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CS 104 October 26, 2011 App Inventor. Agenda Discuss guest speakers Discuss quiz Finish Paint Pot Discuss concepts from Chapters 2 & 3 Mole Mash (if time.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 104 October 26, 2011 App Inventor. Agenda Discuss guest speakers Discuss quiz Finish Paint Pot Discuss concepts from Chapters 2 & 3 Mole Mash (if time."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 104 October 26, 2011 App Inventor

2 Agenda Discuss guest speakers Discuss quiz Finish Paint Pot Discuss concepts from Chapters 2 & 3 Mole Mash (if time permits)

3 Terminology Components Behaviors Sensor Arrangement Canvas Event Event Handler Variable Image Sprite Procedure

4 Components Used in the design portion Button User clicks the button and some action occurs. Canvas Can display an image or appear blank. The user can interact with the canvas while running the app. Checkbox The user makes a selection from a list of options. Image Can be for added appeal, but it is a static element. Label Descriptive text for the user to read. Textbox Box for in which the user enters information.

5 Arrangements Purpose  Helps organize components  Makes the screen more readable Horizontal Arrangement Vertical Arrangement

6 Behaviors Behaviors are the actions of the components Some components in the design may require some action, it is up to the programmer to create these actions

7 Events and Event Handlers Some components such as a button require a trigger, an event, to occur in order for the behavior to begin A button is clicked A canvas is touched Once the event takes place, an event handler is required (the event must have code associated with it) in order for some action to occur

8 Sensors Sensors read in information and pass it along AccelerometerSensor  Shaking  Measure acceleration LocationSensor  Longitude  Latitude  Altitude (device dependent)  Address OrientationSensor (device shouldn’t be moving)  Roll  Pitch  Azimuth

9 Variable A place in memory that holds various information

10 Procedure A block of code we use to prevent rewriting the same code repeatedly Two types  Procedure that returns a value (like a reporter block in BYOB)  Procedure that does not return a value (like a command block in BYOB)

11 What’s Next Team Project #2

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