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Chpter 9 Normal and Abnormal Sexual Development
CLINICAL GYNECOLOIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND INFERTILITY Chpter 9 Normal and Abnormal Sexual Development OBGY R1 Lee Eun Suk
Normal Sex Differentiation
Gender identity the result of the following determinants Genetic sex Gonadal sex Internal & external genitalia The secondary sexual characteristics that appear at puberty The role assigned by society Four major steps which constitute normal sexual differentiation Fertilization and determination of genetic sex Formation of organs common to both sexes Gonadal differentiation Differentiation of the internal ducts and external genitalia
Fertilization and Determination of Genetic Sex
Step 1 in sex differentiation: Determination of genetic sex Egg (23,X) + Sperm (23,X)=46,XX genetic female OR Egg (23,X) + Sperm (23, Y)=46, XY genetic male karyotype
Formation of Organs Common to Both Sexes
The fertilized egg multiplies to form a large number of cells Differentiation of the sex organs in this development ; At that stage, both 46,XX & 46,XY fetuses have similar sex organs, specifically Gonadal ridges Internal ducts External genitalia
Internal reproductive organs
Gonadal Differentiation
The important event in gonadal differentiation is of the gonadal ridge to become either an ovary or a testis In males, the gonadal ridge develops into testes as a result of a product from a gene located on the Y chromosome “Testis determining factor" (TDF) : Gonadal medullary resion -> Sertoli cell “Sex determining region of the Y chromosome" (SRY) In females, the absence of SRY, due to the absence of a Y chromosome, permits the expression of other genes which will trigger the gonadal ridge to develop into ovaries
Gonadal Differentiation
Pseudoautosomal region The distal ends of the short arms of the X and Y chromosomes During meiosis the homologous distal short arms of the X and Y chromosomes pairs, and interchange of genetic material occurs in autosomes Gene deletions in this area of the X chromosome (Xp22.3) are associated with various conditions short stature , mental retardation, X- linked ichthyosis, Kallmann’s sydrome
Gonadal Differentiation
Subsequent sexual differentiation requires direction by various genes with TDF SRY: The Y chromosome sex determinants region SOX9: An autosomal testis-determining gene DAX1: A potential testis-suppressing gene on X-chromosome SF1: The link between SRY and the male development pathway WT1: necessary for normal renal and gonadal development WNT4: A potential ovary-determining gene on an autosome
Gonadal Differentiation
SRY Sex determining region of the Y chromosome Locate on the short arm of the Y chromosome Transcription factor contains HMG (high-mobility group) box - a DNA binding domain => conrol of gene transcrition Investigations of the DNA-binding properties of the protein of SRY in the promoter P450 aromatase (conversion of testosterone to estradiol that is down-regulated in the embryo) & anti-mullerian hormone (responsible for regression of the mullerian ducts) The expression of SRY in the tissue destined to become a gonad directs the cells of this gonadal primordium to differentiate as Sertoli cell
Gonadal Differentiation
SOX9 : An autosomal testis-determining gene (SRY-like box) genes are similar in sequence to SRY : an extra copy of SOX9 developes males, even if they have no SRY gene – XX mice made transgenic for SOX9 develop testes SF1 ; Steroidogenic factor, necessary to make the bipotential gonad Collaboration with SOX9 ïƒ elevate levels of AMH transcription Wnt4 : Activate DAX1 expression Lack the Wnt4 gene ïƒ Ovary fail to form properly, express testis specific markers
Postulated cascades leading to the formation of the sexual phenotypes
Summary of key genetic events in early sex determination
Migration of primordial germ cells to the urogenital ridge Differentiation of the bipotential gonadal tissue under the direction of WT-1 and SF-1 SRY activation of male-specific genes, especially SOX9, to produce the testes by cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and vascularization Ovarian differentiation by suppression of SOX9 through the activity of DAX1 and Wnt4
Summary of the genetics of gonadal dysgenesis
Gonadal streaks without germ cells in XX or XY (female phenotype) : Deficiencies in WT-1 or SF-1 Lack of testicular development in XY individuals pure gonadal dysgenesis (female phenotype) : Deficiencies in SRY or SOX9 Male phenotype in a 46,XX individual : Presence of SRY Mixed gonadal dysgenesis in mosaics (varying phenotype) : Excess DAX1
Internal reproductive organs - Embryonic development
