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Thank you Connections Outcomes – Key Government Priority Individual’s Outcomes Personalisation Quality Strategy Carers Strategy SDS Bill IntegrationCCOF.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you Connections Outcomes – Key Government Priority Individual’s Outcomes Personalisation Quality Strategy Carers Strategy SDS Bill IntegrationCCOF."— Presentation transcript:


2 Thank you

3 Connections


5 Outcomes – Key Government Priority Individual’s Outcomes Personalisation Quality Strategy Carers Strategy SDS Bill IntegrationCCOF

6 A Scottish Approach? Outcomes and prevention Lorna Ascroft Lead for Self-directed Support


8 8 outputs (goods and services produced by the program) activities (how the program carries out its work) intermediate outcomes (the benefits and changes resulting from the outputs) end outcomes (impacts) (the final or long-term consequences) Examples negotiating, consulting, inspecting, drafting legislation Examples checks delivered, advice given, people processed, information provided, reports produced Examples satisfied users, jobs found, equitable treatment, illegal entries stopped, better decisions made Examples environment improved, stronger economy, safer streets, energy saved Immediate outcomes (the first level effects of the outputs) Examples actions taken by the recipients, or behaviour changes Results A results chain External Factors

9 Transformational change?

10 Foundations for Self-directed Support There are things to choose from Strategic commissioning makes a wider range of support options available to people People have resource Financial resources are allocated to people in a fair and transparent way People have information There is better access to information services for people who are eligible for care and support and, where appropriate, the wider population People know where to get information Supported people are more aware of the information services available to them to help them to make their choice and manage their support

11 Join the conversation We are on twitter @SG_SDSPolicy Join our Yammer Community:

12 A Focused Conversation



15 Conversation - One Building on the input this morning what would be the operational implications of creating an eligibility framework based on outcomes? – social work role – financial management, keeping to budget – engagement with people in need of support

16 Conversation - Two Building on the input this morning what would be strategic implications of creating an eligibility framework based on outcomes? – establishing lawfulness – political – strategic commissioning – management of equity


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