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Environmental Knowledge Utilisation and Decision Making Climate Knowledge Exchange Network Workshop 27th June Dr Duncan Russel Politics, SSIS

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Knowledge Utilisation and Decision Making Climate Knowledge Exchange Network Workshop 27th June Dr Duncan Russel Politics, SSIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Knowledge Utilisation and Decision Making Climate Knowledge Exchange Network Workshop 27th June Dr Duncan Russel Politics, SSIS E-mail:

2 How knowledge is used in decision making - Researching the users and generators - Supply and demand dynamics - Politics of knowledge use Overview of Research Interest

3 1. Nurturing relationships over time, dialogue. 2. Engaging users and creators in the research process -joint research -joint publications 3. Targeting outputs: - select committee reports - briefing papers (e.g. World Bank)/guidance (Defra) - presenting to decision makers - presenting to other disciplines Methods and strategies for communication and impact generation

4 Reflections and challenges Need to move beyond linear technical-rational understandings of knowledge utilization

5 Reflections and challenges Reality more messy (see Susan Owens 2012) - Knowledge is used strategically/politically -Knowledge impacts over long time scales; the build up of knowledge over time; enlightenment moments - Knowledge can be co-produced through recursive interactions between decision makers and knowledge producers. FromTo Nutley, 2012

6 References Nutley, S. (2012) Paper Presented at the NERC-funded VNN, BRIDGE Decisions Workshop, London, May 3-4 th Owens, S. (2012) Experts and the Environment—The UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 1970–2011. Journal of Environmental Law (2012) 24(1): 1-22 Experts and the Environment—The UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 1970–2011

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