51 24. Define Catalyst.

52 C hemicals that can speed up a chemical reaction. 24. Define Catalyst.

53 25. What is the difference between a catalyst and an enzyme?

54 Enzymes are found in LIVING things and are used over and over. 25. What is the difference between a catalyst and an enzyme?

55 26. How is a match similar to an enzyme?

56 Both are catalysts. 26. How is a match similar to an enzyme?

57 27. What is an enzyme and what does it do?

58 A Biological catalyst that speeds up reactions by decreasing activation energy. 27. What is an enzyme and what does it do?

59 28. What factors can affect the functioning of an enzyme?

60 Change in: pH Temperature Salinity (ions) Substrate (starting ingredient) concentration 28. What factors can affect the functioning of an enzyme?

61 29. What does the word “Denature” mean?

62 The proteins’ natural structure is permanently changed. 29. What does the word “Denature” mean?

63 30. What are the conditions that affect enzyme activity?

64 Change in pH, temperature, or substrate concentration. 30. What are the conditions that affect enzyme activity?

65 31. What happens if any of these conditions is altered?

66 Denaturation 31. What happens if any of these conditions is altered?

67 Apply your knowledge! Why does a tomato ripen faster at room temperature versus leaving it in the refrigerator?

68 Apply your knowledge! Why does a tomato ripen faster at room temperature versus leaving it in the refrigerator? The enzyme does not work as fast in cold temperatures.

69 Apply your knowledge! Why does the egg white of an egg become opaque and firm when heated?

70 Apply your knowledge! Why does the egg white of an egg become opaque and firm when heated? The protein, albumin, gets denatured!

71 Study!

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