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Published byWinfred Russell Modified over 9 years ago
Capacity Building for American Indians Project American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Grant Writing Essentials and Foundation Workshop November 17-18, 2009 Seattle, WA The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the Department of Education (Grant No. H315D050003). However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Capacity Building for American Indians Project In collaboration with: San Diego State University – Interwork Institute Southern University Capacity Building Project This document is available in alternate format upon request. The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the Department of Education (Grant No. H315D050003). However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
5 POINTS Need for Project
Criterion 1. The magnitude of the need for the services to be provided or the activities to be carried out by the proposed project. 2. The extent to which specific gaps or weaknesses in services, infrastructure, or opportunities have been identified and will be addressed by the proposed project, including the nature and magnitude of those gaps or weaknesses.
1. The magnitude of the need for the services to be provided or the activities to be carried out by the proposed project. Key words:
Explanation: …focus on the purpose for which these projects are funded – to provide VR services that will enable American Indians with disabilities to achieve employment outcomes. Barriers to the provision of VR services…can be described Barriers to the achievement of employment outcomes…can be described
WHY is there a need for a vocational rehabilitation program on and near your reservation? HOW great is that need? How will you BOLSTER your case that your tribe is prepared to address the needs?
Why is there a need for an AIVR program on your reservation? Is it because the state VR is not adequately providing culturally appropriate VR services? Is it because the need is still there from previous grant years? Is it because the data shows the need for services?
How great is that need? Regionally: What information can you use from the state VR to support your need for a tribal VR Program? How many tribal members with disabilities are they serving? How often does the state VR agency visit the reservation? What are the prevalent disabilities? What other federal or state resources are available or unavailable to your tribal members? Locally: What are the prevalent disabilities among tribal members? What employment opportunities are available for individuals with disabilities? Or NOT available? What is the consumer caseload? Or what is the anticipated caseload?
How will you bolster your case? Data requested include: disability type, age, sex & residency Receive information from: Tribal VR program State VR program Indian Health Services (IHS) High Schools, Colleges, or Tech Schools Education Department Diabetes Program Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Grants and Contracts Office Treatment Centers Veterans Administration Other state and tribal programs that may serve the same population
Key words: 2. The extent to which specific gaps or weaknesses in services, infrastructure, or opportunities have been identified and will be addressed by the proposed project, including the nature and magnitude of those gaps or weaknesses.
Explanation : …provide information that shows the extent to which VR services are provided by State VR agencies to American Indians with disabilities in the geographic area to be served by the project.
Barrier in transportation on and near the reservation Lack of financial tribal resources to provide adequate and effective services for tribal members with disabilities Lack of understanding of disabilities as an impediment to employment Gap in transition services… high school to college/training or employment Examples of gaps, barriers and weaknesses:
Lack of employment opportunities on or near the reservation Barriers in accessible facilities for work, recreation, and home Lack of coordination of services for tribal members with disabilities State VR Agency limited or non-existent schedule to the reservation Examples of gaps, barriers and weaknesses:
This is the beginning of the rationale to fund your project... and to fund it NOW. Assure the peer reviewer that there is a plan for success/solution – given the time and resources. This section needs to be consistent with your objectives.
10 POINTS Significance
Criterion 1. The potential contribution of the proposed project to increase knowledge or understanding of rehabilitation problems, issues, or effective strategies. 2. The extent to which the proposed project is likely to build local capacity to provide, improve, or expand services that address the needs of the target population.