Urinary and genital tract Closely related, anatomically and embryologically Embryologic urinary system -> important inductive influence on developing genital system Anomalies in one system are often mirrored by anomalies in another system Urinary system, internal reproductive organs & external genitalia Develop synchronously at an early embryologic age
Kidney, renal collecting system & ureters from nephrogenic cord
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct
Singular importance for the following reasons Grows caudally in developing embryo to open an excretory channel into the primitive cloaca and outside world Serves as starting point for development of the metanephros which becomes definitive kidney Differentiates into the sexual duct system in male Although regressing in female fetuses, inductive role in development of the paramesonephric or mullerian duct
Mullerian duct Paramesonephric or mullerian ducts - development
Form lateral to mesonephric ducts Grow caudally and then medially to fuse in midline Contact urogenital sinus in region of the post. urethra at slight thickening known as sinusal tubercle
Duct System Differentiation - Male
TDF Results in degeneration of gonadal cortex and differentiation of the medullary region of the gonad into Sertoli cells Sertoli cells Secrete glycoprotein known as anti-mullerian hormone(AMH) Regression of paramesonephric duct system in male embryo Signal for differentiation of Leydig cells from the surrounding mesenchyme
Duct System Differentiation - Female fetus
In the absence of TDF, medulla regresses and cortical sex cords break up into isolated cell clusters (-> primordial follicles) In the absence of AMH & testosterone Mesonephric duct system degenerates Then, paramesonephric duct system develops Inf. fused portion Uterovaginal canal -> uterus and upper vagina Cranial unfused portions Open into celomic cavity (future peritoneal cavity) Fallopian tubes
Anti-Müllerian Hormone
A member of the transforming growth factor-ß family Regression of Müllerian duct system in male embryo AMH has an inhibitory effect on oocyte meiosis Plays a role in the descent of the testes Inhibits surfactant accumulation in the lungs Proteolytic cleavage of AMH produces fragments that have the ability to inhibit growth of various tumor ( a potential therapeutic application)
Duct System Differentiation
Leydig cells Produce testosterone & dihydrotestosterone with 5a-reductase Testosterone Responsible for evolution of mesonephric duct system into vas deferens, epididymis, ejaculatory duct & seminal vesicle At puberty, leads to spermatogenesis & changes in primary and secondary sex characteristics DHT(dihydrotestosterone) Results in development of the male external genitalia , prostate and bulbourethral glands
External Genitalia Differentiation
In the female, absence of androgens permits the external genitalia to remain feminine The genital tubercle becomes the clitoris The labioscrotal swellings → the labia majora The urogenital folds → the labia minora In the male, fetal androgens from the testes masculinize the external genitalia The genital tubercle grows to become the penis The labioscrotal swellings fuse to form the scrotum
External Genitalia
Abnormal Sexual Development
Disorders of fetal Endocrinology
Primary gonadal defect – Swyer syndrome
How many children are born with intersex conditions?
A conservative estimate is that 1 in 2000 children born will be affected by an intersex condition 98 % of affected babies are due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia
EXCESS FETAL ANDROGENS Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21 -hydrxylase deficiency 11-hydroxylase deficiency 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency EXCESS MATERNAL ADROGEN Maternal androgen secreting tumours (ovary, adrenal) Maternal ingestion of androgenic drugs
21-hydrxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Cholesterol Pituitary Pregnenolone Progesterone ACTH 17-OH progesterone Adrenal cortex 21-hydroxylase  Androgens Cortisol Cortisol Androgens
There are several different forms of CAH, each related to one of the enzymes necessary to transform cholesterol to cortisol (hydrocortisone) StAR / 20,22-hydroxylase, 3 -hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase / hydroxylase / 21-hydroxylase and 11 -hydroxylase When one of these enzymes is deficient, this leads to a hyperfunction and increased size (hyperplasia) of the adrenals Among the various forms of CAH, the 21-hydroxylase deficiency is by far the most frequent, representing more than 95% of all cases Defect in cortisol biosynthesis, with or without aldosterone def, androgen excess
Masculinized females CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA - Biochemistry
