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4.3 Theoretical genetics
4.3 Theoretical genetics: Objectives
1- Define genotype, phenotype, dominant allele, recessive allele, codominant alleles, locus, homozygous, heterozygous, carrier and test cross. 2- Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a monohybrid cross using a Punnett grid. 3- State that some genes have more than two alleles (multiple alleles). 4- Describe ABO blood groups as an example of codominance and multiple alleles. 5- Explain how the sex chromosomes control gender by referring to the inheritance of X and Y chromosomes in humans.
6- State that some genes are present on the X chromosome and absent from the shorter Y chromosome in humans. 7- Define sex linkage. 8- Describe the inheritance of color blindness and hemophilia as examples of sex linkage. 9- State that a human female can be homozygous or heterozygous with respect to sex-linked genes. 10- Explain that female carriers are heterozygous for X-linked recessive alleles. 11- Predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of offspring of monohybrid crosses involving any of the above patterns of inheritance. 12- Deduce the genotypes and phenotypes of individuals in pedigree charts. Heredity SL.pptx Heredity Student version.pptx heredity.ppt
Definitions Allele: an alternative form of a gene, occupying a specific locus. Genotype: the genetic constitution of an organism Phenotype: the characteristics or appearance (structural, biochemical ..) of an organism Dominant allele: is the allele that has the same effect on the phenotype whether it is present in the homozygous or heterozygous state. recessive allele: an allele that has an effect on the phenotype only when present in the homozygous state. codominant alleles: Pairs of allele that both affect phenotype when present in a heterozygous state. locus: particular position on the homologous chromosomes of a gene Homozygous: having two identical alleles of a gene heterozygous: having two different alleles of a gene. carrier: an individual that has one copy of a recessive allele that causes a genetic diseases in individuals that are homozygous. test cross: testing a suspected heterozygote by crossing it with a known homozygous recessive.
Flower color Purple White Flower position Axial Terminal Seed color
Flower color Purple White Flower position Axial Terminal Seed color Yellow Green Seed shape Round Wrinkled Pod shape Inflated Constricted Figure 9.2D The seven pea characters studied by Mendel. Mendel studied seven characteristics for pea plants. Later studies have shown that pea plants have seven pairs of chromosomes, and each of these characteristics is on a different chromosome. This explains why Mendel’s results were not affected by genetic recombination. Pod color Green Yellow Stem length Tall Dwarf
Mendelain Genetics Example of a monohybrid cross
Example of a monohybrid cross Parental generation: purple flowers white flowers F1 generation: all plants with purple flowers F2 generation: of plants with purple flowers of plants with white flowers Mendel needed to explain Why one trait seemed to disappear in the F1 generation Why that trait reappeared in one quarter of the F2 offspring For the BLAST Animation Single-Trait Crosses, go to Animation and Video Files. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. This early material introduces many definitions that are vital to understanding the later discussions in this chapter. Therefore, students need to be encouraged to master these definitions immediately. This may be a good time for a short quiz to encourage their progress. 2. Many students benefit from a little quick practice with a Punnett square. Have them try these crosses for practice: (a) PP pp and (b) Pp pp. 3. For students struggling with basic terminology, an analogy between a genetic trait and a pair of shoes might be helpful. A person might wear a pair of shoes in which both shoes match (homozygous), or less likely, a person might wear shoes that do not match (heterozygous). 4. Another analogy that might help struggling students is a pair of people trying to make a decision about where to eat tonight. One person wants to eat at a restaurant, the other wants to eat a meal at home. This (heterozygous) couple eats at home (the dominant allele “wins”). 5. Figure 9.4 can be of great benefit when introducing genetic terminology of genes. For students struggling to think abstractly, such a visual aid may be essential when describing these features in lecture. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
of plants have purple flowers of plants have white flowers
P generation (true-breeding parents) Purple flowers White flowers F1 generation All plants have purple flowers Fertilization among F1 plants (F1 ´ F1) Figure 9.3A Crosses tracking one character (flower color). F2 generation of plants have purple flowers 3 – 4 of plants have white flowers 1 – 4
Mendel’s law of segregation describes the inheritance of a single character
Four Hypotheses Genes are found in alternative versions called alleles; a genotype is the listing of alleles an individual carries for a specific gene For each characteristic, an organism inherits two alleles, one from each parent; the alleles can be the same or different A homozygous genotype has identical alleles A heterozygous genotype has two different alleles There is an allele for purple flower color and a different allele for white flower color. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. This early material introduces many definitions that are vital to understanding the later discussions in this chapter. Therefore, students need to be encouraged to master these definitions immediately. This may be a good time for a short quiz to encourage their progress. 2. Many students benefit from a little quick practice with a Punnett square. Have them try these crosses for practice: (a) PP pp and (b) Pp pp. 3. For students struggling with basic terminology, an analogy between a genetic trait and a pair of shoes might be helpful. A person might wear a pair of shoes in which both shoes match (homozygous), or less likely, a person might wear shoes that do not match (heterozygous). 4. Another analogy that might help struggling students is a pair of people trying to make a decision about where to eat tonight. One person wants to eat at a restaurant, the other wants to eat a meal at home. This (heterozygous) couple eats at home (the dominant allele “wins”). 5. Figure 9.4 can be of great benefit when introducing genetic terminology of genes. For students struggling to think abstractly, such a visual aid may be essential when describing these features in lecture. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Mendel’s law of segregation describes the inheritance of a single character
