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Punctuation. Semi-colons Semi-colons connect two independent clauses containing similar or contrasting ideas Often the two clauses are also similar in.

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Presentation on theme: "Punctuation. Semi-colons Semi-colons connect two independent clauses containing similar or contrasting ideas Often the two clauses are also similar in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punctuation

2 Semi-colons Semi-colons connect two independent clauses containing similar or contrasting ideas Often the two clauses are also similar in structure Semi-colons are used WITHOUT coordinating conjunctions Do NOT capitalize the first word after the semi-colon. Semi-colons can also be used to avoid confusion with commas already in use in the sentence.

3 Semi-colon examples Martha Washington was the first First Lady; she was married to George Washington. We think of Washington, D.C. as our nation’s capital; however, the capital used to be in New York City. (uses conjunctive adverb) Abigail Adams read inspirational works, like the Bible, and philosophy; religious sermons and essays; nonfiction, including historical accounts; and she turned to her husband, John, for further instruction.

4 Periods The most common end mark Used for declarative sentences, mild imperatives, and indirect questions. Also used for abbreviations Most abbreviations end with a period, but some do not (ex. States) Used after numbers and letters in outlines

5 Period examples There are more than 10,000 species of birds. My father asked whether we saw the bald eagle. (indirect question) Fill the birdfeeder first, and then hang it in the tree. (imperative statement) The speaker will be Adam Martin, Jr. (note - you do not use a double period) I. Maintaining your pet’s health A. Diet 1. For a puppy 2. For a mature dog

6 Commas Used before coordinating conjunctions in sentences Used in a series with adjectives and nouns Except in cases with adjectives that must stay in a specific order (ex. Second- oldest building or long ticket line) Used with introductory words, phrases, or clauses (especially if five or more words) Used in parenthetical expressions Used to set off nonessential expressions or information Used in geographical names Used in the date between the day and year Used with people’s titles Used in addresses between the city and state Used after friendly greetings or salutations Used in numbers larger than three digits Used to indicate the words of an elliptical are left out Used to set off a direct quotation Used to prevent readers from misreading a sentence

7 Comma examples I like to put pepperoni, cheese, and tomato sauce on my pizza. We explored the city by bus, by train, and by car. The survey revealed that many New Yorkers were satisfied with the mayor, that they supported the new laws, and that they wanted the fiscal policy to continue. A tall, majestic building rose above the skyline. Oh, did he really say that? Certainly, you may borrow my book. Walking slowly, she reached the subway in ten minutes. When the team got off the plane, hundreds of onlookers began to cheer. Inside the house, walls began to crumble.

8 Comma examples cont. The tennis match, therefore, was held after the rain shower. We took the subway, not the bus, to work. The part was played by Henry Fonda, the famous actor. His reasoning, therefore, was faulty. My uncle lives in New York, New York. Today is Thursday, September 26. On April 8, 1999, my brother was born. Theresa Kelly, M.D., is my doctor. We sent a package to Emma Chandee, 1237 Oakland Parkway, New York, New York 10583. Dear Jimmy, 186,000 miles per second Tom read the paper quickly; Rachel, more slowly. “I finished my report on the Empire State Building,” Linda stated. For New York police, horses have been a mode of transportation. In today’s high school classrooms, there are more computers.

9 Colons Colons are used to introduce a list following an independent clause Colons are used to introduce a formal or lengthy quotation that does not use “he said/she said” or similar expression. Colons are used to introduce a sentence that summarizes or explains the sentence before it. Colons are used in formal appositives Colons are used in certain special situations

10 Colons – Special Situations Chart SituationExamples Time expressed in numerals7:00 P.M. References to periodicals (volume:page) Science 169:611-612 Biblical references (chapter:verse)Deuteronomy 4:11 Subtitles of books and magazinesThe Causes of World War I: A chronology of Events Salutations in business lettersGentlemen: Labels used to signal important ideasWarning: Trespassers will be prosecuted

11 Colon Use Examples The Unites States government has three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Helen Taft said about her husband: “It has always been my ambition to see Mr. Taft President of the United States.” Mary Todd Lincoln was very active during the Civil War: She visited hospitals, read to the soldiers, wrote them letters, and raised money. Mrs. Lincoln strongly supported the main Union policy: antislavery.

12 Game Please play once through and notify Mrs. Beidler of your score. You may then play again to try to win. If you do win, please print your certificate!

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