1. The potential contribution of the proposed project to increase knowledge or understanding of rehabilitation problems, issues, or effective strategies. Key words:
Explanation : Describe the extent the project will expand or improve the practice of VR for American Indians with disabilities. Describe how proposed services and strategies, including services traditionally used by Indian tribes, will improve employment outcomes for American Indians with disabilities.
background information about the tribe, service area, and issues tribal members with disabilities are experiencing, why your program should be funded now, barriers to the provision of services and achievement of employment outcomes, and provided the evidence (data/information) to support your need statement… In the Need for Project you stated:
Now you will provide information about how the project will increase the KNOWLEDGE or UNDERSTANDING of REHABILITATION problems, issues, or concerns affecting tribal members with disabilities
Some examples of rehabilitation problems or issues include: Lack of trained, licensed, or certified therapists or counselors Respite services Assistive living services Personal care assistance Assistive technology resources Recreation programs or services Support groups Transportation
Keep in mind… You may repeat or make reference to information previously stated in the Need for Project criteria. You are in essence re-stating the need and indicating the significance of your tribe administering its own VR program. The purpose of the program as you move from one criteria to the next criteria.
2. The extent to which the proposed project is likely to build local capacity to provide, improve, or expand services that address the needs of the target population. Key words:
Explanation : Describe the extent the project will expand or improve the practice of VR for American Indians with disabilities. Describe how proposed services and strategies, including services traditionally used by Indian tribes, will improve employment outcomes for American Indians with disabilities.
The term “capacity building” can be defined as: a strategy that strengthens the tribal VR program. an ongoing strategy that requires consultation and planning. promotes advocacy and collaboration with community stakeholders, partner agencies, consumers, and family members. Additionally, capacity building includes aspects of staff development, community training, and resource building, that clearly reflects the commitment of the program in furthering VR services for tribal members with disabilities. (definition by the CBAIP (wfr), 2007)
Impact of building local capacity: Empowering and increasing the abilities, skills, and knowledge of consumers to engage in gainful employment Increasing employment opportunities for consumers Advocating for tribal leadership’s support to improve and expand consumer services and opportunities Encouraging involvement of family members in consumer activities and advocating for community integration
How do you do this? Outreach Collaboration Dissemination
Outreach Individual basis - Promote program services - Personal appearances - Write articles in the tribal newspaper - Wear the tribal VR shirt Group setting - Active participation at Chapter/Tribal Council meetings -Active participation at School Board meetings -Attend public forums on disability issues -Host an Open House
Collaboration Disability awareness fairs Joint presentations at the tribe, or at conferences Co-sponsorship of activities Partnerships with key stakeholders
Dissemination Newspapers Letters to the editor Articles Tribal Radio Promotional material Brochures Business cards Flyers Posters Website
This section shows how your project will contribute to the improvement of rehabilitation service provision on and near the reservation and building the partnerships to support the strategies proposed.
15 POINTS Quality of the Project Design
Criterion 1. The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be achieved by the proposed project are clearly specified and measurable. 2. The extent to which the design of the proposed project is appropriate to, and will successfully address, the needs of the target population or other identified needs. 3. The extent to which the proposed project will be coordinated with similar or related efforts, and with other appropriate community, State, and Federal resources. 4. The extent to which the proposed project encourages consumer involvement. 5. The quality of the methodology to be employed in the proposed project.
1. The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be achieved by the proposed project are clearly specified and measurable. Key words:
Explanation : Describe the overall plan for the project and how the goals, objectives, outcomes, project design and methodology are directed toward the provision of VR services for the achievement of employment outcomes. The overall project design should be compatible with the assurance statements made in response to the special application requirements at 34 CFR 371.21 (a)-(j). Proposals should identify the measurable results expected to be achieved during each year of the project.
What is a GOAL? A Goal is a broad and general statement of direction that may be a long-term plan, achievement, or desired impact of a program. Direct correlation with need statement. Make sure the goal(s) are similar to the funding sources goal.
Example: The goal of the XYZ Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program is to provide vocational rehabilitation services to American Indians with disabilities who reside on the XYZ reservation (and a 15 mile radius of the reservation), consistent with their individual strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice, so that they may prepare for and engage in gainful employment, including self-employment, telecommuting and business ownership.