Steroid 21 hyrdoxylase is a cytochrome p-450 enzyme located in ER Catalyzed the conversion of 17-hydoxyprogesterone to 11-hydroxycortisol :precursor of cortisol Conversion of progesterone to deoxycortisterone :precursor of aldosterone This enzyme deficiency -> adrenal cortex is stimulated & over production of cortisol precursor
Pathways of steroid biosynthesis in the adrenal cortex
Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
Clinical menifestation
Salt wasting type : severe form with a concurrent defect in aldosterone synthesis Simple virilizing type : normal aldosterone biosynthesis Both are together termed classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency There is also a mild,nonclassic form : may be asymptomatic Classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency : 1 in 16,000 births
75 percent of patients with classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency ïƒ severely impaired 21-hydroxylation of progesterone ïƒ cannot synthesis of aldosterone Elevated of 21-hydroxylase precursor: aldosterone antagonist Aldosterone deficiency ïƒ hypovolemia and hypereninemia, and hyperkalemia (esp. in infant) Cortisol deficiency ïƒ poor cardiac contractility, poor vascular resp. to catecholamine, and GFR ↓ , antidiuretic H ↑
So together : hyponatremic dehydration and shock Adrenal medulla : depending on the glucocorticoid in part ïƒ so salt wasting 21hyroxylase deficiency ïƒ catecholamine deficiency ïƒ exacerbating shock Identify : e, aldosterone, plasma renin (hyperkalemia and low aldosterone and hyperreninemia)
Ambiguous genitalia Girls with classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency :
exposed to high level of adrenal androgen level (GA 7 wks) Girls with ambiguous genitalia: -a large clitoris -rugated and partially fused labia majora -uterus,fallopian tubes, and ovaries : normal Boys : -no overt signs of the disease except variable and subtle hyperpigmentation and penile en-largement
Postnatal virilization
Exposed to the high levels of sex steroids Rapid growth (usually androgen effect) Advanced bone age ïƒ premature epiphyseal closure (androgen’s extragonatal aromatization of estrogen) Pubic and axillary hair: early develop Girl : clitorial growth Young Boys : penile growth Long term stimulation : central precocious puberty
Linear growth A meta-analysis of data from 18 centers showed
: 1.4 SD below the population mean Both undertreatment and overtreatment : risk for short stature Undertreatment : causing premature epiphyseal closure induced by high levels of sex steroids Overtreatment : glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of the growth
Reproductive function
Girls : problem at the reproductive system -oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea -prenatal androgen exposure: effect to sex-role behavior Boys : fewer problems
Normal infant :100ng/dl (17 hydroxyprogesterone) Affected infants:10000ng/dl ↑ New born -> screening test 10% (severe affected infant) : 17 hydroxyprogesterone level ↓ Preterm or sick infants -> 17 hydroxyprogesterone level ↑↑ The severity of hormonal abnormalities: depends on the type of 21-hydroxylase def Salt wasting : 17-hydroxyprogesterone: ng/dl
Random 17-hydroxyprogesterone(17-Ohpro) >80 ug/L or 242 nmol/L (nl : <2.95 ug/L or 9 nmol/L) Salt losing > nonsalt loser -> corticotropin stimulation test : unneeded Genetic analysis -> prenatal testing Nonclassic CAH : random 17-OHpro : nl -> Screening : early morning basal 17-OHpro level >1.5 ug/L (4.5 nmol/L) in children & >2.0 ug/L(6nmol/L) in women during follicular phase of menstrual cycle -> Corticotropin ST(250ug of tetracosactide(cosyntropin) ) : any time during the day => positive : 17-OHpro >15.0 ug/L(45nmol/L)
Heterozygote carrier : mild elevation, 17-OHpro <10 ug/L(30nmol/L) following CST Carrier : symptoms or signs of the disease Premature adrenarche 1/3 : heterozygote carriers of 21-OH def (recent) 17-OHpro :10-15 ug/L -> DDx of heterozygote carrier or homozygote affected Pt -> Genetic analysis
According to the clinical course & hormonal level Purpose : normal growth, B.Wt, pubertal development, optimal adult height Growth velocity, body Wt velocity, bone age maturation F/U Classic 21-OH def -> glucocorticoid : adrenal androgen secretion ↓ -> mineralocorticoid : electrolytes & plasma renin activity normalization
Treatment Problems Hypercortisolism (iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome) - Sn & Sx : obesity, growth failure, adult short stature, striae, osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia Symptoms of hyperandrogenism : virilism, infertility of female, precocious virilisation of male, early puberty, adult short stature
Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid therapy