Four Hypotheses If the alleles differ, the dominant allele determines the organism’s appearance, and the recessive allele has no noticeable effect The phenotype is the appearance or expression of a trait The same phenotype may be determined by more than one genotype Law of segregation: Allele pairs separate (segregate) from each other during the production of gametes so that a sperm or egg carries only one allele for each gene In reference to hypothesis 3, in the F1 generation, plants received a purple allele from one parent and a white allele from the other. The purple allele is dominant since all the F1 plants have purple petals. In reference to hypothesis 4, in general, a dominant allele provides instructions for producing a functional protein. A recessive allele may lead to a nonfunctional protein or the complete absence of the protein. Mendel needed to explain: Why one trait seemed to disappear in the F1 generation—This is explained by dominance of the purple allele over the white allele. Why that trait reappeared in one fourth of the F2 offspring—This is explained by the segregation of alleles, the generation of all possible combinations of gametes, and the dominance of the purple allele. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. This early material introduces many definitions that are vital to understanding the later discussions in this chapter. Therefore, students need to be encouraged to master these definitions immediately. This may be a good time for a short quiz to encourage their progress. 2. Many students benefit from a little quick practice with a Punnett square. Have them try these crosses for practice: (a) PP pp and (b) Pp pp. 3. For students struggling with basic terminology, an analogy between a genetic trait and a pair of shoes might be helpful. A person might wear a pair of shoes in which both shoes match (homozygous), or less likely, a person might wear shoes that do not match (heterozygous). 4. Another analogy that might help struggling students is a pair of people trying to make a decision about where to eat tonight. One person wants to eat at a restaurant, the other wants to eat a meal at home. This (heterozygous) couple eats at home (the dominant allele “wins”). 5. Figure 9.4 can be of great benefit when introducing genetic terminology of genes. For students struggling to think abstractly, such a visual aid may be essential when describing these features in lecture. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Genetic makeup (alleles) P plants PP pp
PP pp Gametes All P All p F1 plants (hybrids) All Pp Gametes 1 – 2 P 1 – 2 p Sperm Figure 9.3B Explanation of the crosses in Figure 9.3A. A Punnett square is used to show all possible fertilization events for parental gametes. In three quarters of the F2 genotypes, there will be at least one dominant allele. P p F2 plants Phenotypic ratio 3 purple : 1 white P PP Pp Eggs Genotypic ratio 1 PP : 2 Pp : 1 pp p Pp pp
Homologous chromosomes show the alleles for each character
For a pair of homologous chromosomes, alleles of a gene locate at the same locus Homozygous individuals have the same allele on both homologues Heterozygous individuals have a different allele on each homologue Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. Figure 9.4 can be of great benefit when introducing genetic terminology of genes. For students struggling to think abstractly, such a visual aid may be essential when describing these features in lecture. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Gene loci Dominant allele P a B P a b Recessive allele Genotype: PP aa
Gene loci Dominant allele P a B P a b Recessive allele Figure 9.4 Matching gene loci on homologous chromosomes. Genotype: PP aa Bb Homozygous for the dominant allele Homozygous for the recessive allele Heterozygous
Geneticists use the testcross to determine unknown genotypes
Testcross Mating between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual Will show whether the unknown genotype includes a recessive allele Used by Mendel to confirm true-breeding genotypes Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. Consider challenging your students to explain why a testcross of two black Labs of unknown genotypes might not reveal the genotype of each dog. (If both dogs are heterozygous, or homozygous, the results would reveal the genotypes because the offspring would either be three dark and one brown or all dark. But if one black Lab was homozygous and the other heterozygous, we could not determine which Lab has which genotype.) Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Two possibilities for the black dog:
Testcross: Genotypes B_ bb Two possibilities for the black dog: BB or Bb Figure 9.6 Using a testcross to determine genotype. If the black Labrador retriever has the Bb genotype, chocolate offspring are expected. To test whether a round-seeded pea plant is true breeding, what plant would you use for the testcross? A wrinkled-seeded plant. What result would show that the round-seeded plant was NOT true breeding? Having wrinkled-seeded plants among the offspring of the testcross. Gametes B B b b Bb b Bb bb Offspring All black 1 black : 1 chocolate
Genetic traits in humans can be tracked through family pedigrees