An objective breaks down a goal into short-term and specific action tasks to accomplish the goal(s). An objective is a specific result measured in a specific amount of time. Objectives need to be measurable and time- oriented. Realistic and capable of being accomplished. Addresses impact on population being served. What is an OBJECTIVE?
Remember… Objectives need to be SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time bound
Example: Objective One: In Year One, provide VR services to 25 eligible American Indian consumers, with 2 becoming successfully employed. Objective Two: In Year Two, provide VR services to 30 eligible American Indian consumers, with 4 becoming successfully employed. Objective Three: In Year Three, provide VR services to 35 eligible American Indian consumers, with 8 becoming successfully employed. Objective Four: In Year Four, provide VR services to 40 eligible American Indian consumers, with 14 becoming successfully employed. Objective Five: In Year Five, provide VR services to 45 eligible American Indian consumers, with 22 becoming successfully employed.
2. The extent to which the design of the proposed project is appropriate to, and will successfully address, the needs of the target population or other identified needs. Key words:
Explanation : The overall project design should be compatible with the assurance statements made in response to the special application requirements at 34 CFR 371.21 (a)-(j).34 CFR 371.21 (a)-(j). NOTE: the Special Application Requirements will be in a separate section of the proposal (Part IV in the Assurances, Certifications, and Disclosures)
How do you know… that the project design (goals, objectives, outcomes, and methodology) is appropriate to the needs of the tribal members with disabilities or the other needs that you may have stated? that the design of the project will successfully address these needs?
Some ideas to include: A description of how the AIVR project will provide a broad scope of VR services comparable to State VR services. 34 CFR 371.21 (a) A brief assurance that the tribal VR program alone will determine eligibility and which VR services will be provided. 34 CFR 371.21 (b) Determine if the project will provide VR services to all eligible American Indians with disabilities OR will provide a description of the order of selection, prioritized based on the basis of severity of disability. 34 CFR 371.21 (c) or (d)
An assurance that the project will develop individualized plans for employment jointly with eligible tribal members with disabilities. 34 CFR 371.21 (e) Explain how the project will ensure that opportunities will be provided for American Indians with disabilities to participate in the development and implementation of general policies. 34 CFR 371.21 (f) Explain that the tribe has established a cooperative working agreement with State VR agency and that a copy is noted in the appendices. 34 CFR 371.21 (g) cont. some ideas to include:
Explain how the project will use comparable benefits and services. 34 CFR 371.21 (h) Provide the procedures for due process and include the policy and procedures manual for the project in the appendices. 34 CFR 371.21 (i) Explain how the tribe and the project will ensure the use of qualified service providers. 34 CFR 371.21 (j)
3. The extent to which the proposed project will be coordinated with similar or related efforts, and with other appropriate community, state, and federal resources. Key words:
Explanation : In order to meet the needs of the target population, proposals need to describe collaborative arrangements with State VR agencies (as required at 371.21 (g)) and linkages with other appropriate community, State, and Federal resources.371.21 (g) Commitments of other organizations should be clearly documented, preferably in writing, and submitted with the application
Special Application Requirements Requirement of applicants to provide assurance statements in administering an AIVR project. 34 CFR 371.21 (g) – Cooperative agreement with State VR agency 34 CFR 371.21 (g) 34 CFR 371.21 (h) – Comparable services and benefits 34 CFR 371.21 (h)
Need to do… Contact programs or agencies. Provide them information on the proposed program, for example, the abstract. (…application was developed in consultation with designated State unit ~ Sec. 121(b)(1)(C) )Sec. 121(b)(1)(C) Request Letters of Collaboration and/or Letters of Commitment from appropriate individuals who have resources to assist your consumers. Provide information on the services available for tribal members with disabilities and place the letters in the Appendices of your proposal.