Hydrocortisone of physiologic dose -> corticotropin & androgen production suppression (Ð¥): 6 mg/m2/day Hydrocortisone 12-15mg/m2/day -> sufficient androgen suppression 20 mg/m2/day (neonatal period) 25 mg/m2/day -> do not use Dose variability factor Indivudual variation in the metabolism and sensitivity Previous degree of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression High dose glucocorticoid short course therapy
Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid therapy
Mineralocorticoid (fludrocortisone) : plasma renin activity ->mid normal range Dose : ug/day Nonsalt losing :elevated plasam renin activity Infant with salt losing : NaCl supply ->1-2 g/day 17mEq Na/NaCl 1g
Commonly, serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone & androstenedione level Testosterone level in female and prepubertal male Test time : early morning(8:00 AM) Target level of 17-OHpro : 4-12 ug/L (12-36 nmol/L)
Classic CAH fetus – pregnant women : Dexamethasone-> fetal pituitary adrenal axis inhibition & affected female’s genital ambiguity↓ Risk : mother & father - carrier -> classic CAH female’s 1/8 Masculinisation of external genitalia : 6weeks gestation -> start Tx Chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis -> male or unaffected female -> Tx stop Affected female ->70% normal birth or sl virilization
Incompletely Masculized Males
What is AIS? A genetic condition where affected people have male chromosomes & male gonads with complete or partial feminization of the external genitals An inherited X-linked recessive disease with a mutation in the Androgen Receptor (AR) gene resulting in: Functioning Y sex chromosome Abnormality on X sex chromosome Types CAIS (completely insensitive to AR gene) -External female genitalia -Lacking female internal organs PAIS (partially sensitive-varying degrees) -External genitalia appearance on a spectrum (male to female) MAIS (mildly sensitive, rare) -Impaired sperm development and/or impaired masculinization Also called Testicular Feminization
Androgen Receptor Gene
AIS results from mutations in the androgen receptor gene, located on the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq11-q12) The AR gene provides instructions to make the protein called androgen receptor, which allows cells to respond to androgens, such as testosterone, and directs male sexual development Androgens also regulate hair growth and sex drive Mutations include complete or partial gene deletions, point mutations and small insertions or deletions
The Process of Sexual Development
In AIS the chromosome sex and gonad sex do not agree with the phenotypic sex Phenotypic sex results from secretions of hormones from the testicles The two main hormones secreted from the testicles are testosterone and mullerian duct inhibitor Testosterone is converted into dyhydrotestosterone Mullerian duct inhibitor suppresses the mullerian ducts and prevents the development of internal female sex organs in males Wolffian ducts help develop the rest of the internal male reproductive system and suppress the Mullerian ducts Defective androgen receptors cause the wolffian ducts & genitals to be unable to respond to the androgens testosterone and dihydrotestosterone
AIS Fetus Development Each fetus has non-specific genitalia for the first 8 weeks after conception When a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes an egg an XY embryo is produced and the male reproductive system begins to develop Normally the testes will develop first and the Mullerian ducts will be suppressed and testosterone will be produced Due to the inefficient AR gene cells do not respond to testosterone and female genitalia begin to form The amount of external feminization depends on the severity of the androgen receptor defect CAIS: complete female external genitalia PAIS: partial female external genitalia MAIS: Mild female external genitalia, essentially male
5-alpha reductase deficiency
Normal internal genitalia : testes secrete T, MIH causes Mullerian ducts to degenerate Lack of DHT leads to inadequate masculinization of external genitalia at birth Testes in labia or inguinal canal Urogenital sinus: urethra & blind vagina Prostate gland: small or absent At puberty, lots of T ïƒ testes descend, scrotum darkens, phallus enlarges, muscular & deep voice
Testing for AIS Tests During Pregnancy
Chorionic Villus Sampling (9-12 weeks) Ultrasound and Amniocentesis (after 16 weeks) After Birth Presence of XY Chromosomes Buccal Mouth Smear Blood Test Pelvic Ultrasound Histological Examination of Testes
Treatments Surgery Orchidectomy or gonadectomy Removal of the testes
Vaginal lengthening Genital plastic surgery Reconstructive surgery on the female genitalia if masculinization occurs Phalloplasty Vaginoplasty Pressure dilation Clitorectomy
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