A pedigree Shows the inheritance of a trait in a family through multiple generations Demonstrates dominant or recessive inheritance Can also be used to deduce genotypes of family members Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students might think that dominant alleles are naturally (a) more common, (b) more likely to be inherited, and (c) better for an organism. The text notes that this is not necessarily true. However, this might need to be emphasized further in the lecture. Teaching Tips 1. Students also seem to learn much from Figure 9.8b by analyzing the possible genotypes for the people whose complete genotype is not known. Consider challenging your students to suggest the possible genotypes for these people. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Dominant Traits Recessive Traits Freckles No freckles Widow’s peak
Freckles No freckles Figure 9.8A Examples of single-gene inherited traits in humans. This figure shows three traits that are determined by single genes with alternate alleles. The role of the dominant allele in influencing the phenotype when at least one copy is present can be emphasized here. Widow’s peak Straight hairline Free earlobe Attached earlobe
First generation (grandparents) Ff Ff ff Ff Second generation
First generation (grandparents) Ff Ff ff Ff Second generation (parents, aunts, and uncles) FF ff ff Ff Ff ff or Ff Third generation (two sisters) Figure 9.8B Pedigree showing inheritance of attached versus free earlobe in a hypothetical family. ff FF or Female Male Ff Affected Unaffected
Many inherited disorders in humans are controlled by a single gene
Inherited human disorders show Recessive inheritance Two recessive alleles are needed to show disease Heterozygous parents are carriers of the disease-causing allele Probability of inheritance increases with inbreeding, mating between close relatives Dominant inheritance One dominant allele is needed to show disease Dominant lethal alleles are usually eliminated from the population Students may assume that dominant alleles are “better” and most common. The role of dominant alleles in causing some diseases shows that dominant alleles are not always advantageous. In addition, the incidence of these disease-causing dominant alleles is low, showing that recessive alleles can be more common than dominant ones. In general, a dominant allele leads to the production of a functional protein. In the case of a homozygous recessive genotype, a nonfunctional protein may be produced or the protein may be entirely absent. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the gene for a membrane protein (CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) that controls chloride ion balance across cell membranes. Individuals with at least one copy of the dominant allele produce sufficient amounts of CFTR and are unaffected by the disease. In the homozygous recessive genotype, the CFTR is produced in an altered form that is not inserted in the cell membrane. The resulting ion imbalance leads to the buildup of sticky mucus that causes cystic fibrosis symptoms. Teaching Tips 1. The 2/3 fraction noted in the discussion of carriers of a recessive disorder for deafness often catches students off guard as they are expecting odds of 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4. However, when we eliminate the dd (deaf) possibility, as it would not be a carrier, we have three possible genotypes. Thus, the odds are based out of the remaining three genotypes Dd, dD, and DD. 2. As a simple test of comprehension, ask students to explain why lethal alleles are not eliminated from a population. Several possibilities exist: The lethal allele might be recessive, persisting in the population due to the survival of carriers, or the lethal allele might be dominant, but is not expressed until after the age of reproduction. 3. Ask your class (a) what the odds are of developing Huntington’s disease if a parent has this disease (50%) and (b) whether they would want this genetic test if they were at risk. The Huntington Disease Society website, offers many additional details. It is a good starting point for those who want to explore this disease in more detail. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Parents Normal Dd Normal Dd ´ Sperm D d Dd Normal (carrier) DD Normal
Parents Normal Dd Normal Dd Sperm D d Dd Normal (carrier) DD Normal D Offspring Eggs Figure 9.9A Offspring produced by parents who are both carriers for a recessive disorder. This diagram shows the inheritance of deafness, a recessive trait, from two heterozygous parents. Dd Normal (carrier) dd Deaf d
Book page 163 Table 9.9 Some Autosomal Disorders in Humans.
Incomplete (codominance) dominance results in intermediate phenotypes
Incomplete (codominance) dominance Neither allele is dominant over the other Expression of both alleles is observed as an intermediate phenotype in the heterozygous individual Phenotype ratio = genotype ratio= 1:2:1 Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. After reading the preceding modules, students might expect all traits to be governed by a single gene with two alleles, one dominant over the other. Modules 9.11–9.15 describe deviations from this simplistic model of inheritance. 2. As these variations of Mendel’s laws are introduced, students are likely to get confused and become uncertain about the prior definitions. Consider keeping a clear definition of these different patterns of inheritance available for the class to refer to as new patterns are discussed (perhaps as a handout for student reference). 3. As your class size increases, the chances increase that at least one student will have a family member with one of the genetic disorders discussed. Some students may find this embarrassing, but others might have a special interest in learning more about these topics, and may even be willing to share some of their family’s experiences with the class. Teaching Tips 1. Incomplete dominance is analogous to a compromise, or a gray shade. The key concept is that both “sides” have input. Complete dominance is more analogous to an authoritarian style, overruling others and insisting on things being a certain way. Although these analogies might seem obvious to instructors, many students new to genetics appreciate them. 2. Another analogy for cholesterol receptors is fishing poles. The more fishing poles you use, the more fish you can catch. Heterozygotes for hypercholesterolemia have fewer “fishing poles” for cholesterol. Thus, fewer “fish” are caught and more “fish” remain in the water. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