Local agencies have similar goals, like: Improving employment opportunities on the reservation Providing opportunities for higher education for tribal members Transition from school to work Housing opportunities for tribal members Alleviating transportation issues Counseling services for tribal members
4. The extent to which the proposed project encourages consumer involvement. Key words:
Explanation : Methods of encouraging consumer involvement include providing opportunities for input from American Indians with disabilities residing on or near the reservation (as required at 371.21 (f) ), establishment of an advisory committee as described at 34 CFR 369.45, or other approaches.371.21 (f) 34 CFR 369.45
#1 Consumer Involvement INFORMED CHOICE –Sec. 102(b)(2)(B) : Informed Choice – An individual plan for employment shall be developed and implemented in a manner that affords eligible individuals the opportunity to exercise informed choice in selecting an employment outcome, the specific vocational rehabilitation services to be provided under the plan, the entity that will provide the vocational rehabilitation services, and the methods used to procure the services, consistent with subsection (d).Sec. 102(b)(2)(B) Full participation in the development of their INDIVIDUALIZED PLAN FOR EMPLOYMENT (IPE). See Section 102(b) Development of an IPE102(b)
34 CFR 369.45 Sec. 369.45Sec. 369.45: What are the special requirements pertaining to the membership of project advisory committees? If an advisory committee is established under a project, its membership must include persons with disabilities or their representatives and other individuals to be assisted within the project, providers of services, and other appropriate individuals.
Other Examples: Input and involvement in organizing a Disability Awareness Day Drop box for public comment Consumer Satisfaction Surveys Focus Groups
5. The quality of the methodology to be employed in the proposed project. Key words:
Explanation : Describe the overall plan for the project and how the goals, objectives, outcomes, project design and methodology are directed toward the provision of VR services for the achievement of employment outcomes. The overall project design should be compatible with the assurance statements made in response to the special application requirements at 34 CFR 371.21 (a)-(j). Proposals should identify the measurable results expected to be achieved during each year of the project.
What does “METHODOLOGY” mean? Technique Manner of working Mode of operation Custom Habit Course Rule Modes Standard Procedures Way Process Practice Routine Styles
The methodology is explaining HOW you will undertake the tasks associated with your objectives to achieve your proposed goals.
How will your method provide culturally appropriate services to your consumers? How will your method result in successful employment outcomes for your consumers? How will your method improve and expand opportunities for successful consumer employment?
In this section you will present the goals and objectives of the project that are consumer-driven. Describe how the program will operate from day one. Describe coordinating services from key stakeholders
25 POINTS Quality of the Project Services
Criterion 1. The quality and sufficiency of strategies for ensuring equal access and treatment for eligible project participants who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. 2. The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed project are appropriate to the needs of the intended recipients or beneficiaries of those services. 3. The likely impact of the services to be provided by the proposed project on the intended recipients of those services. 4. The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed project involve the collaboration of appropriate partners for maximizing the effectiveness of project services.
1. The quality and sufficiency of strategies for ensuring equal access and treatment for eligible project participants who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. Key words:
Explanation …describe how the program will… provide rehabilitation services that are comparable to those provided by State VR agencies, including providing a broad variety of VR services as described in section 103 of the Act. (see also Special Application 371.21(a))103 of the Act371.21(a) …describe other aspects of service provision, including providing services traditionally used by Indian tribes and providing traditional VR services in a culturally appropriate manner. …demonstrate that persons with disabilities will be able to access services as required by the American with Disabilities Act.
What does equal access & treatment mean? Everyone has a fair chance to apply for VR services and everyone is treated the same during the application process. Each individual applying for VR services will meet the same eligibility criteria: 1. Is the applicant a member of a state or federally recognized tribe? 2. Does the applicant live on or near the reservation or service area? 3. Does the applicant have a mental or physical disability that impedes their employment? 4. Does the applicant require and will benefit from VR services resulting in a successful employment outcome.
