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In the name of God How To Get A Paper Accepted In TRANSACTIONS? Dr. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow, IEEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "In the name of God How To Get A Paper Accepted In TRANSACTIONS? Dr. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow, IEEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the name of God How To Get A Paper Accepted In TRANSACTIONS? Dr. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow, IEEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

2 Introduction Prestigious and a lot of Status in the Professional Community One Transactions Paper=Four Conference Paper? More Transactions Publications will Promote Your Fame For an Engineer in Industry, Reflects Success in Career

3 What is Publishable in Transaction? Results of Research Which Have Archival Value The Material: Current Interest Potential Importance in Future Invention Made Investigation on a Technical Topic Important for Application Further Technology advancement in Future State-of-the-Art Survey Papers by Experienced Professionals

4 What is Publishable in Transaction? Best Paper Prize (Donald G. Fink Award) Research Results: Immediate Application After a Prolonged Period of Time Nobel Prize or Top Awards Are Given When Contribution Establishes Importance in the Society

5 What is Publishable in Transaction? Results of Research For a Technology Topic May Include: Description Mathematical Analysis Simulation Study Experimental Results

6 What is Publishable in Transaction? Simulation or “Virtual Experiment” Sophisticated User-Friendly Validation of Concept or Analytical Results As Good As the Model Should Be Accurate Enough For a General Technology Topic: Experimental Results The Material is Transactions Paper Worthy

7 Organizing the Paper First Step: Organize the Content Expertise Writing Skill of Communication Clear, Concise, Well-Organized with Logical Flow of Expressions Review Some Good Paper The Title Should Clearly Reflect the Contribution Authors Order: First Author Co-Authors in the Order of Their Magnitude of Contribution

8 Organizing the Paper Next Step: Collection of the References in IEEE Format References are Important for Writing the All Introduction Relevant Contributions Have Been Cited in the Paper

9 Organizing the Paper Next Step: Planning of Figures With: Appropriate Labels and Titles Fully Explanatory and convey Clearly Contribution A Figure= Thousand Words Light Grid with Clear Description of the Variables and Their Scales The Figures Can Only Be Finalized After Preparation of the Full Draft Paper

10 Organizing the Paper Next Step: Planning the Different Sections and Subsections with: Appropriate Title Assign the Figures in the Sections Organize the Main Equations with Appropriate Symbols Definition of the Symbols Locally Organize All the Points in Detail and in Proper Sequence for each Section and Subsection Before Starting the Paper Writing

11 Writing in Correct English Next Step: Preparation of the Draft Paper with Full Concentration Correct English: Composition Grammar Spelling Fuzziness or Ambiguity of Expressions Rejection Because of Poor English Acceptance Because of Good Writing

12 Writing in Correct English Writing the Abstract Writing the Introduction Highlight The General Importance of Work Importance reason Description of Past Contributions With References Avoiding the Name of the Contributors Emphasizing why Your Work is Novel and Superior to Others Description of Concepts in Logical Sequence Conclusion Acknowledgement

13 Is the material publishable in Trans? Plan an appropriate title Prepare final paper (Iterate-iterate-iterate) Write draft paper List author/co- authers(show IEEE membership) Finalize all the figures Collect material for each section/subsection Collect all relevant refrences Plan figures with title Plan sections and subsection YES

14 Satisfy These Questions Q1. Are the Figures Crystal Clear with Adequate Labels and Title? Q2. Have You Expressed Everything Correctly, Clearly, Concisely, and in Logical Sequence? Q3. Forgotten Any Relevant References? Q4. Is the Paper Formatting and Length Ok? Q5. Are there Errors in English?

15 The Review Process Two Reviewers Recommend Acceptance or Rejection Ideal Review Process Personal Biasing Relevant Works Have Not Been Cited Occasional English Errors Unfamiliar Symbols in Equations Not Understanding Well the Paper Clumsy Figures Recommendation for Major Revision


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