P generation Red RR White rr Gametes R r F1 generation Pink Rr Gametes
Red RR White rr Gametes R r F1 generation Pink Rr Gametes 1 – 2 R 1 – 2 r Figure 9.11A Incomplete dominance in snapdragon color. This figure shows incomplete dominance in flower color. The difference in color between the RR and Rr genotypes is proposed to be a dosage effect, where the presence of one allele allows the production of half as much pigment as the presence of two alleles. Sperm 1 – 2 R 1 – 2 r F2 generation RR rR 1 – 2 R Eggs Rr rr 1 – 2 r
Many genes have more than two alleles in the population
Multiple alleles More than two alleles are found in the population(to control one trait) A diploid individual can carry any two of these alleles The ABO blood group has three alleles, leading to four phenotypes: type A, type B, type AB, and type O blood An example for blood type inheritance: Mr. Jones has type A blood. His wife has type AB blood. Their first child has type B blood. What are the possible phenotypes for future offspring and the probabilities for each one? The type B child has the genotype IBi, receiving the IB allele from Mrs. Jones and the i allele from Mr. Jones. Therefore Mr. Jones has a heterozygous genotype, IAi. If he were homozygous for the IA allele, then he could only have children with type A or type AB blood. Mrs. Jones has the genotype IAIB. IAi IAIB ¼ type AB, ¼ type B, ½ type A Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. After reading the preceding modules, students might expect all traits to be governed by a single gene with two alleles, one dominant over the other. Modules 9.11–9.15 describe deviations from this simplistic model of inheritance. 2. As these variations of Mendel’s laws are introduced, students are likely to get confused and become uncertain about the prior definitions. Consider keeping a clear definition of these different patterns of inheritance available for the class to refer to as new patterns are discussed (perhaps as a handout for student reference). 3. As your class size increases, the chances increase that at least one student will have a family member with one of the genetic disorders discussed. Some students may find this embarrassing, but others might have a special interest in learning more about these topics, and may even be willing to share some of their family’s experiences with the class. Teaching Tips 1. Students can think of blood types as analogous to socks on their feet. You can have socks that match, a sock on one foot but not the other, you can wear two socks that do not match, or you can even go barefoot (type O blood)! Developed further, think of Amber (A) and Blue (B) socks. Type A blood can have an Amber sock with either another Amber sock or a bare foot (or “zero” sock). Blue socks work the same way. One amber and one blue sock is the AB blood type. No socks, as already noted, represent type O. 2. Consider specifically comparing the principles of codominance (expression of both alleles) and incomplete dominance (expression of one intermediate trait). Students will likely benefit from this direct comparison. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Many genes have more than two alleles in the population
Codominance Neither allele is dominant over the other Expression of both alleles is observed as a distinct phenotype in the heterozygous individual Observed for type AB blood An example for blood type inheritance: Mr. Jones has type A blood. His wife has type AB blood. Their first child has type B blood. What are the possible phenotypes for future offspring and the probabilities for each one? The type B child has the genotype IBi, receiving the IB allele from Mrs. Jones and the i allele from Mr. Jones. Therefore Mr. Jones has a heterozygous genotype, IAi. If he were homozygous for the IA allele, then he could only have children with type A or type AB blood. Mrs. Jones has the genotype IAIB. IAi IAIB ¼ type AB, ¼ type B, ½ type A Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. After reading the preceding modules, students might expect all traits to be governed by a single gene with two alleles, one dominant over the other. Modules 9.11–9.15 describe deviations from this simplistic model of inheritance. 2. As these variations of Mendel’s laws are introduced, students are likely to get confused and become uncertain about the prior definitions. Consider keeping a clear definition of these different patterns of inheritance available for the class to refer to as new patterns are discussed (perhaps as a handout for student reference). 3. As your class size increases, the chances increase that at least one student will have a family member with one of the genetic disorders discussed. Some students may find this embarrassing, but others might have a special interest in learning more about these topics, and may even be willing to share some of their family’s experiences with the class. Teaching Tips 1. Students can think of blood types as analogous to socks on their feet. You can have socks that match, a sock on one foot but not the other, you can wear two socks that do not match, or you can even go barefoot (type O blood)! Developed further, think of Amber (A) and Blue (B) socks. Type A blood can have an Amber sock with either another Amber sock or a bare foot (or “zero” sock). Blue socks work the same way. One amber and one blue sock is the AB blood type. No socks, as already noted, represent type O. 2. Consider specifically comparing the principles of codominance (expression of both alleles) and incomplete dominance (expression of one intermediate trait). Students will likely benefit from this direct comparison. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Figure 9.12 Multiple alleles for the ABO blood groups.