The availability of program applications, brochures, including material in alternate format Dissemination of same program information/material to all applicants, consumers, and family members Ensure facilities and parking are accessible (e.g., addressing ADA requirements) Provide transportation and conduct home visits, as needed Examples:
Provide interpreters and TDD/TTY services Ensure privacy and maintain confidentiality of all applicants and consumers Provide information on Client Assistance Program Provide information on availability of traditional healing services used by your tribe Satellite Field Offices Examples:
2. The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed project are appropriate to the needs of the intended recipients or beneficiaries of those services. Key words:
Explanation …describe how the program will… provide rehabilitation services that are comparable to those provided by State VR agencies, including providing a broad variety of VR services as described in section 103 of the Act. (see also Special Application 371.21(a))103 of the Act371.21(a) …describe other aspects of service provision, including providing services traditionally used by Indian tribes and providing traditional VR services in a culturally appropriate manner. …demonstrate that persons with disabilities will be able to access services as required by the American with Disabilities Act.
Section 371.41 (a) (2) Provision of traditional healing services – Expenditures for services reflecting the cultural background of the American Indians being served, including treatment provided by native healing practitioners who are recognized as such by the tribal vocational rehabilitation program when the services are necessary to assist an individual with disabilities to achieve his or her vocational rehabilitation objectives.
Questions to ask yourself: How do you know that the services are appropriate to the needs of tribal members with disabilities? Seriously, How do you know? Explain. What kind of VR services are needed to address the consumer needs to achieve employment outcomes? To determine this: - Ask your consumers - Ask individuals with disabilities - Ask family members - Ask your staff and collaborating agencies - Ask potential employers
3. The likely impact of the services to be provided by the proposed project on the intended recipients of those services. Key words:
Explanation Descriptions of the appropriateness and impact of services must relate to the purpose of the program, which is the achievement of employment outcomes by American Indians with disabilities. …describe other impacts of services to be provided by the project.
The ULTIMATE impact is an EMPLOYMENT outcome
Other outcomes may include: Increased self-esteem and confidence of consumers Learning how to advocate for self and for others Role-model for others Enhance quality of life to live independently Integrated employment setting Employment with good benefits and career advancement
Key words: 4. The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed project involve the collaboration of appropriate partners for maximizing the effectiveness of project services.
Explanation …include a description of how collaboration and linkages described under “Quality of Project Design” contribute to the effectiveness of project services.
Again, it sounds like you are repeating what you wrote in the Quality of Project Design #3, but now… Explain how you will MAXIMIZE the EFFECTIVENESS of the partnerships you have identified. Give examples of the agencies that you will partner with and provide information on the services available to your consumers. This is addressing comparable services and benefits as described in 34 CFR 371.21 (h).34 CFR 371.21 (h). Make reference to the Letters of Collaboration and Letters of Commitment in the appendices.
In this section you want to reinforce your ability to provide culturally appropriate services, comparable to the state VR. Keeping in mind the needs of the consumers and the likely impact.
15 POINTS Quality of Project Personnel
Criterion 1. The extent to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from persons who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. 2. The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, of key project personnel.
1. The extent to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from persons who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. Key words:
Explanation As stated at 34 CFR 371.43(b), preference in employment must be given to American Indians, with a special priority being given to American Indians with disabilities.34 CFR 371.43(b)
In this section, describe: Who is currently employed? (Native American, female, disability, education, VR experience, other relevant experience). How does the tribe maintain culturally appropriate and qualified staff? What is the tribe doing to ensure the hiring of qualified staff? What does the tribe have in place to ensure the hiring of underrepresented groups within the program and in other departments in the tribe?
Title 25, U.S. Code, Section 472 and 473 Preference in hiring is given to qualified American Indians in accordance with the Indian Preference Act. Applicants claiming Indian preference must submit verification of tribal affiliation or other acceptable documentation of Indian heritage.
