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Assertive Case Management & Feedback as a Clinical Intervention Linda May, PhD, MFT – Case Manager Rachel Loewy, PhD – Clinical Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Assertive Case Management & Feedback as a Clinical Intervention Linda May, PhD, MFT – Case Manager Rachel Loewy, PhD – Clinical Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assertive Case Management & Feedback as a Clinical Intervention Linda May, PhD, MFT – Case Manager Rachel Loewy, PhD – Clinical Director

2 Family-aided Assertive Community Treatment A clinical and employment intervention  Rapid, crisis-oriented initiation of treatment  Case management using key Assertive Community Treatment methods Integrated, multidisciplinary team Outreach PRN; rapid response Continuous case review References (see details of reference on handouts): FACT: Integrating Family Psychoeducation and Assertive Community Treatment by William R. McFarlane, MD A Comparison of Two Levels of Family-Aided Assertive Community Treatment by William R. McFarlane, MD, etal. Moving Assertive Community Treatment into Standard Practice by Susan D. Phillips, MSW, etal. - Assertive Community Treatment: Information for Practitioners, Implementation Tips NAMI SF website print out

3 FACT  Psychoeducational multifamily groups  Supported employment and education  Collaboration with schools, colleges and employers  Cognitive assessments used in school or job  Low-dose atypical antipsychotic medication  Mood stabilizers, as indicated by symptoms

4 Practitioners have found...  Renewed interest in work  Increased job satisfaction  Improved ability to help families and consumers deal with issues in early stages  Families and consumers take more control of recovery and feel more empowered

5 Family practitioners Pediatricians School guidance counselors, nurses, social workers Employers General Public Mental health clinicians Military bases and recruiters Clergy Emergency and crisis services College health services Case Mgt

6 Case Example  Prodrome to Psychosis History: substance abuse, attention and motivational problems Parent with SMI, caretaking parent evolved to critical, overprotective Client isolated, decreased function, increasing symptoms Client ambivalence re diagnosis, meds Crisis intervention, team interventions – minimize trauma of treatment

7 Providing Feedback to Clients and Their Families Rachel Loewy, PhD

8 Talking about symptoms  Use client’s words  Identify “thinking problems”  Identify other areas of concern (anxiety, depression, substance use, etc.)  Confirm with client/family- ask for feedback  Identify areas of functioning impacted by symptoms

9 Explaining risk for psychosis  Define “psychosis” in lay language (e.g. can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not real)  Identify thinking problems as “high-risk” symptoms or “psychosis”  Explain that majority of people with UHR syndrome do not develop a psychotic disorder, but 20-40% do so within 1 year  Advantages of early intervention and hope for recovery: describe high level of functioning now associated with psychosis

10 Explaining risk for psychosis  Identify client/family’s strengths that serve as protective factors  Identify specific risk factors for client (substance use, refuses treatment, social isolation, etc)  Invite reactions/questions from client & family; provide empathic support  Discuss feedback again with additional family members present or after further assessments as part of an “ongoing dialogue.”

11 Treatment recommendations  Commend for seeking help “early”  Medical assessment to rule out other causes (blood work, EEG, CT scan)  Individual/group therapy for specific symptom clusters (e.g. CBT for depression/anxiety/thinking problems substance abuse treatment  Psychiatrist evaluation

12 Treatment recommendations  Family support through MFGs (provide guidelines handout). As appropriate, recommend single family therapy.  Decide on action plan (will provide specific referrals, etc.)  Encourage client/family to call with any questions.  Repeat feedback at second meeting with more family members, or after further assessment

13 Differential diagnosis & treatment  Bipolar Disorder NOS Describe depression & treatment recommendations Describe hypomania and risk for mania Describe social impairment Describe cognitive impairment  Describe difference between Bipolar, schizophrenia and schizoaffective,  Emphasize diagnostic uncertainty in the face of pressure regarding diagnosis  Discuss risk for full psychosis in context of family history  Medications for bipolar and prodrome  Identify signs to watch out for and a plan for possible increase in symptoms (communicate with family member), despite current refusal of treatment

14 Thanks for joining us, Next week – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Early Psychosis

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