Blood Group (Phenotype) Antibodies Present in Blood Reaction When Blood from Groups Below Is Mixed with Antibodies from Groups at Left Genotypes Red Blood Cells O A B AB Anti-A Anti-B O ii IAIA or IAi A Carbohydrate A Anti-B IBIB or IBi B Carbohydrate B Anti-A Figure 9.12 Multiple alleles for the ABO blood groups. This figure emphasizes the phenotypic manifestation of codominance. Alleles IA and IB are codominant. Allele IA causes the production of carbohydrate A, while allele IB causes the production of carbohydrate B. For the genotype IAIB, both types of carbohydrates are found on the cell surface. The phenotype differs from either of the IAIA or IBIB homozygotes and does not appear as an intermediate as would be seen for intermediate dominance. Another human example of codominance involves the allele for sickle cell anemia (see Module 9.13). HbS codes for an altered form of the beta-hemoglobin molecule; HbA is the nonmutant form. Individuals with the HbS HbS genotype have only the mutant form of beta-hemoglobin on their red blood cells and suffer from sickle cell anemia. Individuals with HbA HbS have both types of hemoglobin on their red blood cells and have a milder condition called sickle cell trait. Individuals with HbA HbA have only the nonmutant form of beta-hemoglobin and neither the anemia nor the trait. Sometimes the distinction between incomplete dominance and codominance depends on the level at which observations are made. One example of incomplete dominance is coat color in cattle, where roan is the heterozygous intermediate to homozygotes red and white. But roan cattle have distinct white hairs overlaying distinct dark hairs so this could be viewed as a codominant phenotype. Students are often interested in the universal donor, universal recipient descriptions for blood type. Type O is called the universal donor since the cells do not have either carbohydrate A or carbohydrate B so that antibodies in the other blood types will not cause a reaction with these cells. But type O blood contains antibodies to type A and type B. In general, the patient is given his or her own blood type in a transfusion in order to avoid adverse reactions. In an emergency, the universal donor type may be used. AB IAIB —
Blood Group (Phenotype) Genotypes Red Blood Cells O ii IAIA or IAi A
Blood Group (Phenotype) Genotypes Red Blood Cells O ii IAIA or IAi A Carbohydrate A IBIB or IBi Figure 9.12 Multiple alleles for the ABO blood groups. This figure emphasizes the phenotypic manifestation of codominance. Alleles IA and IB are codominant. Allele IA causes the production of carbohydrate A, while allele IB causes the production of carbohydrate B. For the genotype IAIB, both types of carbohydrates are found on the cell surface. The phenotype differs from either of the IAIA or IBIB homozygotes and does not appear as an intermediate as would be seen for intermediate dominance. Another human example of codominance involves the allele for sickle cell anemia (see Module 9.13). HbS codes for an altered form of the beta-hemoglobin molecule; HbA is the nonmutant form. Individuals with the HbS HbS genotype have only the mutant form of beta-hemoglobin on their red blood cells and suffer from sickle cell anemia. Individuals with HbA HbS have both types of hemoglobin on their red blood cells and have a milder condition called sickle cell trait. Individuals with HbA HbA have only the nonmutant form of beta-hemoglobin and neither the anemia nor the trait. Sometimes the distinction between incomplete dominance and codominance depends on the level at which observations are made. One example of incomplete dominance is coat color in cattle, where roan is the heterozygous intermediate to homozygotes red and white. But roan cattle have distinct white hairs overlaying distinct dark hairs so this could be viewed as a codominant phenotype. Students are often interested in the universal donor, universal recipient descriptions for blood type. Type O is called the universal donor since the cells do not have either carbohydrate A or carbohydrate B so that antibodies in the other blood types will not cause a reaction with these cells. But type O blood contains antibodies to type A and type B. In general, the patient is given his or her own blood type in a transfusion in order to avoid adverse reactions. In an emergency, the universal donor type may be used. B Carbohydrate B AB IAIB
Reaction When Blood from Groups Below Is Mixed
Blood Group (Phenotype) Antibodies Present in Blood Reaction When Blood from Groups Below Is Mixed with Antibodies from Groups at Left O A B AB Anti-A Anti-B O A Anti-B Figure 9.12 Multiple alleles for the ABO blood groups. This figure emphasizes the phenotypic manifestation of codominance. Alleles IA and IB are codominant. Allele IA causes the production of carbohydrate A, while allele IB causes the production of carbohydrate B. For the genotype IAIB, both types of carbohydrates are found on the cell surface. The phenotype differs from either of the IAIA or IBIB homozygotes and does not appear as an intermediate as would be seen for intermediate dominance. Another human example of codominance involves the allele for sickle cell anemia (see Module 9.13). HbS codes for an altered form of the beta-hemoglobin molecule; HbA is the nonmutant form. Individuals with the HbS HbS genotype have only the mutant form of beta-hemoglobin on their red blood cells and suffer from sickle cell anemia. Individuals with HbA HbS have both types of hemoglobin on their red blood cells and have a milder condition called sickle cell trait. Individuals with HbA HbA have only the nonmutant form of beta-hemoglobin and neither the anemia nor the trait. Sometimes the distinction between incomplete dominance and codominance depends on the level at which observations are made. One example of incomplete dominance is coat color in cattle, where roan is the heterozygous intermediate to homozygotes red and white. But roan cattle have distinct white hairs overlaying distinct dark hairs so this could be viewed as a codominant phenotype. Students are often interested in the universal donor, universal recipient descriptions for blood type. Type O is called the universal donor since the cells do not have either carbohydrate A or carbohydrate B so that antibodies in the other blood types will not cause a reaction with these cells. But type O blood contains antibodies to type A and type B. In general, the patient is given his or her own blood type in a transfusion in order to avoid adverse reactions. In an emergency, the universal donor type may be used. B Anti-A AB —
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Figure 9.21A Fruit fly eye color, a sex-linked characteristic.