Recruitment and Hiring: What are the tribal policies and procedures that involve recruitment and hiring of new staff? Advertisement in tribal newspapers Recruitment locations Application process Interview process Background Check process Hiring process Training/re-training process
2. The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, of key project personnel. Key words:
Explanation Provide a resume for the project director and other key project personnel, such as VR counselors. For each of the key personnel not identified at the time of application, provide a job description or the qualifications sought for the position. …the applicant can also propose use of training and other staff development activities to enhance these qualifications. Program regulations at 34 CFR 371.41(a) (1) allow for expenditures for staff development. …describe staff development efforts that are funded by the grant or that provided through collaborative arrangements with any other appropriate resource, including, but not limited to, the State VR agency.
Summary of all key personnel’s background (e.g., tribal affiliation, individual with a disability, educational background, work experience) Summary of preferred qualifications, education level, and primary roles and responsibilities. Include information on related training that the person has completed. Include resumes in appendices of the director and VR Counselors. For vacant key positions include the job descriptions in the appendices. Provide information for key personnel:
In this section, you want to showcase the ability of your staff to appropriately and adequately address the needs of your consumers and to administer the grant... Don’t be shy!
10 POINTS Adequacy of Resources
Criterion 1. The adequacy of support, including facilities, equipment, supplies, and other resources, from the applicant organization or the lead applicant organization. 2. The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential significance of the proposed project. 3. The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and benefits.
1. The adequacy of support, including facilities, equipment, supplies, and other resources, from the applicant organization or the lead applicant organization. Key words:
Explanation: Describe the facilities that will be used… …consider how the applicant will meet the requirements for confidentiality of information at 34 CFR 369.46 and the extent to which facilities and other resources are fully accessible by individuals with disabilities. Identify specific contributions to the project by the applicant and by collaborating organizations, including in-kind contributions, cost sharing, donations, etc.
Facilities Describe the facilities that will be used for the project. How are these facilities paid for? How are the facilities and other resources fully accessible by individuals with disabilities? If they are not, what is the timeline to get them accessible and who will pay for them?
34 CFR 369.46 What are the special requirements pertaining to the protection, use, and release of personal information? (a) All personal information about individuals served by any project under this part, including lists of names, addresses, photographs, and records of evaluation, must be held confidential. (b) The use of information and records concerning individuals must be limited only to purposes directly connected with the project, including project evaluation activities. This information may not be disclosed, directly or indirectly, other than in the administration of the project unless the consent of the agency providing the information and the individual to whom the information applies, or his or her representative, have been obtained in writing… The final product of the project may not reveal any personal identifying information without written consent of the individual or his or her representative.
What will the lead applicant (the tribe) contribute? To calculate the tribal 10% match, divide the requested Federal funds by 9 for each year. Example: If your requested federal funds total $300,000.00 Your required tribal match is $33,333.33 The match or in-kind may include: -Office space or a building -Building modifications -Office furniture, equipment, and supplies -Staff -Vehicles -Cash
2. The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential significance of the proposed project. Key words
Explanation When describing the relationship of cost to objectives, design, significance, and outcomes, the proposal can provide information about any special factors that influence the cost.
Cost: Are there any factors that influence cost? Personnel salaries and fringe benefits Rural location (travel line item) Staff development and training Cost for contractual assessments and evaluations of clients High or low client caseload and expected number of employment outcomes Indirect cost rate
3. The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and benefits. Key words:
Refer to: Proposed Budget –Personnel/Fringe Benefits –Travel –Equipment –Supplies –Contractual –Other Proposed Goals and Objectives –How many consumers will the program serve each year and how many will achieve an employment outcome each year? –How does this change from year to year? –How did you come up with this number?
In this section you will demonstrate the infrastructure to support the program and that the costs are reasonable to the overall goal(s), operation, and outcomes.
15 POINTS Quality of the Management Plan
Criterion 1. The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing project tasks. 2. The extent to which the time commitments of the project director and principal investigator and other key project personnel are appropriate and adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed project.
