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Welcome to AP Biology As you walk in, please do the following: Find your seat. They are organized alphabetically. Fill out the information on the papers.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AP Biology As you walk in, please do the following: Find your seat. They are organized alphabetically. Fill out the information on the papers."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to AP Biology As you walk in, please do the following: Find your seat. They are organized alphabetically. Fill out the information on the papers on your desk and on the back of your name card answer the following Why are you taking AP Biology?

3 September 3, 2014 Day 1 Agenda: Intro Expectations and Labs Lecture 000—Introduction Homework: Read Chpt 1 and answer questions Due on Friday Read Ch 2 and answer questions due next Friday. Get Lab Notebook/Read LAB 01

4 What to expect…  AP Biology is equivalent to a college Introductory course for Biology majors  2 semester course with lab  Invest your time (at least 1 hour a day!)  expect to spend 5-10 hours each week (at least 1 hour a day!) working on biology outside of class  you must do the textbook reading!  Lecture-based course  a lot of material to cover in too little time

5 Supporting resources  To help you learn & understand the material, you will have…  lecture notes available to you  lecture/chapter review worksheets  practice MC questions & essays  AP Biology Review Books The Principles of Life textbook Inquiry Based Lab book

6 AP Biology is a Laboratory course 1.Scientific method and Animal Behavior 2.Enzyme Catalysis 3.Diffusion & Osmosis 4.Mitosis and Meiosis 5.Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis 6.Cell Respiration 7.Molecular Biology 8.Genetics of Organisms 9.Population Genetics & Evolution 10.Transpiration 11.Physiology of the Circulatory System 12.Dissolved Oxygen & Primary Productivity

7 Lab Reports  Title  Abstract  Purpose  Hypothesis  Experimental Design  materials, methods, procedures  Data & Graphs  Conclusions & Discussion

8 How do I do well?  Exams  DO the READINGS !  STAY AWAKE in class  sleep at NIGHT! Eat breakfast!  DO the HOMEWORK  practice questions at end of each text section  discuss essays with classmates  discuss essays with teacher  Essays  based on themes & concepts we learn all year  answer with concise facts  Clear and Concise

9 How do I do well? (cont.)  Labs  pre-labs done on time  lab reports done on time  completed labs raise your grade!!  Homework & Class work  completed homework raises your grade!!  Individual work  Effort in…grade out…learning occurs…YAY!  Team work  study groups are encouraged  Communicate/ask questions  Individual responsibility  do your own work… on time!!

10 Any Questions? This is your time to ask yourselves…am I ready to put myself through this? Am I willing to put in the hours needed every day to really understand biology? Am I willing to LEARN (perhaps for the first time)?

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