Female Male XR XR Xr Y Sperm Xr Y Eggs XR XR Xr XR Y
XR XR Xr Y Sperm Xr Y Figure 9.21B Homozygous, red-eyed female white-eyed male. Since the female fly is homozygous for the dominant R allele, both female and male offspring will have red eyes. Eggs XR XR Xr XR Y R = red-eye allele r = white-eye allele
Then he crossed F1 X F1 F2 generation did conform the expected 3:1 ratio but there was a twist; the white eye trait showed up only in males. All the females had red eyes, whereas half of the males had white half of them had red. Why were there no white eyed females??
Female Male XR Xr XR Y Sperm XR Y XR XR XR XR Y Eggs Xr Xr XR Xr Y
XR Xr XR Y Sperm XR Y Figure 9.21C Heterozygous female red-eyed male. All of the female offspring will have red eyes, since the father will pass the X-linked R allele to all of his daughters. For the sons, there is a one-half probability of receiving the R allele or the r allele from the mother fly. XR XR XR XR Y Eggs Xr Xr XR Xr Y
Because all of the females took(inherit) at least one dominant allele from their father, so they had either XRXR or XRXr genotypes(all red phenotype). But for males, since they took their X chromosome only from mother, half of them had recessive half had dominant alleles(half white half red phenotype). Then he made another experiment to prove his idea of eye color gene is carried on the X chromosome
Female Male XR Xr Xr Y Sperm Xr Y XR XR XR XR Y Eggs Xr Xr Xr Xr Y
XR Xr Xr Y Sperm Xr Y Figure 9.21D Heterozygous female white-eyed male. White-eyed female offspring receive an r allele from the mother fly and an r allele from the father fly. XR XR XR XR Y Eggs Xr Xr Xr Xr Y
Sex-linked genes exhibit a unique pattern of inheritance
Sex-linked genes are located on either of the sex chromosomes X-linked genes are passed from mother to son and mother to daughter X-linked genes are passed from father to daughter Y-linked genes are passed from father to son The X and Y chromosomes separate during meiosis I so that the alleles linked to them segregate from each other. The Y chromosome does not have the same genes as the X chromosome so it is not able to exert dominance over X-linked alleles. XY males will show both dominant and recessive x-linked traits even though the alleles are present in only one copy. XX females must inherit two copies of an X-linked recessive allele to express the trait. Let R = red and r = white White-eyed female red-eyed male XrXr XRY XRXr and XrY (red-eyed females and white-eyed males) Red-eyed female white-eyed male XRXR XrY XRXr and XRY (red-eyed females and red-eyed males) Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. The prior discussion of linked genes addresses a different relationship than the use of the similar term sex-linked genes. Consider emphasizing this distinction for your students. Teaching Tips 1. An analogy can be drawn between sex-linked genes and the risk of not having a backup copy of a file on your computer. If you only have one copy, and it is damaged, you have to live with the damaged file. Females, who have two X chromosomes, thus have a “backup copy” that can function if one of the sex-linked genes is damaged. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
In humans, as in drosophilas, the Y chromosome carries much less genetic information than the X chromosome. One of the X linked inheritance is color blindness called Daltonism. They cannot distinguish red&green colors XRXR homozygote normal vision female XRXr heterozygote normal vision female XrXr homozygote color blind female XRY normal vision male XrY color blind male Colorblindness is due to the X-linked recessive allele b, while the X-linked dominant allele B leads to full color vision. Predict the ratio of offspring phenotypes for each of the following: Colorblind female x male with full color vision XbXb XBY ½ XBXb and ½ XbY = ½ females with full color vision + ½ colorblind males Female heterozygous for colorblindness colorblind male XBXb XbY ¼ XBXb, ¼ XbXb, ¼ XBY, ¼ XbY = ¼ females with full color vision + ¼ colorblind females + ¼ males with full color vision + ¼ colorblind males Female homozygous for full color vision colorblind male XBXB XbY ½ XBXb and ½ XBY = ½ females with full color vision + ½ males with full color vision Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. The likelihood that at least some students in larger classes are color-blind is very high. Some of these students might find this interesting and want to discuss it further. However, others might be embarrassed by what might be perceived as a defect. Teaching Tips 1. For additional information about hemophilia, consider visiting the website of the National Hemophilia Foundation at Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Predict the ratio of offspring phenotypes for the following:
Female heterozygous for colorblindness colorblind male? XBXb XbY ¼ XBXb, ¼ XbXb, ¼ XBY, ¼ XbY = ¼ females with full color vision + ¼ colorblind females + ¼ males with full color vision + ¼ colorblind males
2) Haemophilia is a disease in which blood clotting doesn’t occur.
