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Tree Species Diversity Cameron and Rachael Introduction to Local Biomes Module 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Tree Species Diversity Cameron and Rachael Introduction to Local Biomes Module 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tree Species Diversity Cameron and Rachael Introduction to Local Biomes Module 2

2 Introduction w Rain forests are unquestionably among the most intricate, sensitive, endangered and unknown ecosystems on Earth w This study consists of the familiarization with the local ecology by mapping the different number of trees within certain areas.

3 Introduction (continued) w Factors that provide the structure of a local biome are either biotic or abiotic. w Abiotic factors can be rainfall, slope and topography w Biotic factors may be such things as the presence of an animal species that contributes to dispersal or absence of a predator species. w Another important factor in the composition of the biodiversity is area. Larger areas will have more species.

4 Methodology w Standard for tree measurements was a height of 1.35m and a circumference of 15cm. w Plots were created with areas of: 5 x 5m, 5 x 10m, 10 x 10m, 10 X 20m, and 20 x 20m. w The first plot studied was smallest (5 x 5m) and then with respect to increasing area with the largest plot (20 x 20m). w For each plot the morphospecies was noted as well as the number of each of those specific trees w Descriptions were made for each tree species found

5 Number of Trees and Individual Species per plot for Group A’s first site

6 Number of Trees and Individual Species per plot for Group B’s first site

7 Number of Trees and Individual Species per plot for Group A’s second site

8 Number of Trees and Individual Species per plot for Group B’s second site

9 Species Area Curve for Site 1 (Group A and B)

10 Species Area Curve for Site 2 (Group A and B)

11 Discussion w All sites experienced generally the same abiotic conditions. These conditions should have similar effects on biodiversity w From these results, it was seen that tree species diversity generally increases as the area is increased. w However, the species area curve graphs suggests that there is a limit to species diversity.

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