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Recreation.Gov: A Business Overview. History 1995 1997 1999 20032007 2011 NRRS Created by USACE, USFS & BLM 1st Inter- Agency Contract Awarded to

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Presentation on theme: "Recreation.Gov: A Business Overview. History 1995 1997 1999 20032007 2011 NRRS Created by USACE, USFS & BLM 1st Inter- Agency Contract Awarded to"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recreation.Gov: A Business Overview

2 History 1995 1997 1999 20032007 2011 NRRS Created by USACE, USFS & BLM 1st Inter- Agency Contract Awarded to Reserve. Launched Including USACE, USFS, BLM DOI, USACE, USDA under One Contract R1S launches Rec.Gov Interagency Portal with ReserveAmerica

3 Contract Objectives Provide high-quality easily accessible "one stop" reservations Provide recreation related trip planning services Offer Services at a fair and reasonable cost. Emulate other commercial reservation systems and reservation/tourism industry service standards. Provide a “customer-driven” service Market Federal recreation opportunities Provide an agency user-friendly service

4 Program Components Reservation Database National Recreation Reservation Service (NRRS) Recreation Information Database (RIDB) Recreation One Stop (“R1S”)

5 Program Components - NRRS Trip PlanningReservations

6 Program Components - RIDB

7 Participating Agencies Agency & Bureau Department of Agriculture - USDA U. S. Forest Service U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation National Park Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Archives & Records Administration

8 Number of Facilities Compound Annual Growth 2006 to 2010 1.0 percent

9 Reservation Volume Compound Annual Growth 2006 to 2010 10.5 percent

10 Reservation Method -2010 81 % All Reservations Advanced Reservations

11 Revenue Compound Annual Growth 2006 to 2010 9 percent $79,100,000

12 Current Contract Awarded in 2007 to ReserveAmerica Inc. Approximately 10 years (3.5 year base plus six one year options) to September 2016 Performance Based – Not How, but What

13 Current Contract Reservation Services: Trip planning; activities and facilities; permits, passes Operations Multiple Sales Channels (e.g. web, call center & field) Data Sharing Information Management Technology Inventory Management

14 Current Contract Management & Support Services Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Financial Management Reporting Future Enhancements

15 Current Contract Contract costs are paid per reservation (for camping), per ticket, per permit and vary by sales channel Some Agencies embed the reservation fee component into the facility charge, others charge separately Contract includes volume discount pricing

16 Current Contract Fund Management –Contractor does not have control of funds –All distributions handled by Government

17 Business Rules Toll Free Number Booking Windows Operations Manual (On Line)


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