Clotting is a complex series of reactions. Each step of it requires specific enzymes. One of them is controlled by a gene on the X chromosome called factor VIII(antihaemophilic globin) XHXH normal female XHXh carrier female XhXh haemophilic female XHY normal male XhY haemophilic male
Queen Victoria Albert Alice Louis Alexandra Czar Nicholas II of Russia
There is no prior history of hemophilia in Queen Victoria’s family, so it is thought that the allele arose by spontaneous mutation in the sex cells of one of her parents Queen Victoria Albert Alice Louis Alexandra Czar Nicholas II of Russia Figure 9.22 Hemophilia in the royal family of Russia (half-filled symbols represent heterozygous carriers). There is no prior history of hemophilia in Queen Victoria’s family, so it is thought that the allele arose by spontaneous mutation in the sex cells of one of her parents. Alexis
10.2 Dihybrid crosses and gene linkage
Calculate and predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of offspring of dihybrid crosses involving unlinked autosomal genes. Distinguish between autosomes and sex chromosomes. Explain how crossing over between non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair in prophase I can result in an exchange of alleles. Define linkage Explain an example of a cross between two linked genes. Identify which of the offspring are recombinants in a dihybrid cross involving linked genes.
The law of independent assortment is revealed by tracking two characters at once
Example of a dihybrid cross Parental generation: round yellow seeds wrinkled green seeds F1 generation: all plants with round yellow seeds F2 generation: of plants with round yellow seeds of plants with round green seeds of plants with wrinkled yellow seeds of plants with wrinkled green seeds Mendel needed to explain Why nonparental combinations were observed Why a 9:3:3:1 ratio was observed among the F2 offspring Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. Understanding dihybrid crosses may be the most difficult concept in this chapter. Consider spending additional time to make these ideas very clear. As the text indicates, dihybrid crosses are essentially two monohybrid crosses. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
The law of independent assortment is revealed by tracking two characters at once
Law of independent assortment Each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation For genotype RrYy, four gamete types are possible: RY, Ry, rY, and ry For the BLAST Animation Genetic Variation: Independent Assortment, go to Animation and Video Files. For the BLAST Animation Two-Trait Crosses, go to Animation and Video Files. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students using Punnett squares need to be reminded that the calculations are expected statistical probabilities and not absolutes. Just as we would expect that any six playing cards dealt might be half black and half red, we frequently find that this is not true. This might be a good time to show how larger sample sizes increase the likelihood that sampling will reflect expected ratios. Teaching Tips 1. Understanding dihybrid crosses may be the most difficult concept in this chapter. Consider spending additional time to make these ideas very clear. As the text indicates, dihybrid crosses are essentially two monohybrid crosses. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Hypothesized (not actually seen) Actual results (support hypothesis)
Hypothesis: Dependent assortment Hypothesis: Independent assortment P generation RRYY rryy RRYY rryy Gametes RY ry Gametes RY ry F1 generation RrYy RrYy Sperm Sperm 1 – 4 RY 1 4 – rY 1 4 – Ry 1 4 – ry 1 – 2 RY 1 – 2 ry F2 generation 1 – 4 RY 1 – 2 RY RRYY RrYY RRYy RrYy Eggs Figure 9.5A Two hypotheses for segregation in a dihybrid cross. This figure compares dependent assortment to independent assortment. For dependent assortment, allele combinations present in the original parents are the only ones observed in the F2 offspring. Mendel’s results support independent assortment with nonparental combinations of round with green and wrinkled with yellow produced in the F2 generation. Note that both characteristics, seed shape and seed color, show 3:1 ratios when considered separately. Yellow is seen in 12/16 of the offspring and green is observed in 4/16 of the offspring. This confirms that these alleles are segregating from each other as predicted by the law of segregation, without interference from the other allele pair. 1 4 – rY 1 2 – ry RrYY rrYY RrYy rrYy Eggs Yellow round 1 – 4 Ry 16 –– 9 RRYy RrYy RRyy Rryy Green round 16 –– 3 Hypothesized (not actually seen) 1 – 4 ry Yellow wrinkled RrYy rrYy Rryy rryy 16 –– 3 Actual results (support hypothesis) Green wrinkled 1 16 ––
Genes on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together
Linked Genes Are located close together on the same chromosome Tend to be inherited together Example studied by Bateson and Punnett Parental generation: plants with purple flowers, long pollen crossed to plants with red flowers, round pollen The F2 generation did not show a 9:3:3:1 ratio Most F2 individuals had purple flowers, long pollen or red flowers, round pollen Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. This section of the chapter relies upon a good understanding of the chromosome sorting process of meiosis. If students were not assigned Chapter 8, and meiosis has not otherwise been addressed, it will be difficult for students to understand the chromosomal basis of inheritance or linked genes. Teaching Tips 1. Building on the shoe analogy developed in Chapter 8, linked genes are like a shoe and its shoelaces. The two are usually transferred together but can be moved separately under special circumstances. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Not accounted for: purple round and red long
Experiment Purple flower PpLl PpLl Long pollen Observed offspring Prediction (9:3:3:1) Phenotypes Purple long Purple round Red long Red round 284 21 55 215 71 24 Explanation: linked genes Parental diploid cell PpLl PL pl Meiosis Most gametes PL pl Figure 9.17 Experiment involving linked genes in the sweet pea. Fertilization Sperm PL pl PL PL PL Most offspring PL pl Eggs pl pl pl PL pl 3 purple long : 1 red round Not accounted for: purple round and red long
