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The Progressive Era. Reasons for the Progressive Era Industrialization Growing cities Influx of Immigrants Rise of Managerial Class Economic Depression.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era. Reasons for the Progressive Era Industrialization Growing cities Influx of Immigrants Rise of Managerial Class Economic Depression."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era

2 Reasons for the Progressive Era Industrialization Growing cities Influx of Immigrants Rise of Managerial Class Economic Depression

3 The Reformers “Muckrakers” Lincoln Steffens Upton Sinclair Ida Tarbell The Social gospel Charles Sheldon 2nd Great Awakening Social Work Jane Addams Other progressives Louis D. Brandeis Herbert Croly

4 Ida Tarbell

5 Hull House

6 The Professionals New Middle Class AMA Professional Bar Associations National Association of Manufacturing

7 The Working Classes Union Labor Party

8 Women Reformers in the Progressive Era

9 The Progressive Women New Professions-Dispelling the “separate sphere” myth Education Social reform clubs Temperance Movement Women’s Christian Temperance Union Frances Willard Anti-Saloon League 18th Amendment Child labor laws

10 “Drinking in America”

11 Some would say…”alcohol abuse”


13 The Suffrage Movement NAWSA Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony NWP Alice Paul ERA 19th Amendment

14 Other Women Reformers Charlotte Perkins Gilman Margaret Sanger

15 Elizabeth Cady Stanton

16 Susan B. Anthony

17 Charlotte Perkins Gilman

18 Margaret Sanger

19 The “New Woman” The “New Woman” Socioeconomic Origins of the New Woman Socioeconomic Origins of the New Woman “Boston Marriages” “Boston Marriages” Women and Reform

20 The Clubwomen The Clubwomen GFWC GFWC Women and Reform The Colored Women’s League of Washington (Library of Congress)

21 Government Reformers Municipal Level City commissions City managers State Level Robert M. LaFollette Direct primary Competitive civil service & restrictions on lobbying Election reforms Political Bosses Charles Francis Murphy

22 Robert LaFollette

23 The Educational Reformers John Dewey Charles Eliot Women’s colleges Increased enrollment

24 Racial anti-discrimination efforts W.E.B. DuBois NAACP

25 Immigration Restriction Immigration Restriction Eugenics and Nativism Eugenics and Nativism Crusades for Social Order and Reform Total Immigration, 1900-1920Sources of Immigration, 1900-1920

26 Decentralization and Regulation Decentralization and Regulation The Problem of Corporate Centralization The Problem of Corporate Centralization “Good Trusts” and “Bad Trusts” “Good Trusts” and “Bad Trusts” Challenging the Capitalist Order

27 The Socialist Party Eugene Debs IWW William Haywood

28 Eugene Debs

29 U.S. History Standards… SSUSH 13: Reasons for the Progressive Era SSUSH 13: Reasons for the Progressive Era

30 Take Five… What were some of the aims of the Progressive movement? What were some of the aims of the Progressive movement? What is a “muckraker”? What is a “muckraker”? Give an example of a “Muckraker”. Give an example of a “Muckraker”.

31 The Assassination of William McKinley

32 Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)

33 Rise to Presidency “Square Deal” “Square Deal” Governmental Policy Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act Pure Food and Drug Act Upton Sinclair Meat Inspection Act Labor reform Newlands Reclamation Act Panic of 1907 Tennessee Coal & Iron Co.

34 The Jungle…


36 Foreign Policy “speak softly, but carry a big stick” “civilized” vs “uncivilized” nations The new American Navy JapanVenezuela Russo-Japanese War Nobel Peace Prize of 1906 “Roosevelt Corollary” Platt Amendment Panama Canal John Hay Philippe Bunau-Varilla

37 Blasting at Panama






43 William Howard Taft

44 William Howard Taft (1909-1913) Rise to Presidency Governmental Policy Payne-Aldrich Tariff Department of the Interior Scandal Richard A. Ballinger The “New Nationalism” Rise of the Democratic Party The Progressive Party Foreign Policy “Dollar Diplomacy”

45 Woodrow Wilson

46 Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) Rise to Presidency “New Freedom” Governmental Policy Underwood-Simmons Act 16th Amendment The Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission Clayton Anti-Trust Act Keating-Owen Act Smith-Lever Act

47 Wilson’s Foreign Policy Dominican Republic Haiti Virgin Islands NicaraguaMexico Victoriano Huerta U.S.S. Dolphin Venustiuno Carranza Pancho Villa General John J. Pershing

48 Progressive Cons Progressive Cons Materialism Confusing goals The Court system Government influenced by industry World War I

49 Progressive Pros TrustbustingLegislation Income Tax Broadening public awareness

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