1. The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing project tasks. Key words:
Explanation: …describe the process by which the goals and objectives will be met, such as the roles and responsibilities of project staff, and when and how these will be achieved. Major tasks and activities should be broken down into action steps to be completed by specific dates. Applicants can use a timetable, GANTT chart, or Pert Chart to graphically present the sequence and relationship of project activities to be included in the proposal.
WHO… Who will administer the Project? Who are the Key Personnel? Who are the Consultants? Who are the Collaborators? Who will submit necessary reports? Who is responsible for carrying out the specific objectives and action steps of your project?
What… What are the program goals and objectives? What are the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the key personnel to accomplish the objectives of the project? What will the consultants be responsible for? What dissemination material will be developed, including alternate format? What supplies or equipment will be needed to accomplish an objective or an activity? What is the expected outcome for each objective?
When… When will the objectives begin and end? When will program evaluations begin and end? When will staff be hired and trained as needed? When will major benchmarks be scheduled for each year? When will dissemination material be developed and utilized?
2. The extent to which the time commitments of the project director and principal investigator and other key project personnel are appropriate and adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed project. Key words
Explain the FTE for each staff member and briefly describe their primary job responsibilities and duties. Are the time commitments adequate to carry out the program objectives and related activities? How do the job responsibilities and duties of each staff member relate to the objectives of the project? If the Director is serving as a director for other projects, and the FTE is supported by the tribe, is the time commitment of the director adequate to successfully manage your program? Time commitments:
In this section you will show who is responsible for what, how and when!
5 POINTS Quality of the Project Evaluation
Criterion 1. The extent to which the methods of evaluation are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the proposed project. 2. The extent to which the methods of evaluation include the use of objective performance measures that are clearly related to the intended outcomes of the project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data to the extent possible. 3. The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide performance feedback and permit periodic assessment of progress toward achieving intended outcomes.
1. The extent to which the methods of evaluation are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the proposed project. Key words:
Explanation Describe how appropriate and reliable data will be obtained and evaluated.
Methods of evaluation may include: Internal and External Evaluators Needs Assessment Consumer Satisfaction Survey (consumer input) Focus Groups Program audits covered by tribal resources Personnel Evaluations
Types of evaluation may include: Formative Summative Performance monitoring/audit Outcome Impact Performance management Cost/benefit
2. The extent to which the methods of evaluation include the use of objective performance measures that are clearly related to the intended outcomes of the project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data to the extent possible. Key words:
Explanation Proposals can consider use of external evaluation methods.
QUANTITATIVE Data described in terms of a quantity or number. Quantitative data is collected through closed- ended questions, where users are given a limited number of answer choices, or asked to answer on a scale. While quantitative data collection is suitable for collecting numeric data such as age, income, number of staff, number of children, etc., many types of information can be collected quantitatively if placed on a scale.
QUALITATIVE Data described in terms of a quality, as opposed to “quantity”. Qualitative data is often obtained through asking open-ended questions, to which the answers are not limited to a set of choices or a scale. Qualitative data collection is most useful when you would like information in people’s own words, or when the questions you are asking have too many possible answers for you to be able to list them. Qualitative data is more time-consuming to analyze than quantitative data, but can be a worthwhile and important part of a data collection effort.
3. The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide performance feedback and permit periodic assessment of progress toward achieving intended outcomes. Key words:
Explanation …include a description of how evaluation activities will be phased in with other project tasks to ensure that periodic assessment provides performance feedback to project staff in time to influence the conduct of the project. Evaluation methods can include methods of gathering consumer input.
All proposed evaluation methods and/or activities should provide you with performance feedback, and if appropriate, provide a plan of action to resolve problem areas (project components) where improvement or corrective action is required. If your evaluation method is not working, you will need to consider other methods. Don’t develop complicated methods that you don’t have resources to carry out, or expertise to implement. Remember …
This section ties in with your goals and objectives…Be sure you evaluate to those goals. And don’t forget, evaluation will help you not only prove your program, but improve it as well!
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