Crossing over produces new combinations of alleles
Linked alleles can be separated by crossing over Recombinant chromosomes are formed Thomas Hunt Morgan demonstrated this in early experiments Geneticists measure genetic distance by recombination frequency Or The probability that two genes will be seperated by crossing over is proportional to the physical distance between them in the chromosome. For the Bateson-Punnett experiment described in Module 9.17, the parental chromosomes have alleles P-----L and p------l. Crossing over between the P and L loci would yield recombinant chromosomes P-----l and p------L. Genetic distance was measured in map units where 1% recombination = 1 map unit. The map unit is also called the centimorgan, in honor of Thomas Hunt Morgan. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. This section of the chapter relies upon a good understanding of the chromosome sorting process of meiosis. If students were not assigned Chapter 8, and meiosis has not otherwise been addressed, it will be difficult for students to understand the chromosomal basis of inheritance or linked genes. 2. The nature of linked genes builds upon our natural expectations that items that are closely together are less likely to be separated. Yet, students may find such concepts initially foreign. Whether it is parents holding the hands of children or people and their pets, we generally know that separation is more likely when things are farther apart. Teaching Tips 1. Crossing over (from Chapter 8) is like randomly editing out a minute of film from two movies and swapping them. Perhaps the fifth minute of Bambi is swapped for the fifth minute of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Clearly, the closer together two frames of film are, the more likely they are to move or remain together. 2. Challenge students to explain why Sturtevant and Morgan studied the genetics of fruit flies. As the text notes, their small size, ease of care, and ability to produce several generations in a matter of weeks or months were important factors. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
A B A b A B a b a B a b Tetrad Crossing over Gametes
A B A b A B a b a B a b Tetrad Crossing over Figure 9.18A Review: Production of recombinant gametes. Gametes
GgLl (female) ggll (male)
Explanation G L g l GgLl (female) ggll (male) g l g l G L g l G l g L g l Eggs Sperm G L g l G l g L Figure 9.18C Fruit fly experiment demonstrating the role of crossing over in inheritance. This figure shows Morgan’s observations of crossing over. Parental types are the most frequent offspring, and the percentage of recombinants can be used to estimate the genetic distance. g l g l g l g l Offspring
Mutant phenotypes Short aristae Black body (g) Cinnabar eyes (c)
Mutant phenotypes Short aristae Black body (g) Cinnabar eyes (c) Vestigial wings (l) Brown eyes Figure 9.19B A partial genetic map of a fruit fly chromosome. Long aristae (appendages on head) Gray body (G) Red eyes (C) Normal wings (L) Red eyes Wild-type phenotypes
A single character may be influenced by many genes
Polygenic inheritance Many genes influence one trait Skin color is affected by at least three genes Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. After reading the preceding modules, students might expect all traits to be governed by a single gene with two alleles, one dominant over the other. Modules 9.11–9.15 describe deviations from this simplistic model of inheritance. 2. As these variations of Mendel’s laws are introduced, students are likely to get confused and become uncertain about the prior definitions. Consider keeping a clear definition of these different patterns of inheritance available for the class to refer to as new patterns are discussed (perhaps as a handout for student reference). 3. As your class size increases, the chances increase that at least one student will have a family member with one of the genetic disorders discussed. Some students may find this embarrassing, but others might have a special interest in learning more about these topics, and may even be willing to share some of their family’s experiences with the class. Teaching Tips 1. Polygenic inheritance makes it possible for children to inherit genes to be taller or shorter than either parent. Similarly, skin tones can be darker or lighter than either parent. The environment also contributes significantly to the final phenotype for both of these traits. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Figure 9.14 A model for polygenic inheritance of skin color.
P generation aabbcc (very light) AABBCC (very dark) F1 generation AaBbCc AaBbCc Sperm 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 F2 generation 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 64 –– 20 8 – 1 Figure 9.14 A model for polygenic inheritance of skin color. Polygenic inheritance is implicated in susceptibility to certain diseases including insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and schizophrenia. Eggs 8 – 1 64 –– 15 8 – 1 8 – 1 Fraction of population 8 – 1 64 –– 6 64 –– 1 64 –– 1 64 –– 6 64 –– 15 64 –– 20 64 –– 15 64 –– 6 64 –– 1 Skin color
aabbcc (very light) AABBCC (very dark) AaBbCc AaBbCc
P generation aabbcc (very light) AABBCC (very dark) F1 generation AaBbCc AaBbCc Sperm F2 generation 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 Figure 9.14 A model for polygenic inheritance of skin color. Polygenic inheritance is implicated in susceptibility to certain diseases including insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and schizophrenia. 8 – 1 Eggs 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 8 – 1 64 –– 1 64 –– 6 64 –– 15 64 –– 20 64 –– 15 64 –– 6 64 –– 1
Fraction of population
20 –– 64 15 –– 64 Fraction of population 6 –– 64 Figure 9.14 A model for polygenic inheritance of skin color. Polygenic inheritance is implicated in susceptibility to certain diseases including insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and schizophrenia. 1 –– 64 Skin color
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